Disclaimer: We at dontperish.com are biblical New Testament followers of Christ who have left the denominational man made religious world, we reject the ways of the culture like TV, sports, entertainment, our ladies head cover / dress (in loose, plain dresses) according to the Word of God, we reject all pagan ways like Christmas and Easter and we cling to ONLY the biblical church ways that Jesus ordained through Paul and the other apostles. We believe and will practice only holy, orderly controlled OPEN gatherings (mostly in homes or out doors) where all born again obedient men can bring what God gives them to share. No ONE man is in control but multiple men shall over see (elders) not lord over others. My wife and I mostly travel to preach the Word and we reside both in central Wisconsin and central Missouri, spreading the Lord's truth. We have tested the religious group / cult of Living Faith Christian Fellowship in Brookfield Missouri and have exposed their MANY unbiblical, sinful ways and here is one of their unbiblical (sinful) books which we will expose also. We do this in love to warn those who might fall prey to the false teachings of this religious body and to help them avoid the trap that will lead them to eternal damnation. We would suggest you read up on Mark Bullen and understand that the church system he has is the same as his ex independent baptist system only Mark has sanitized some of the worldly sins from his body. It's the same man made religious system that is not of God only a different flavor of it to tickle more conservative itchy ears. Mark calls his church system a 'program' as you will see later. Men like mark believe the Sunday church body is the path to salvation but Christ is that path. John 14;6 This article shows you how he has it all twisted with his contract you must sign.... and I use many scriptures: http://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/2018/10/church-covenants-are-not-biblical.html At the bottom of this testing you will see the link that exposes ALL of Mark Bullens heretical teachings including the issue of 'program'. In this heretical book Mark writes his own parable of the kingdom using an analogy of a king (who would be likened to God) and the people in his kingdom. In this book he creates his own parable about a king who had a people that listened to an enemy and they then turned on the king. The king sets up a program for people to go through in order to come back into the kingdom and in order to do that one must go through a clinic. These clinics have leaders that rule over the people and teach them how to earn their way back into the kingdom because the king cannot see their hearts and motive, he can only see their actions. This parable is heresy because it references that God (the king) had to set up churches (clinics) that have clinic leaders ( bishops or pastors) to teach the people how to earn their way to heaven through their good works because God can only see their actions and they have to prove to Him through their deeds. This is heresy! (Yes it may seem confusing and it is. Rewriting parables to fit his program, Mark is causing much confusion and heresy. God is not the author of confusion! 1 Corinthians 14:33) In Chapter 2 he begins his parable and right away teaches falsely on page 13 Notice in the above quote from his book, the word 'program'. Mark is fond of using this word to 'program' his people into being in the 'program' he designed. We have listened to many of his teachings and in just one 57 minute sermon he used the word program 53 times. Again we see him working up his program idea on page 14. Continuing on page 14 he says the king set up clinics... The clinics Mark is referring to would be the unbiblical 'church' system that Mark propagates. Apostle Paul said this: But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 2 Cor 11:3 Mark has made salvation in Christ complicated.... He continues on page 14 setting up a picture that people could choose to enter into a program (church) after they renouced their former allegiance to the enemy (sin) and that they wanted to be trained in the principles (God's Word) of the government. They were then given a badge (not sure what Mark means about the badge?) and if they continued they would be restored to the kings (God's) domain (heaven). Based on this parable we see nothing indicating any reference to the people having a new heart and new mind (being born again) nor receiving the Holy Spirit. It simply states they could choose to enter into the program and someone gives them a badge....what is the badge according to Mark? Now on page 16 we see Marks open theism ways. Open theism is a complicated issue with a few different meanings, all heretical, but basically it means that God does not necessarily know what man will do. Meaning; God does not really know the beginning to the end and in Marks parable man has to 'prove' to God (the king) what his intentions are because God (the king) needs to be convinced through actions because God (the king) does not really know what man will choose to do. This is heresy. Again we will attempt to explain this confusing matter: The clinic officers are (bishops or pastors) and they had to remind the people to convince the king (God) of their sincerity. This clearly shows that Mark believes that God does not already know what people do although he is the Alpha and Omega, the begining and the end. Revelation 22:13 Yes, true believers are to have fruit which will be shown in their actions but this fruit is not to convince God of our sincerity, it is a 'result' of being born again which Mark did not include in his parable. He said they are just given a badge whatever that means. Now to add more confusion into the mix we see on pages 16 and 17 what Mark says about the badge... What does that mean? 