(Rhett, as he pulls his carnal pal away from "beating on me" per his band mates threat.) The following is a true account and biblical testing of music singer Rhett Walker, that exposes (in my opinion) how unbiblical he is. I want to do this with love and grace; not malice, as I fear for his soul and to warn others. UPDATE Sept 2024 Once again Rhett Walker and I met when he walked up to a festival where we were preaching at and he was performing. No one even recognized him until I called him out. Go HERE to see me rebuke him on video at LifeLight in Sioux Falls. I hope Rhett repents to the saving of his soul. UPDATE: I learned who Rhett's pastor / dad is and that says much about his false theology. Coming soon is a testing of his dad and his church for the edification of anyone seeking truth. Stay tuned here. I met him face to face out street preaching at an event and it was a sad/wicked meeting. The truth is, Walker couldn't give an answer that day in the Word, he mocked God's truth, then he covered up sin. How? By editing my FB video, cutting out showing his friends vile mouth / threatening to beat me just for preaching the gospel and rebuking them which I will prove below. I love and forgive Rhett and that other man but the truth must be told as I contend for the faith once delivered per Jude 3! I need to rejoice as we suffer lies and persecution in his name. Jesus said rejoice!!!! Beware neighbor, as churchianity and so called Christian entertainers like Walker will deceive you (in my biblical opinion) if you hold to his heretic theology / worldly carnal ways. He is upset they got their sin called out that day but true saints want to know of and leave all sin. And if you are a truth seeker; go HERE and see what the true body of Christ looks like vs Rhett and churchianity ways today. Following Jesus is not a Sunday church meeting or favorite music or a fleshly concert, it is a life totally lost to obey, then serve Him in spirit, truth and holiness. Jesus said lose your life 6 times in the gospels yet men like Rhett do not model that or call people to do so. They add a fake jesus to their "worldly lives" vs losing it all for His cause and walking in sound doctrine, coming out of satan's kingdom that is this culture around us. See why churches are lying to you HERE. He and his fans say I was wrong to call out his sins that day. Does Rhett not realize the greatest man ever, per Jesus, John the Baptist, died from his calling out ....one SIN! I guess per Rhett and his fans, John the Baptist was wrong or mean spirited too. All items used here are in the public domain and used legally per Fair Use Act. This testing would have been sent to Rhett to refute me in the scripture but; he deleted my posts and offer off his FB account (in a few minutes) after I posted truth there. I refuted his deceptive video edited post and offered him to go to scripture but he deleted it asap. See my FB posts, his posts and video that I captured below for truth sake below before he ran into the John 3:19-21 dark. Note: Go to the end of this post to the testing to see why (in my opinion) Rhett is NOT in sound doctrine that saves us (1 Tim 4:16) and should be avoided per Romans 16:17 if you fear God. *Sadly, Rhett mocks God as I warned him that his wicked ways are not of the Lord but of the enemy and he posts this: Jesus said if you can't hear God's Word, you are of satan. John 8 The next portion of this post is to explain the sad events regarding my God appointed meeting Rhett and one of his carnal men as I preached peacefully at a public event on public free speech property. Read on to see how Rhett couldn't talk the gospel, he couldn't refute me in the Word, he mocked God's truth, his friend grabbed and threatened to beat the F out of me and Rhett did stop him, twice. Walker then went on FB, used my video, he edited out that assault and threat and he edited out the gospel I preached at the beginning and the end of the video as I walked to my van that day. He wickedly edited out the truth / gospel to make himself look good but my God sees it all and judgment is coming Mr Walker! I pray he repents before it falls and grind him to powder. Jesus said: Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. Luke 20:18 ********************************************************************* July of 2024 I am a full time self funded street preacher/teacher (dontperish.com) and we went to peacefully street preach outside of the UP City Fest in Marquette, MI at a "so called" Christian event. Rhett was playing there and we "briefly mentioned his FB worldliness" on that testing we did to expose that heretical events music acts. He was not on my mind that day, in fact I didn't even know who Rhett was or what he even looked like. I long ago gave up his kind of carnal fleshly music to serve Christ in spirit and truth. John 4:24 / The UP City Fest promoted an easy believe say a prayer gospel, violent video