10 pt test for you and your religious body.
Jesus said: God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24)
Question....Are you absolutely sure your worship is in spirit and truth or are you just practicing various man-made faulty religious rituals?
(Sunday denominationalism, evangelicalism, roman catholocism, other man made traditions.)
Fact: Most people have not been taught the full truth of God’s Word and that is why we share it with you today. We want to ask you, are you seeking ALL biblical truth like a Berean (Acts 17) or do you settle for man’s religious ways that are not in God's truth?
Jesus warned against practicing "vain traditions of man.” (Matthew 15:9). The bible says in (2 Corinthians 13:5) Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.
It also says to “test all things" (1 Thessalonians 5:21)
Are you willing to test what you’re practicing vs. God’s holy Word?
We do not belong to any religious organization nor do we sell the gospel. (We left Sunday religion and we labor to provide for our needs and ministry.) Please know we are loving, born again Christians reaching out to you with biblical truth. We aim to proclaim that truth so you can repent and turn your ways to His ways (not man’s) for God’s glory. (Just as we had to do.)
Fact: The true New Testament body that Jesus Christ and the Apostles left looks "very little" like man’s modern religion today. Why is that?
Well, history shows man has changed and warped it over time and below are just some areas of great error between that religious model practiced today and the Lord’s true body.
Fact: Right after the apostles lived and especially in the 4th century, the biblical Christian faith has been perverted by many men over all centuries. Both roman pagans and other false ways merged with true biblical Christianity and it caused most to leave God's Word in the centuries following. The fact is, the vain ritual traditions you're practicing each week have been handed down by Roman pagans and unbiblical men of the reformation period. God's True people follow His ways not man made error.
Here are 10 main points for you to consider. Please click the buttons below to go to our discernment blog for more articles and to see that you've been lied to.
(Sunday denominationalism, evangelicalism, roman catholocism, other man made traditions.)
Fact: Most people have not been taught the full truth of God’s Word and that is why we share it with you today. We want to ask you, are you seeking ALL biblical truth like a Berean (Acts 17) or do you settle for man’s religious ways that are not in God's truth?
Jesus warned against practicing "vain traditions of man.” (Matthew 15:9). The bible says in (2 Corinthians 13:5) Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.
It also says to “test all things" (1 Thessalonians 5:21)
Are you willing to test what you’re practicing vs. God’s holy Word?
We do not belong to any religious organization nor do we sell the gospel. (We left Sunday religion and we labor to provide for our needs and ministry.) Please know we are loving, born again Christians reaching out to you with biblical truth. We aim to proclaim that truth so you can repent and turn your ways to His ways (not man’s) for God’s glory. (Just as we had to do.)
Fact: The true New Testament body that Jesus Christ and the Apostles left looks "very little" like man’s modern religion today. Why is that?
Well, history shows man has changed and warped it over time and below are just some areas of great error between that religious model practiced today and the Lord’s true body.
Fact: Right after the apostles lived and especially in the 4th century, the biblical Christian faith has been perverted by many men over all centuries. Both roman pagans and other false ways merged with true biblical Christianity and it caused most to leave God's Word in the centuries following. The fact is, the vain ritual traditions you're practicing each week have been handed down by Roman pagans and unbiblical men of the reformation period. God's True people follow His ways not man made error.
Here are 10 main points for you to consider. Please click the buttons below to go to our discernment blog for more articles and to see that you've been lied to.
1. The "gospel message" that Jesus and the Apostles taught us in the bible is a narrow road gospel message. (See Matthew 7)
Fact: It is not a "come up front", "raise your hand" or "say a prayer" gospel message that most modern religious places proclaim today. The true biblical gospel calls one to put your faith in Christ and His finished work / shed blood (John 3:16) repent (changing of your mind and ways Luke 13:3) be born again (new heart and new mind John 3:3), to live holy obedient lives as fruit you are of Him(Romans 12:1, Hebrews 5:9) as a result you will be persecuted/hated and you must endure in endure to the end for salvation. (Matthew 10:22, 1 Corinthians 15)
Click the button below for a biblical gospel message.
Fact: It is not a "come up front", "raise your hand" or "say a prayer" gospel message that most modern religious places proclaim today. The true biblical gospel calls one to put your faith in Christ and His finished work / shed blood (John 3:16) repent (changing of your mind and ways Luke 13:3) be born again (new heart and new mind John 3:3), to live holy obedient lives as fruit you are of Him(Romans 12:1, Hebrews 5:9) as a result you will be persecuted/hated and you must endure in endure to the end for salvation. (Matthew 10:22, 1 Corinthians 15)
Click the button below for a biblical gospel message.
Most denominational/evangelical places have an easy believe-ism gospel that is not biblical and it cannot guide you to eternal life or save you at all! Paul warned against any gospel other than his gospel in Galatians 1 (other gospels are accursed). Click the button below to learn how to spot an erroneous gospel.
What does your religious body teach for a gospel message? A biblical narrow road or an easy believe man-made gospel?
2. The early true New Testament body had no "modern pastor role" (one man teaching and running the entire gathering) as is falsely practiced today.
Titus 1 and all over the New Testament bodies it was "multiple elders" to oversee the body not lord over it. (See Matthew 20) It is a fact that various men can have pastor skills in a body and did you know that 1 Peter 2:9 teaches the "priesthood of ALL believers"? Paul also taught in 1 Corinthians 14:26 that many saints should be active in the gathering, using their gifts and teaching as functioning members of the body. The bible does "not" teach saints to just be sitting idly in a pew and watching a weekly man-made show. We are to use our gifts, be led by the Spirit as the men step up and minister to each other. (This works best in small bodies that meet in homes.) Click the button below to read about unbiblical modern pastors.
