Note: We received a copy of the police report and it has errors / false statements as the videos and facts below prove. * We never escalated things as my amp was on before the Sgt approached me. To say we escalated is a false statement with other false statements as well. Update Jan 2025 We are so sure of our innocence in this unlawful arrest, we have requested an "internal investigation" via the police dept to look at all the facts that prove the case against us is faulty. They were sent this link with the video evidence. We have to trust justice and what is right, the Lord's will be done for His glory. Dec 15, 2024 The following is the account of what we believe in our opinion of unlawful Arrest and infringement on our first amendment rights. We have video below that documents all the fact and to start off we give you these main points. 1) No church leader ever told us to leave and they stood and talked with us's on video below. 2) The supervisor of police told us we could preach there on the grass's on video below. 3) The male officer says I have been trespassing but no one ever told us to leave till he mentions trespass at that time and I (we) am on the curb / in the street. 4) When he threatens arrest, both my wife and I are on the street curb or in the street so much so see on video he cuffs me standing in the street and hear him say move to the grass to get out of the street. This proves he wanted us out of the entire area not just off their property. We believe he also illegally impounded our van that cost $650. How is this trespass at all I ask? Fact: When he warned of trespass ...I moved to the curb or street that is city owned. All of this is clear on the video below. Arrested by Mr. Wolfe on a city street for preaching Jesus Christ We just learned the officer that wanted me, my wife and our van illegally removed so we couldn't use our 1st amendment free speech was an man named Wolfe. Officer Wolfe had us hand cuffed as we stood on a city street peacefully telling God's truth. This verse seems to fit well knowing we are the sheep of God: Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. Read on to see "video proof" of our false arrest that day for truth sake and to the glory of God. See two peaceful, legal citizens wrongly arrested and freedom of speech infringed on by Lake Charles Police. At age 62 and 56 and doing street ministry for 16 years, we've never been arrested. The actions of this day by LC police are grievous and need to be exposed. Notice in the video below how the male officer, in one minute of talking to us, had us in cuffs and arrested. This was about 1 minute after Sgt Aymond said we were fine where we are but couldn't use the amplifier. (Later she said the amp was fine.) It took less than 20 minutes for us to be handcuffed and surrounded by about 10 officers while we stood on the curb / street. Because of their unlawful actions, we have to appear in a court of law and defend ourselves to let the truth be known. We love and forgive everyone involved and we hope they repent to the saving of their souls. See the biblical gospel to eternal life HERE. Psalm 89:14 Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. See this pic of the GT church leader standing and calmly talking to us about Bible truth as the 2 officers look on. No one from GT church said we were on their property nor asked us to leave. The fact is, we were NEVER far from the city curb but stayed on city easement (as we talked to her about Bible truth) as the screen capture below proves. Note: These officers wanted us not any where near the church property and out of the area completely as evidenced by him arresting me when I am on the city curb / in the street, later telling us we couldn't even go stand on the sidewalk for free speech rights across the street and they impounded our van illegally. This is very corrupt and partial police work that infringed our free speech rights clearly as the videos show. Here is an example of how we preached that day, definitely peaceful and lawful. ![]()
The following post is our sad and unlawful experience with Lake Charles police on Dec 15 2024 as a truth record to show we were wrongfully arrested for criminal tresspass and our free speech was denied several times. (This post date is only back dated as we did not want it in the front page of our website.... at this time) Dec 15, 2024 We stood peacefully to practice our free speech first amendment rights on Texas street / city easement area to avoid trespass on the church grounds. At no time did we set one foot even close to Glad Tidings as videos prove. We can see church property and the easement area from the map from the city in screen capture below. You can hear me say, often, we are there to peacefully preach, we are on city easement and we want our free speech to preach in peace. Yet we were arrested, cuffed and charged (while we were both standing on a city curb /in the street how is this trespass?) both my wife and I with criminal trespass and disturbing the peace. These are unlawful and egregious acts against us. Thankfully we video and audio to prove the confusion and unlawful actions of the police department. The following videos and screen captures are very telling as we were peaceful, lawful, ready to comply to all lawful orders. But the truth is, their Sargent Aymond made it all very confusing you will see. Also, our van was legally parked as that very Sargent emailed us on 12/9 and 12/10) stating that was a legal parking area / see screen captures) but they impounded it for a so called parking violation. Fact: we were not ever given any ticket as a notice of that on that day. It was legally parked. That unlawful towing cost us $650.00 and a long walk of 5 miles to retrieve our van home (we are full-time rvers) which was totally uncalled for. At this time... we do not have all officer names or the police report but that will be coming soon as well as a request for a internal investigation. Before you see the documented proof of this all below; know this was the main facts: * Our 1 st amendment free speech was taken away twice. Once at hand cuffing and later they said we could go drive off with just a trespass ticket but when we asked so can we can go preach on the sidewalk for free speech ...they said no have to go away! How can our rights be infringed on so easily by these corrupt officers? * Sgt Aymond, and the male officer who arrested us, were at the church before we even stood out. Are they hired by Glad Tidings as security and thus did they have a