games for youth, carnal rap music, carnival entertainment for goats and heresy in its entertainers like Lutheranism (the bread/wine is some how Jesus) via Flame the heretic musician. They hired Rhett and you will see his unbiblical ways as you read on. See that testing of UP City Fest HERE and the true gospel to eternal life / many videos / audios of our peaceful street preaching outside of it. It was shameful really with so much sin going on there.... in Jesus name. Earlier in the day I was holding gospel signs and preaching on a public bike path outside the event. The police kept getting called on us but they told us we were perfectly legal and peaceful and we preached on. (Preacher means "public cryer" by the way in scripture.) Then I saw this man walk past me...... I asked, 'hey are you in a band here'? (we saw the big bus in the lot) He said 'none of your business', he walked on and that was that. I then realized Rhett Walker and his guys were in that area to play soon but I had no focus on them, I was preaching to all the people. (I will say that God has aligned it for me to rebuke various world famous false singers like Chris Tomlin & Lecrae face to face without me ever seeking them out.) Later that day as we were on that same path headed back to our van in the ONLY parking lot (that their bus was in too) that same man walked by me with 3 other men. I said nothing to him and he made the contact saying, hey look at the preachers worldly phone. I said 'no sir, I don't do worldly things on my phone only God's work'. Then I said 'hey, are you that band'? I had no idea Rhett was the guy right there in front of me. So as I walked to my van in the parking lot, them 20-30 feet ahead of me, I preached the gospel to them and asked them... what is the gospel as they lack it? (They had no truth from scripture at all.) Yes I did then warn/rebuke them for their carnal fleshly false Christian entertainment/sin as we are told to do. As the FULL video shows, I was 20-30 feet behind them preaching (with my lifted voice but not screaming at them.) Jesus said to lift up your voice. (I had no amp like they use on their carnal entertainment stages and they are really really loud!) I preached the gospel twice, asked them 'do you obey it or do you live carnal, tickle ears', I warned of judgement and asked 'do you sell the things of God'? (Jesus hates that / see John 2 He flipped tables over it). At that point Rhett's friend turned around, walked right at me, grabbed my sign and said; 'follow me any further I will beat your F**KING A$$'. (terrible words but they need to be seen) All because I preached gospel truth and rebuked them in love per 1 Tim 5:20 / Folks, I guess that is the fleshly caliber of Rhett's friends when Paul said bad company corrupts 1 Cor 15:33 and 1 Peter 1:15 said be holy in all your conduct. Rhett stopped him once, then twice as I informed them I was just going to my van not following them at all. I was indeed going to my van but I kept on preaching as they needed a rebuke in love, lest they perish. I then got to my van, stopped there and they walked on to their bus. I preached on the gospel and warned them about God's wrath that is coming for them as it is what I do and it is loving. Read 2 Thess 1:7-9 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; I offer to you below the entire video unedited that proves all I said including you can even see my white van in the distance I was going to. Watch it closely as you will see in his video ...what Rhett edited out to hide sin on his FB video. See my full video here of that event: Then someone then called the police on me (Rhett or someone else?) who wrongly accused me of a crime. Watch that video on the UP City Fest link HERE where the partial police officer has to back down totally from his lies when I play him the video of Rhett's pal threatening me, as I did nothing wrong against the law. We preached on from there for another 4 hours and many got the gospel truth. We are not intimidated by satan's workers or fleshly men in my face. They will have to kill me to get me to stop preaching the Lord's truth. Thank you Father. Now that you have to real truth and the entire event video documented, I want to prove what a wicked man Rhett is as he hides sin, makes/posts a FB video mocking/laughing at a fact in God's word (itching ears 2 Tim 3:4) and he EDITED my video to make me look bad and his group look good by taking out the threats and vile language of his pal. And then the worst part of all as I said you watch his edited video and notice he removed me preaching the GOSPEL in the beginning and preaching the GOSPEL in the end. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. 