(Mr Brooks getting a biblical rebuke from me that he calls insulting.) The following is an answering of an email I received from Mr Brooks after I sent him a biblical testing I did of him. I found him to have a false incomplete gospel, worldliness, ecumenicalism and the sin of prideful unbiblical CCM music as so called ministry. He is not preaching the biblical gospel to anyone but he is entertaining them in the flesh. I am a traveling street preacher and I learned of who Brendan was from my preaching outside of heretical music events he is united to. I have talked/rebuked him face to face and you can see several of his events I preached at that were full of sin. This includes Brendan uniting on the same stage with a man (Sean Feucht) who does occult necromancy but Mr Brooks sang there even though I wanted him of the sin there. How shameful.... First go see the testing showing Brendan's false ways, those event preaches and the video of me rebuking him HERE then read on. See the gospel, a 10 point test and what true NT faith looks like HERE. See my teaching blog loaded with hundreds of teaching articles on the topics below HERE. ************************************************* This post is to share his email reply to me below after I sent him that testing. Note: see his words in black and my reply with **** by my words in blue. *********************************************** Lord, please keep my thoughts and words in line with what you have been telling me to say and reply. Amen ****It is good to be in tune to the Spirit / Romans 8:1 but by his fruit Mr Brooks isn't led that way. Tupos (James) when I first saw you at Wood City Music festival I was excited to go and talk to you. I always enjoy hearing both sides of a story and wanted to know why you were there and what you were standing for. I didn't have much time when you called out to me however your words were not coming to me out of love. I couldn't even finish a sentence without being interrupted and you never answered when I asked why you were being rude. ***Brendan is a liar and he thinks love is man pleasing or false unity, but Jesus, John the Baptist and Paul show us love is telling God's truth and obeying it. 1 John 5:3. Go watch the video below of me asking Brendan to bring God's truth, he just walked away. He couldn't and he walks away to go unite to a heretic music festival stage that included occult necromancer Sean Feucht. After our brief conversation and you throwing insults at me I figured an email would be more appropriate because you cant interrupt an email. **** If you call a biblical rebuke and calling you out of sin an insult, you do not know the bible very well. Mr Brooks does not know the Bible (maybe not God?) as it is godly and loving to rebuke in fact the Bible says a wise man loves it. Prov 9:8 / Brendan by his fruit isn't wise then. Here is what you have right about me: My name You found my website I played at Wood City music festival You bet I sell my CDs. You can buy one and listen to the words. It may soften your heart. ***** Brendan did unite to that heretical event with occult men including a necromancer and you can see that Mr Brooks thinks selling the things of God is ok when Jesus made a WHIP for mammon taking and He said freely give. John 2 / Matt 10:8 / And he thinks it is fleshly emotional music that affects the heart but the Bible says it is the gospel, the spirit, truth and the Word that changes us. His music is very unbiblical see the links on his testing for articles on that topic. This is what you have wrong: 1. You are calling me out 1 Tim. 5:20 which applies to Elders in the church. I am not an elder and never have been one. ****** 1 Tim 5:20 is NOT just for elders but all saints. The next verse says do nothing in partiality. We don't expose elders then no one else publicly. See Paul expose the man in sin in 1 Cor 5. Mr Brooks needs to toss out the guitar and spend more time in the holy word. 2. I was asked to come and play at Wood City music festival and am going to share the gospel wherever I go. I never even met Sean or Justin so saying that I partnered with them is a stretch. If you have information about them then lets talk. **** You didn't share a biblical gospel at all. You are a worldly, ecumenical compromiser. You were promoting them on your FB page and singing on stage with other heretics makes you united to heretics. Can you mix light and dark? Paul says NO! 2 Cor 6 / I warned Mr Brooks before he went on stage of the necromancer and he ignored it all. He is a man pleasing, ecumenical heretic in sin, not in sound doctrine so I warn here. That is truth and if it insults him then he doesn't love correction as a man of God should. 