I hope Mike gets more bible study (less ice cream) Aug 2024 The following is a series of lying emails I got from Mike Braun in regards to my legal peaceful street preaching/rebuking them in love outside their unbiblical music event called "Praise in the park" in Marshfield Wis in 2024. I am happy to post his unedited email and give an answer as, they clearly were in the sinful wrong! See the gospel to eternal life, a 10 point test and what the true NT body looks like HERE. You can go see the entire post of that street preach HERE with many videos including a testing exposing Hub Life Church, see that post HERE. Here is the video of Mike within the first 2 minutes when I drove up to the park with him lying and telling me I had NO parking or first amendment rights on the sidewalk. How wicked of him and his no love / calling the police asap set the tone for that day as the police were there over 4 times but we were perfectly legal and peaceful. On to the emails and let the truth be made known that I forgive them all and hope they repent to save their souls. ************************************************ See his first email below with my answers (to you all, not him) in ***** RED I'm the guy you accused of gluttony because I was eating ice cream, whom you also called fat saying I called the police twice within minutes (truth is, it was about 2.5 hours in between), but I expect nothing less but further deception from you, trying to convince your deceived followers of your teachings. *******I said Gluttony not for "one ice cream cone" but for a BIG pattern we saw in many of the Hub Life people. Gluttony is indeed a sin as the bible makes clear. People pleaser's love to not call out that sin but Prov 23:2 says And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite. Also Proverbs says a wise man wants rebuke. Looking at Mike; and many of the Hub Life large people.... its clear one ice cream cone here and there isn't the issue but unbridled flesh/appetite is the issue. Also, he threatened to call the cops twice in the first two minutes as the video shows then the police appeared about 4-5 times as we preached on peaceful and legal. They lied to try and silence the truth but we preached on as .... we are always legal and peaceful. Speaking of which, why do you not use your real name when preaching? You wear the same smelly clothes to each event and use the same tactic of not engaging people with opposing views. When I attempted to talk to you, you interrupted me (again, another disrespectful tactic), and tried to speak over my reading of Scripture (the only ones opposed to hearing the word of God would be demons). *******James is my birth name but I have taken a better name Tupos...in Greek... means an example. (we get new names in Revelation oneday) I have nothing to hide, I have a spotless legal record though, I should be dead or in jail for my wicked pre Christ life. Thank you Father. As for my biblical tunic, it doesn't smell but for him to be that close trying to be smelling me... its really creepy/perverted isn't it? And how is that a bible topic anyway? You think John the Baptist out in the desert smelled really good? As for speaking over Mike; he went on longggggg to read scripture between carnal music sets to stop my preaching. I honor God's Word but not hypocrite men reading it with covered heads (he had a hat on in sin per 1 Cor 11;4) who call secular police on preachers of righteousness, deceive others and lives in willful sin. If you look up hypocrite; Mike is the example of one? Jesus hates hypocrites. Luke 12:1 / Mike is a liar as I offered him the gospel and went to the police asap. It's on that video..... No, I do not engage mockers who trample Jesus Word, He told me NOT to. Matt 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. You called kids "perverts", and a women a "whore" because she didn't fit with your twisted view of morality/dress code. *****Here Mike and his group again in great danger or hell fire as that is a total lie. Gods hates liars Prov 6:17 / People who know me know I would never call children that name and that lady who looked like a hooker, claiming Jesus, laughing at the Word being proclaimed was told in love ... repent, she was in harlotry as she was! Biblical dress is taught in scripture (Genesis 3:21) but Hub Life is too carnal and fleshly for that. The terms I did use often was spiritual pervert and music whores. Those people there that day, where guilty of those indeed. Whore appears over 60 times in scripture. A woman sells her body for money and music whores sell God in fake music. Thus you become a spiritual whore. Jesus flipped tables and used a WHIP on men for money changing that way in John 2 / they had money taking boothes there making trinketry of Jesus. And spiritual perverts fit as they twist / wrest pervert God's Word to deceive and make sin allowed like Mikes/Caseys gang of heretics. 