1 Cor 1:18-19 He can slander and demean me all he wants, I don't care but, how wicked for a claimed man of God to remove the preaching of Christ crucified just to defend himself/friends. See his post below and his EDITED FB video where he cuts out the gospel in the beginning and the end then he removes his friend coming at me, grabbing my sign saying he will beat my F**KING A$$! (Again, shameful words I know and I hope Rhett/that man are convicted to repent to the saving their souls.) Notice: all that he edited out (the movement to me, vile words of his friend, the violent threat and the gospel I spoke twice) proving he is wicked and a deceiver; in my opinion! Finally... see his FB post mocking video below as clearly scripture talks of itchy ears in the last days. In truth; Rhett is that ear tickler via his corrupt "drunk on grace" fleshly easy believe carnal music and weak so called gospel music. (His dad is a modern pastor so it's more evidence of the corrupt fruit of churchianity as Rhett's fruit is rotten. in my biblical opinion, and others I have shown this to.) According to Rhett, I am a jerk for preaching truth and sound doctrine is crap. He is no man of God by this fruit folks but I love and forgive him. See his mocking video here: Didn't his pastor dad teach him the Word at all? For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 2 Tim 4:3 Are you seeing the heretical bad fruit of this so called man of God? His music is that itchy ear tickling and not helping anyone into eternal life but deceived into hearing one day; away from me I never knew you who work iniquity in Matt 7. I have documented all his FB posts where he edits/lies and says this is the video from our end. No sir Rhett! You edited out much in the video as I just proved. In fact, you deceive by editing and no liars inherit the kingdom per Rev 22:14-15. Also notice he has his own form of threat to me as he infers ...I was protected from something? From what? So he would beat me up too or let that guy beat me up? What did I avoid that day Mr. Rhett Walker, please share? I turned not away but told you the truth... man to man. I love you all but I say by your fruit you are a Rev 21:8 coward as you had plenty of time to what.. allow me to be beaten up or maybe open the bible and refuted me, yet he did neither folks as the video shows. Can I say this, I am 62 years old and 34 year old Rhett Walker had three pals with him and they are all in their 30's by appearance. This old man before Christ would have fought anyone, but I am a new man today in Christ and I am peaceful. I want that for Rhett and his band of men as clearly they lack much in the ways of godly qualities that prove they are not even of God at all. He sings about love, grace and peace on stage till you correct him in a parking lot then its, what harm others or use threatening vile words? Yes that's not my Jesus. How hypocritical and Jesus warned of lip service so called saints in Matt 15. That day they were angry at me for preaching the gospel in a public parking lot and them getting a needed rebuke/correction? Proverbs says a wise man loves a rebuke Rhett. Rebuke me in the Word please, I promise I will love it. My email Rhett: [email protected] But Rhett had nothing for me when face to face and he hid on FB in a fearful act. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Rev 21:8 I see little love or wisdom shown in them folks and no wonder, his fans are called Rhett-necks. Rhett said he has RED in him showing he isn't a NEW man but what ...still the old man? By definition, rednecks are known for crass/bad behavior and the ones I know often claim God, the bible, beer, carnal music, car racing and all of the worlds fallen ways, all at the same time. I guess being known as a godly obedient Christ follower isn't good enough for Rhett and all you Rhett-necks? (see some his his fans posts in screen captures below as they lack much as well though a couple post there did tell truth calling him out) Off the internet: Redneck is a derogatory term mainly, but not exclusively, applied to white Americans perceived to be crass and unsophisticated, closely associated with rural whites of the south. He posted that mocking video saying he doesn't scratch ears and tells more lies like we wrote NASTY stuff about him? No sir Rhett. We told truth is all. Go look at the testing link as all we did was documented he is worldly ways via occult Disney land vacations and he walks around biblically naked on the beach in under wear like garments when God says don't be a friend of the world James 4:4 and Jesus covered us up in Genesis 3:21. (They were pics right off his FB page and see many more at the end of this post that exposes his love of the world's sinful fallen ways that mans esteems God hates / Luke 16:15). In love, I have to call this out too. From the stage he talks about Jesus, peace and grace but in the parking lot, man to man, he doesn't speak God's truth. Rhett claims in fleshly songs he is a... GOSPEL PREACHER? But he didn't preach the gospel to me that day at all. No he just ran off to his big bus with his carnal pals all laughing. I want better for them and it's why I