partiality against us from the start? * Listen to the confusion of orders we were given on video. First, Sgt Aymond says you can preach there but without the amp. I asked for the amp law as they are often not what they seem. Then the male officer, few minutes later, warned us of trespass (the first time anyone said that word or asked us to leave) when we were never far from the city curb as we talked Bible truth with the church woman who never asked us to leave. Notice, as soon as he mentioned the word trespass brother Tupos (James) was on the curb / street within seconds and you can see sister Aman was already on the curb. Then we get arrested standing on the curb / street which is clearly city property. Then Sgt Aymond says we could have preached on, even with the amp? Don't they know what they are doing? *They arrested my wife asap but never told her of trespass, in fact the GT church woman is talking to us, she gets a gospel one ever told us to leave from GT church at all. * They charged my wife with disturbing the peace but I was the only one with a small amp and no decibal readings were ever taken in line with 13-7.1 That was after we were told twice that the amp would have been fine on the sidewalk. Can they just make things up as they go with no accountability? See that code screen captures below and they didn't do what the code calls for. * The large male officer was squeezing my wife's arm who didn't resist at all, the woman Sargent was lifting up my wife's shirt in front of all and they didn't even care enough about us as citizens to seat belt us in on the ride to be booked, that was fast and we were tossed about. How wicked they acted. * As I said, our van was illegally towed as no ticket was written for any violation that day. $650 was the fee to free it and we needed a hotel for the night as well $70. Now go on to the proof to see this all documented below .... See the videos below with documentation. The first video shows brother Tupos (James) preaching while the people from Glad Tidings and Sgt Aymond look on. Not one person came out and said we were trespassing and notice we are standing on the curbs. At second 8 Sgt. Aymond says 'you're more than welcome to preach but you have to turn off the amplifier'. See the woman paster come out, take a gospel card and the conversation we had with her (she never told us to leave as we stood on the curb) as well as how quickly the fleshly police officer arrested brother Tupos (James) and Sgt Aymond cuffed sister Aman (Debbie) while on the curb / in the street, not on private property. Also notice how Sgt Aymond said we are fine there but without the amp and right behind her came the male police officer who IN ONE MINUTE said we were trespassing and had us in cuffs! NOTE: we were never told by church leaders that we were trespassing, see the church woman talking to us and engaging us about Bible truth, the Sgt already told us we were fine where we were and then the male officer steps forward and said for the first time we heard anyone say the word trespass. Notice brother Tupos (James) is in the street and on the curb at the time of the trespassing arrest. So much so the police officer had to go into the street to handcuff him. How is this trespass and a legal arrest? At minute about 1:50 you can hear Sgt Aymond say "the sidewalk would have been fine, the amplifier would have been fine". In the first video above, she said that the amplifier had to be turned off but here she says it would have been fine. If the amplifier was legal then why were we charged with disturbing the peace? See a different view in the video below. At minute 1:16 she says "the sidewalk would have been fine, the amplifier would have been fine". At about minute 2:14 the male officer says that our van is illegally parked. The picture below that shows we are parked far away from the sidewalk/intersection. (No parking ticket was ever given to us so our van was towed illegally as we incurred a $650 fee for it.) We also have emails from Sgt. Aymond dated 12/9 and 12/10 stating that parking was permitted, see those at the end. At about minute 3 Sgt Aymond said 'If you all would have been quiet and stayed here with your signs, I wouldn't have been (unintelligible)'. Twice she said we were fine where we were but the male police officer said we were trespassing on public city property easement. (She was also lifting up sister Aman's shirt in front of everyone while looking for weapons.) After locking sister Aman in the police car, the male police officer was holding brother Tupos (James) preaching pouch with his body cam on it. Sgt Aymond told us twice that standing where we were was fine and she said the amplifier would have been fine on the sidewalk, yet we were charged with trespassing and disturbing the peace. What confusion?! We called the zoning department and he explained to us how to go to the website find the city easement, of which we did. He said that the easement was roughly 50 feet or so, which is what their map said. Look at the picture, we were standing on the curb most of the time (as our videos prove). Clearly we were on city easement property as we talked to the church woman about Bible truth. To that point, no one mentioned trespass or asked us to leave. (Brother Tupos (James) was standing on the curb / street and sister Aman (Debbie) was on the curb / street as well as we were arrested. How is standing on city owned curb or street trespassing? See evidence that our van was parked far away from the intersection and walkway. If it was illegally parked, they issued no ticket to us, thus it was towed unlawfully and cost us $650. See the amp law code below. See a copy of our unlawful impound bill. They could have left our van, legally parked, for us to walk back and retrieve it later that day as we asked them multiple times to allow us to do that. See the entire email correspondence from sister Aman (Deb) with Sgt Aymond. In order to be blameless, we have every plan to contact all the officials (this will be sent to the LC city attorney and other officials) and legal actions needed (we have requested an internal police investigation which we were told to do), to make things right and justice served which glorifies our Father to prove we were lawful. Because we've been wrongfully accused and will have to appear before a judge, we are proving our innocence by these steps and our focus is to be set free to go preach the gospel. Romans 12:19
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Comments are closed.
February 2025