3. You called me a WHORE? Seriously **** Again Mr Brooks lies or at best ...hides truth here. I called him a MUSIC whore. He sells God in music, like a woman sells her body, so he is a MUSIC WHORE indeed. Did God tell you to sing about Him and then sell Him for mammon Brendan? No sir! I have an article about another music whore HERE and Brendan needs to be added to it soon: 4. Yes I have Go Packers on my website-guilty I guess. I watched one game last year so I must be a huge fan. **** Brendan shows his gospel is lacking as the true gospel calls you out of the fallen world to live holy 1 Peter 1:15 but he tells the world its ok to be carnal and sinful via LGBTQ approving, violent, carnal NFL football. Mr Brooks is a friend of the world and God's enemy. See James 4:4. 5. You have listed that I go to the Valton Friends Church. I have never been there for a service in my life. I don't even know who the pastor is. So you are spreading lies. Call them up if you wish. You have to answer to God for spreading lies. **** Someone wrote a whole online bio about him stating that was his church. He notified us that was false and we asap removed it from the testing. Who is online making up lies about you Mr Brooks? If only this was his worse issue but it is not. So with all this you are throwing me at Jesus feet for condemnation and he is looking at you saying if you are without sin then cast the first stone. **** More lies by him. I have condemned no one. I have exposed sin, worldliness and heretical ecumenicalism in a public person claiming my Savior and making mammon on my Lord. All of this will damn his soul to hell. I am calling him to repent. That is love per James 5 ... pulling a man from sin to save his soul. Galatians 6:1-2 says to restore one another gently. ***** I warned him of his sin and he walked on right in it asap... after that you get rejected and exposed. By the way, he is a public figure so I don't need to go to him as his sin is public and he is deceiving others. Bad context Brendan. More study 2 Tim 2:15... lose the carnal music. Romans 3:23-24 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and all are justified free by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. **** Indeed we all have fallen but we must repent and leave sin or you aren't covered. Read Heb 10:26 .... willful sin is on your account, not Jesus. Are you above reproach, Tupos? Are you more holy or righteous than any other man, Tupos? I have sinned and you have sinned, but it was because of the blood shed by Christ Jesus that you and I are even here today. You are casting a lot of judgement on a lot of people. Someday you too will be judged. You will also be judged by the way you judged others. **** I am no better than others but we are called as saints to repent and leave sin but you practice it. Jesus said you call him Lord but don't obey him Luke 6. You will be sent away as a worker of sin not a starving saint Brendan. Grace does not let you sin on. Read Romans 6 ....Paul says no!!!! And I will be judged for holding to sound doctrine and truth or not. That is what I am holding you to sir. You fail so... I am warning you and warning others of you. Your sign says churches lie. It didn't say some which means you apply ALL CHURCHES. That is casting judgement TUPOS on all. I will gladly admit that there are a lot of churches which are not preaching God's word but I will never say all because I have been in many which preach the bible fully. ***** More Brendan lies. My sign said "churches lie" and that is true, they do. It doesn't say all. But the fact is... I don't know of one in the sound gospel and sound doctrine. Name the fully biblical churches Mr Brooks that teach sound doctrine and a biblical gospel, I want to test them? He won't even tell me his churches name to be tested? We are in the last days, the great falling away. Jesus said will there be any faith left when he returns. Luke 18:8 / By the way read all of Matt 7 .... we are to judge rightly not hypocritically. More study ...lose the feminized music. Next time you stop for gas remember that you are supporting a business which sells alcohol and tobacco and lottery tickets. Next time you stop at Kwik Trip remember they sell CBD products Next time you stop at Walmart remember they support LGBT and had shelf end caps full of pride merchandise in June. Tupos, you are supporting all of these unless you say all these things are good in God's eyes. The bible calls this being a hypocrite ****** Brendan needs to forsake his man made music ministry and get some good Bible study as he is showing his lack of Bible discernment. Some men asked Jesus about Roman money ...he said give to Casear what is his and God what is God's. We are in the world but not of it. We will live here and use needed resources of the fallen world yes but...we