2 Peter 3:16 says "As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction". Only because of the graciousness of Hub Life, you were not charged with Disturbing the Peace. ***** Mike is a big liar again as you can see my talk peacefully with the officer on video who admitted... there was NO evidence I broke a law and I preached on. Also, preaching Bible truth is protected speech under 1st amendment. In truth... they were exposed that day and had no where to hide so they got fleshly mad. May they repent to save their souls..... I have contacted numerous organizations that have outdoor events scheduled to warn them of your slanderous, ungodly and hateful actions (Didn't Christ teach us to speak the truth in love?) ********Hateful? The truth is hateful? Slanderous he hasn't shown one thing I said isn't true? Ungodly, where did he prove that in scripture? I am the one preaching sound doctrine? But I want to thank Mike on this effort as that will do exactly what I want. Spread the website to many more...that spreads Jesus and the call to repent of churchianity and the worlds ways. It is loving to tell hard truth that saves souls from hell. In fact; Jesus said His people will be hated Matt 10 for the truth they tell, not for tickling itchy ears. We leave that to goats farms like Mikes/Caseys Hub Life Church. Your misuse of Mark 7 (spoken against Pharisees) is totally incomparable to some of today's Christian churches, to some it applies, but not Hub Life. It shows your ignorance of the Word of God. **** Oh it applies exactly to them religious false men as they keep pagan false holidays, man made music shows, feminism, gluttony running wild and carnal worldliness. See our testing that will be linked on the Praise in the Park preach soon of Hub Life church. Matt 15 also ... they do a lot with lips but their hearts are far from God's ways as their fruit showed. I agree with your view on Bethel Church and the despicable practice of "grave soaking", but if you actually took time to LISTEN to Brendan Brooks, you would learn he doesn't believe in it either. Perhaps your accusation should go against those that put that guy on the stage at the event instead of attacking someone you don't know. But again, you aren't someone to let the truth interfere with your rhetoric. *********Brendan who sang at Mikes event was warned by me BEFORE he went on stage about that evil NAR man Feucht and music whore Brendan went right on with unity to it. See the testing link that exposed Brendan on the Praise in the Park post. You can see me warn him in love on video. Paul says bad company corrupts 1 Cor 15:33 but these heretic men don't obey God's Word do they? They/Mike even had a cult of 7 day Adventist singing there well as this event. Despite your best efforts, God was glorified and the name of Jesus was lifted up. **** They have a false Jesus false gospel and false spirit. See 2 Cor 11:4 where Paul wanted of this. Folks we don't praise God in hypocritical unbiblical false doctrine music events. We live holy and in sound doctrine that saves 1 Tim 4:16 then we can praise God with a offering He wants and deserves. If God calls us to do this next year, I may have someone follow you with a portable speaker and preach to you whenever you open your ignorant yap. ***** Notice how afraid of the truth they really are. Have I become their enemy over the truth? Gal 4:16 I just show up and preach on. I don't try to harrash or stop anyone. But they must try to "stop the truth" as they have NOT God's Word to refute me. I asked men all day being your Bible and NOT one man did. Their coward pastor Casey walked off and hid like a spiritual pervert that he is. Notice how Mike is good with calling the cops, a ice cream cup and food but not so much is he good with the word of God? He is void of it and this is proved by doing these email answers. Jesus says we live by every word of God....Matt 4;4 Mike is void of it! If they try to stop us it will just add to the attention and hey what's going on over there with more police showing up and such. It happened to Jesus and Paul and Peter it will happen with true saints today. It wont happen with ungodly heretic music whores and spiritual pervert gluttons in a park with false music that tickles itchy ears though! 