'The badge was originally meant to be a token of acceptance into the covenant rehabilitation program'...? What does that make the badge? We know the Holy Spirit is not a token of acceptance into a program! It is the sign of a NEW heart / creation. See 2 Cor 5:17 Now here on page 17 Mark talks about the King's clinic (church) and then false clinics (churches). What Mark is saying is that there are churches out there that some are of God and some are of the enemy satan. We will tell you according to God's Word that Mark is wrong. The ritual religious Sunday system that we see all over today is not of God but of man which means of the enemy satan. The true New Testament Body of Christ does not look like, nor resemble man made religion of today but Mark would lead you to believe that if you join his clinic (church) that you are in the correct program and if you submit to the clinic leader (Mark the bishop) and work really hard to convince the king (God) then you might graduate (get into heaven). Page 19 shows Mark's open theism belief again. Yes, God's Word says in James faith without works is dead and works are a result of our faith and it also says we will be judged by our deeds but Mark's question "How would the king know they were genuine and sincere?" He didn't say that God is all knowing, he said God would know by our works. Moving on to page 20 Mark shows that God needs to see works in order to know if a person has repented. He shows that there is a prescribed initiation (baptism). So if we look at the definition of initiation "The action of admitting someone into a secret or obscure society or group, typically with a ritual" Mark is saying that through baptism a person can become a member of the clinic (church). Do you realize what that means? This whole writing borders on pelagianism. Pelagianism bascially means that man is able to choose good and evil without devine aid, that works are evidence of this and it becomes a work based system. This makes sense as heretic Charles Finney taught this and Mark calls him the GREATEST evangelist ever! See Finney exposed here: http://bewareoffalse-unbiblicalteachers.blogspot.com/2017/12/charles-finny-and-his-heresy.html This is all very confusing and contrary to the biblical gospel we see in scripture from the teachings of Apostle Paul. Page 27 Mark shows more heresy... So, the God of the universe who knows all, has no clue what man will do? This is blasphemous. Page 28 Mark takes credit in the sanctification of the people who go to his 'church' clinic. This is heresy. By his writing it seems clear ... Mark is void of God's spirit himself. Jesus said we will know them by their fruit ( Matt 7 ) and his is corrupt and Ind Baptist like! Page 29 Mark admits the clinic (his church) is for brainwashing people with the clinic leaders administering the spirit and mind of God. Mark believes that you must be in one of the clinic programs or you will not find eternal life. This elevates his position as self declared bishop and keeps those under him in bondage. This also makes 1 John 2:27 a lie.
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. Mark ends this parable and goes on to another parable with the same layout as the first. The entire book is to scare people into thinking that they must be baptized into a local church body and be under the rule of a lone ruling bishop and that he plays a part in their salvation and that they must be in that church body or they will not make it into heaven. That is a heretical view NOT found in the Word of God. Christ is our salvation not any man! / Heb 7;25 Mark has written another heretical book called 'God's Crucible' and we've done the testing here: http://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/2018/08/gods-crucible-by-mark-bullen-living.html It has the same brainwashing situation as this book that we are reviewing here. Mark tells people if you leave his body, you have lost your hope of salvation. Beware folks, this man is a power hungry, controlling self proclaimed bishop that is tearing apart people's lives. At the time of this writing the Bullen cult group is in the middle of taking the wife of a man who has seen through the lies and they are brainwashing her against her husband who is in God's Word trying to expose them. Their marriage is being torn apart by this cult and they are not the only ones who have suffered at the hands of this man and his group. Here is the link to the testing and updates. It is a long detailed writing and provides a wealth if information and warnings for those who are truly seeking truth and we hope that it helps people avoid falling into the cult trap that the Bullens have set up. We have had conversations with people who have left and been set free from that cult. God be praised we hope to help more. Read the testing here: https://bewareoffalse-unbiblicalteachers.blogspot.com/2017/07/living-faith-christian-fellowship.html Let us know if we can help you. God be praised! |
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January 2025