are NOT to "spiritually unite" to others in sin. Buying gas isn't spiritual unity Brendan, are you that void of truth? That is clear all over scripture. Read Romans 16:17 / Brendan is a man pleasing compromiser making excuses for his massive sins. I love him enough to call him out of them to save his soul. In Thorp it was a neighbor who called the cops. I am not sure why because we hadn't even started the evening yet. Maybe you know why. **** Jesus said when you live for Him, you will be hated, Matt 10. Your singing fleshly unbiblical songs makes you loved not hated, proving you aren't of Him. My preaching truth on a public sidewalk made her mad, you don't make anyone mad as you don't preach truth that calls people out of sin. You are a feminized compromising musical and yes, spiritual pervert Brendan.... as you pervert God's truth to be popular. Jesus talked of a perverse generation. You tried to go to Nashville to be popular didn't you? You failed there. We are to go preach the gospel per Jesus Mark 16 not go to music and be popular! You fruit is seen. That guy that supposedly was harassing you just wanted to talk. You didn't want to talk and kept saying to send you an email and see the accusations on your website. ****More lies Brendan. That large gluttonous pastor man named Smokey that you unite to tried to stop my preaching on a public sidewalk. He told me I need a permit, he lies like you. He was rude and interrupting my preaching and I told him I didn't want to talk to him as we was a mocker. His feminist wife got in the act to rebuking me,, a man that is sinful. 1 Tim 2:11-12 / You have no clue Mr. Brooks. Lose the unbiblical music ministry that doesn't even exist in NT scripture and study more. You like to throw out darts but when someone asks you a question you walk away. ***Liar again Brendan. I asked you and warned you at the Wood City Fest to bring God's Word... YOU just walked away and its on video right here, you liar, get behind me satan! Stop lying as it is damning your soul. see Prov 6 You even hid behind a tree until you could get you angle just right of me for a video.
**** More lies. I never hid, I was right on a sidewalk preaching the entire time so I wouldn't interrupt your heretic music revival event. I hid behind no tree you wicked liar and people can see the link of that event HERE. You are a wicked liar. Oh I see, you are mad that you got rebuked in front of your wife and children perhaps?. You needed it Mr. Brooks as you are set for wrath lest you repent. John 8 as Jesus says Satan is your father. He is the father of lies. I asked you again if you wanted to talk but you walked away. Jesus didn't treat people that way. **** More Bible study and toss the guitar. We are told to mark and avoid heretics like you. Titus 3:10 and 1 Tim 6 / Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites 8 times in Matt 23. You are void of stern solid Bible truth. You are a feminized, compromised, ecumenical, false music man. Repent Brendan or perish. I was hoping you would join and worship God with us. **** You can't be serious? I am commanded to NOT unite to heretics like you. You worship with anyone, but Jesus nor the NT saints never did such things. They were fully united in one mind first in doctrinal truth. 1 Cor 1:10 / you are all confusion and that is of satan not my Father. 1 Cor 14:33 Lets not try to break each other down. We both want to see this entire world come to Christ. Time is short. Jesus is returning. *****You prove much here. First your corrupt music is NOT preaching the gospel or helping anyone into truth that saves. Then, if calling you to sound truth is breaking you down, you are NOT of the Father. I GO preach the gospel all over, every day, and I teach sound doctrine. You on the other hand are a lying, carnal music ear tickler set for judgement. By your fruit, you know not God and are NOT born of Him. / John 3;3 P.S. I CHALLENGE you to post this ENTIRE message on your website. I personally don't think you will do it. If you twist any of my words against me then you will have to answer to God for it and maybe someone will do a testing on Brother Tupos and Sister Aman **** I did it gladly as, I usual do post emails and answer them. Feel free to do a biblical testing on us and send it my way. I will test it and give an answer. I will repent publicly of anything I am in sin on per scripture. What will you do Mr Brooks? Will you repent or stay in your music whoredom, lies, ecumenicalism, worldliness and false churchianity? I have loved you with the truth. Warning you that His wrath is coming for your types is godly and biblical. 2 Thess 1:7-9 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power |
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January 2025