1 Tim 6 says to flee from false doctrine men like Mike and this event. Or, at the very least, videotape you, everything you say, the intimidating of guests at the food trucks, calling children horrible names and slandering others. ***** I welcome anyone to video all my preaching just don't try to get in my free speech path or harrass us. Record away you will learn much. Send it all over social media... God will use it! Peter says give an answer 1 Peter 3:15 ... I am ready folks and I mean what I say and if I say something wrong, I will repent of it. What will they repent of? It would make a compelling argument to the police officers for future prosecution and NEXT time, we will prosecute. Refusing to give the police your real name could result in an additional obstruction charge, too. ********Folks... you need to have a crime to prosecute and there was no crime. They didn't do anything for charges as they lied about what I said. The police verified calling someone a music whore for selling God was perfectly legal. And calling someone a spiritual pervert is also legal as it is my faith / the Word being proclaimed under 1st amendment. They also said my sidewalk area and small amp was legal as this event had huge amps on stage for their swill. What hypocrites they are. As for refusing to give my name, I follow the law closely. The law says... unless I am about to be booked or ticketed for a actual crime; I do not have to ID myself and the officer knew that is the law. They can run my lincense plates on my van right there and see I am not a wanted felon. How foolish. Also our large website paves the way and shows for years we have been preaching the gospel, making disciples, teaching with thousands of resources and peacefully within the law...exposing hundreds of false teachers. 1 Peter 5 says be a good example ... that's our goal. The long and short of it, is if you were to come and listen instead of spewing your hate, you might learn something and get saved. *********I have no interest in them teaching me. We are told to warn, mark and avoid such men as Mike and Hub Life Church . In truth; they are wells with no water as Peter said 2 Peter 2:17 These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. Mike *************************************************** Here was my original and only reply to Mike asking him to NOT contact me again as per Romans 16:17..... I am avoiding them. Thank you for the email ( though it's full of lies ) as it will enable me / give me grounds to now highlight you and tell the truth in the post I am about to put up on exposing your event and hub life. Lots of audio and video. Stay tuned ... I will add your email to the testing and expose your lies and answer it line for line. I will be exposing that spiritual pervert coward Casey as well per 1 Tim 5.20 and Romans 16.17 God hates liars sir ....( I never said what you said to whom you say I said it. Liar! ) You are a abomination to him per Prov 6;17 and you really should step away from the table and ice cream more often ... as gluttony is a sin sir. I love you all enough to say it and we saw a lot of sin heresy and gluttony linked to hub life. It's sad .... But I rejoice as Jesus said we should ... Matthew 5:11-12 KJVS Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. [12] Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. This link with many links exposes your church and event ...as false and God's enemy. See the gospel and what the true NT body looks like ... https://www.dontperish.com/10-point-biblical-test.html That testing to come soon on my website ....so you all will be marked for years to come online. Since you are blind to truth. ..I have no further interest in getting emails from corrupt lying sinful gluttonous you so .... stop! I have blocked your email as of now ... Repent or perish ... my website in the Word shows the way. You are headed for wrath. 2 thess 1:7-9 God be praised Tupos Dontperish.com ********************************************* Finally... see my words in black, then his words back to me in blue even after I said don't email me again you are blocked. (he used a different email like a slimy sneaky sinful snake) I will answer it here..... for all to see and my words are in *******red Thank you for the email ( though it's full of lies ) as it will enable me / give me grounds to now highlight you and tell the truth in the post I am about to put up on exposing your event and hub life. Lots of audio and video. FUNNY YOU DON'T POST ANY VIDEOS THAT SHARE A CONTRARY OPINIONS. I'M STILL WONDERING ABOUT WHEN THE BIBLE SAYS "SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE" AND HOW CALLING A YOUNG LADY AWHORE, OR KIDS PERVERTS IS LOVE?