called them to repentance that day. I am the only one loving them, calling them to holiness, truth and biblical salvation as clearly his dad, fans, wife and others are NOT doing it by this fruit are they? ********************************************************* Here are my FB post replies to Rhett that he deleted in minutes and by his fruit he is a Rev 21:8... key board coward. There you have it neighbors. That is my sad experience with carnal Rhett and his pals at a so called Christian event. I was there telling the gospel truth, legally and peacefully. They were there, entertaining with false ways, united to UP City Fest sin, making threats, mocking and using vile language. Jesus said we know a tree by its fruit. Matt 7 Rhett you need to change your fans names and your actions. Try Rhett-pentance or...... wrath is coming from the Lord. I love you all and my hands are clean as my website is a resource to show you the way to life in His word and ways vs your carnal false ways that lead to death. See Romans 6:16 Go on to the testing below with many bible articles / FB pics that document why he is NOT a biblical believer, in my opinion. Why Rhett Walker is not a "biblical Christian" per his fruit: 1) Rhett promotes, believes, sings about and props up an easy believe false gospel that is heavy on grace but lacks true saving faith, repenting of all sin, having works and evidence of true faith James 2:24, evidence of new life, leaving all sin, holy obedience and fear of God by striving / enduring to enter in coming out of the world. Luke 13;24 / He is NOT out of the world and he is NOT calling anyone out of the world. His gospel is accursed per Paul in Gal 1 See the true gospel to eternal life HERE. 2) Rhett practices and unites to corrupt compromised heretical churchianity and its many false ways. He keeps worldliness, feminization (pride in dress/uncovered heads), pride and vanity in his dress, pagan holidays like Christmas that God never ordained, he entertains with unbiblical carnal fleshly music, he sells his gospel songs for mammon that God hates just to name a few issues he has. He goes and sings at heretical churches and suspect places with terrible theology, bad associations that damns souls like Up City Fest. People who go and sing at unbiblical places for mammon $$$$$ are music whores and God hates such ways. See this 10 point test HERE that exposes his churchianity ways: 3) Rhett is promoting contemporary Christian music that is NOT what God ordained for His body. They call it worship but it is carnal fleshly entertainment with lifted up stars on stages in practiced pride and vanity for mammon. It is not what Christ ordained and it is a stench before a Holy God. See today's CCM exposed HERE. 4) Rhett is showing he isn't of God as he is a friend of the world as the screen captures below show. James 4:4 says that makes you God enemy being a friend of the world. He loves the fallen carnal ways of satan's culture like promoting the war culture, pride, fashion, football, baseball, he plays at carnal so called Christian festivals, worldly rodeos and he does Halloween, an evil wicked holiday. This is not the fruit of a godly holy man. This carnal foolish way is not the actions of a Holy serious man of God. Could you see Jesus or Paul or Peter on display to the world this way? See our teaching blog HERE with hundreds of articles to show the truth vs churchianity lies. 5) Rhett makes and sells what he calls Christian music and Jesus hated the making of money off of God so much; He turned over tables and whipped men in John 2 I could go on and on but what more does a biblical Berean Acts 17 need to see that Rhett is not in line with God's word / ways but is headed for judgement and I love him enough to call it out. *See many screen captures as more proof against his unbiblical ways at the end of this post including his fans who are as unbiblical and deceived as Rhett Walker is. *********************************** I hope the preaching that day, this truth telling and the testing moves them all to repent and holy obedient new life that alone will save their souls. To Rhett Walker and his friends and fans I ask: Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Gal 4:16 Repent and obey the gospel or perish in your worldliness and sin Tupos dontperish.com Carnal worldly sports Evil holidays. Uniting to idolatrous images of Jesus. College football is vile, covetous and carnal. Would Jesus support America war making and killing? Here one of Rhetts fans promote violence.... We blocked out their "beach wear ways" as this is not of a Holy God. It is placed here as evidence that churchianity / CCM has watered down holiness so far as they live in satan's carnal kingdom. They gladly embrace sin as they oppose God's truth in unrighteousness! May they all repent to save their souls and we will help them if they do.
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February 2025