***** Mike lies more. No one was called that at all. Telling truth and rebuking others is love. Read Mark 10 Jesus loved the rich man and told him what he lacked. Was Mike loving calling the police in the first 2 minutes? What a big and I mean BIG, hypocrite he is. And why would I post videos of false teachers that can deceive others. Is Mike that far from discernment? I guess he really is! Stay tuned ... I will add your email to the testing and expose your lies and answer it line for line. I will be exposing that spiritual pervert coward Casey as well per 1 Tim 5.20 and Romans 16.17 NAME CALLING? WOW, WHY IS HE A PERVERT? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT A PERVERT? SO, WHAT IS CASEY'S SIN THAT YOU CALL HIM OUT **** But Casey's is a spiritual pervert as that is a man who perverts God's Word. Jesus said a perverse generation in Matt 17:17 . Casey's sin is seen easily on the Hub Life Church testing you can view at the link above. He is worldly, has a false gospel, is feminized and he unites to heretics and puts on carnal false music events. He perverts God's Word. Per Titus 1 he is unfit for ministry. (BY THE WAY, THE LETTER REFERENCES THIS BEING DONE AT CHURCH, NOT A PUBLIC OUTDOOR GATHERING, SO YOU WERE WRONG TO DO THAT). ***** Wrong... that is not the context we operate under with you. Who said you are my brothers? And God's Word exposes saints for sin for.... all..... to see. Also all of their sin is public as they are deceiving people publically so I can expose it in public. Matt 18 is a private sin issue. They keep much public sin. I don't see the fruit they are even the true NT body so they have no standing at all. ROMANS 16:17 SAYS TO AVOID THEM...YOU DIDN'T, YOU MARCHED YOUR SORRY CARCASS ALL OVER CALLING HIM OUT, IN DEFIANCE IF WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS**** I am a "sorry carcass"? Folks is that name calling? What they saw that day was the marking process and we do put it all online also. The avoiding is NOT uniting to them as saints. We can call out sin and rebuke on but; we don't unite. Mike doesn't know God's Word. More 2 Tim 2:15 for Mike and less time at the food trucks. (BET YOU ONLY PICK AND CHOSE PARTS OF MY RESPONSE THAT FIT YOUR NARRATIVE. IF YOU TRULY WANT TO BE OPEN, I DARE YOU TO SHARE MY ENTIRE EMAIL WITH YOUR FOLLOWERS. I KNOW YOU WONT BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO MAINTAIN CONTROL.***** Mike is wrong once again. It's all here. I am gladly showing it all and how void of scripture Mike really is. Jesus said truth sets us free John 8:32 but Mike, Casey and Hub Life live by mans false ways and sin. EVEN YOUR MINI MINION WAS AFRAID TO SAY ANYTHING WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION.***** Wait I though calling names was bad per Mike and now he calls my dear godly young brother a mini minion? Well, he is for sure not as LARGE as Mike's food fetish frame but he is far more biblical and godly at his 27 years then Mike is at his old age. How pathetic they are as if I am a wicked false teacher; did they try to get the Word out, refute me right there? Did they try to save my wife from a wolf like me? Nope ...Mike was too busy at the snack bar and Casey was to busy hiding behind 5 large gluttonous women. I am just telling truth here. See the pictures on the link above as it shows MUCH! Jesus said by love they will know His own. John 13 ... they fail that! God hates liars sir ....( I never said what you said to whom you say I said it. Liar! ) You are a abomination to him per Prov 6;17 and you really should step away from the table and ice cream more often ... as gluttony is a sin sir. I love you all enough to say it and we saw a lot of sin heresy and gluttony linked to hub life. It's sad .... I HEARD YOU CALL ME FAT AND A GLUTTON, **** Yes I did call Mike a glutton. Is that a bible term? And by his visible fruit; is that NOT true? Go see the pictures on that link of the army of large people at Hub Life....they are NOT hurting for food folks! Is that not a sin as a claimed believer? To let your flesh rule you to massive obesity? Since when don't we true saints call out "all sin" to bring others repentance? What sin is off limits to call out? Prov 23:21 For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty:
AND YOU DID CALL A WOMAN A WHORE AND A CHILD REPORTED YOU CALLED HIM A PERVERT. ***** More Mike lies. I never called her that and that little boy who was biblically naked (no shirt and wet tight shorts on) following us around the entire day in his underwear like garment. He lied "like" a lil devil to get me in trouble. He heard me call 7 day Adventist men spiritual perverts and lied, and took it for himself. That same little boy united to Hub Life told me to F OFF earlier and gave me the nasty finger when I never once addressed him. Hub Life Church had biblically naked children running around all day in their swimwear/underwear (using a water spinkler) at that so called godly holy event. God HATES nakedness and are Mike and those running that event acting as perverts for allowing it? BET NONE OF THIS GETS TO YOUR FLOCK EITHER AS YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO HAVE YOUR PURE IMAGE DEFILED. ***** I have nothing to hide so here it is folks. If this is all Mike has, he is far more foolish and pathetic then I ever thought. Psalm 5:5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity. BY THE WAY, DO THEY KNOW ABOUT YOUR FIRST MARRIAGE? IF YOU ARE DIVORCED, DOESN'T THAT PREVENT YOU FROM BEING AN ELDER? And didn't Jesus say you who is without sin cast the first stone? ***** The elder role is "husband of one wife" and that I am. Titus 1 My pre conversion divorce before Jesus is "no new news" folks. See 2 Cor 5:17 promises ALL things are made new. Wicked men like Mike have to reach back to my old life to find sin, I guess. I don't want to be the man facing God as they rubs men's past before Christ life in his face. All the issues I raise with Mike and Hub Life are right before them today as "so called" saints of God. Right before them; like Mikes waist line and that army of feminist gluttons at Hub Life Church that act as body guards for coward Casey. Again it is truth and these people need a wake up call to save their prideful souls. But I rejoice as Jesus said we should ... Matthew 5:11-12 KJVS Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. [12] Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. This link with many links exposes your church and event ...as false and God's enemy. See the gospel and what the true NT body looks like ... https://www.dontperish.com/10-point-biblical-test.html That testing to come soon on my website ....so you all will be marked for years to come online. Since you are blind to truth. ..I have no further interest in getting emails from corrupt lying sinful gluttonous you so .... stop! I have blocked your email as of now ...YOU ARE THE MOST UNTEACHABLE MAN I'VE EVER KNOWN... YOU BLOCK MY EMAILS SO I CANT EVEN RESPOND....WOW, WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF?***** Unteachable? He didn't bring anything in the Word to teach and I do not take teaching from hypocrites. I blocked Mike as he is void of God's Word, he has a false gospel, he lies non stop, he has a terrible witness, he unites to heretic music whorse/false teachers like Casey, he puts on sinful carnal unbiblical shows and calls the police asap on godly saints preaching Jesus. Why oh why ...would I listen to such a vile man for anything of God. 1 Tim 4:17 But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. Now food trucks and eating oh... Mike knows his stuff but not on God's Word, the evidence is in. I hope Mike repents as he is in great danger or perishing in his sins as is Casey and the Hub Life church. By their fruit they are not born of God. May this post and the testing and the call out being them to humbleness and not their current arrogance that will destroy them. Prov 8:13 The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. Repent or perish ... my website in the Word shows the way. You are headed for wrath. 2 thess 1:7-9 God be praised Tupos--JAMES POLANEK, DIVORCED MAN SINNER **** No, the old man James was divorced, I am a new creation in Christ ... Tupos :) . Also I am a saint not a sinner. God's people are called saints not practicing sinners. Yes, I can sin and do at times fall into it but; I don't practice sin daily like Mike, Casey and Hub Life. I am no better then them but I am different by the power of God. Thank you Father for all you gave to make me new. Deut 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. May this post edify, exhort, convict and cause repentance of others ....for your glory. Tupos / Dontperish.com Comments are closed.
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February 2025