2. The early true New Testament body had no "modern pastor role" (one man teaching and running the entire gathering) as is falsely practiced today.
Titus 1 and all over the New Testament bodies it was "multiple elders" to oversee the body not lord over it. (See Matthew 20) It is a fact that various men can have pastor skills in a body and did you know that 1 Peter 2:9 teaches the "priesthood of ALL believers"? Paul also taught in 1 Corinthians 14:26 that many saints should be active in the gathering, using their gifts and teaching as functioning members of the body. The bible does "not" teach saints to just be sitting idly in a pew and watching a weekly man-made show. We are to use our gifts, be led by the Spirit as the men step up and minister to each other. (This works best in small bodies that meet in homes.) Click the button below to read about unbiblical modern pastors.
Does one man control your entire service or do you have multiple elders who just oversee, many partake in a spirit led, biblical, open worship that God’s Word really teaches for the growth of His people?
3. The early New Testament body did not practice “going to church” as we see it being done today. They "were" His Holy body, living everyday with holy lives as the body; mostly meeting in their homes, often and daily. They had no need of special religious buildings, parking lots, stages, lights etc. that misuses the Lord’s money. Peter said "you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ". 1 Peter 2:5
God's people "are" His house (temple) and so you can't really biblically "go to church" for some timed out services but you can gather the saints together and it must be done God's way not mans. We reject that true saints are to be sitting idle in pews when they are to be active and walking in the Lords true ways for His glory. Please click the button below to see if building centered faith is biblical.
3. The early New Testament body did not practice “going to church” as we see it being done today. They "were" His Holy body, living everyday with holy lives as the body; mostly meeting in their homes, often and daily. They had no need of special religious buildings, parking lots, stages, lights etc. that misuses the Lord’s money. Peter said "you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ". 1 Peter 2:5
God's people "are" His house (temple) and so you can't really biblically "go to church" for some timed out services but you can gather the saints together and it must be done God's way not mans. We reject that true saints are to be sitting idle in pews when they are to be active and walking in the Lords true ways for His glory. Please click the button below to see if building centered faith is biblical.
Do you just “go to ritual church” (in a religious building) or are you taught to live daily "as His true body" through truth, obedience, holiness and worship ( your life) every day? Do true saints really grow spiritually just sitting in a pew watching a show for a couple hours or should they be active and "one anothering each other" as a daily lifestyle just like the holy bible tells us to over 50 times in the New Testament writings?
4.) The true New Testament body is to be for committed believers and their training up for ministry as told to us in Ephesians 4.
Today modern pastors/man’s religion aim at filling up pews with anyone / "seekers" to come and "gather/fellowship" with them. This is false and not biblical at all. How can those who are NOT born again unite with His true set apart body? (We are to go and proclaim the gospel to the lost and then they are born again and baptized into the body.) His body is not for the worldly seekers but for the born again saints who desire to be working at biblical training and living holy lives. Paul said in Galatians 5:9 "a little leaven (sin) affects the whole loaf" (body). Christ’s true people are called out to obedience (Hebrews 5:9 ) and to live a set apart (holy) life in all their ways (1 Peter 1:15) and to not be of the sinful fallen world. Sadly modern pastors are often the most worldly of all!
Today most people in the denominational/evangelical pews thrive on the worlds entertainment, movies and violent, immodest & carnal sports. Jesus tells us to aim for perfection (Matthew 5:48) and in Romans 12:2 Paul says Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
1 John 2:15 says “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” The early New testament body was holy and separated form the carnal worldly system around them other than proclaiming the gospel to them. How about you and your body? Please click the button below to read about the New Testament body.
4.) The true New Testament body is to be for committed believers and their training up for ministry as told to us in Ephesians 4.
Today modern pastors/man’s religion aim at filling up pews with anyone / "seekers" to come and "gather/fellowship" with them. This is false and not biblical at all. How can those who are NOT born again unite with His true set apart body? (We are to go and proclaim the gospel to the lost and then they are born again and baptized into the body.) His body is not for the worldly seekers but for the born again saints who desire to be working at biblical training and living holy lives. Paul said in Galatians 5:9 "a little leaven (sin) affects the whole loaf" (body). Christ’s true people are called out to obedience (Hebrews 5:9 ) and to live a set apart (holy) life in all their ways (1 Peter 1:15) and to not be of the sinful fallen world. Sadly modern pastors are often the most worldly of all!
Today most people in the denominational/evangelical pews thrive on the worlds entertainment, movies and violent, immodest & carnal sports. Jesus tells us to aim for perfection (Matthew 5:48) and in Romans 12:2 Paul says Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
1 John 2:15 says “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” The early New testament body was holy and separated form the carnal worldly system around them other than proclaiming the gospel to them. How about you and your body? Please click the button below to read about the New Testament body.
SAre you surrounded by committed believers living pure, holy and set apart lives or are you rubbing elbows weekly with many seekers and modern false converts? (Are you a false convert?) The worldly and carnal people who aren't serious about walking in God's truth are not part of God's true body.
5. The bible clearly teaches that redeemed, holy saints of His body are to dress biblically dressed and not like the carnal world of today. This is taught in God's Word to be long, unadorned robe like garments as noted in (1 Timothy 2). Also, are you aware that biblical head coverings (1 Corinthians 11) are part of God's design for His daughters? To not do so is unbiblical and disobedient. 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Corinthians 14 teach that women are to be silent and not usurp authority over men in the body. (No women pastors.) Please click on the buttons below to read about headcovering, biblical dress, adornment and lady pastors.
5. The bible clearly teaches that redeemed, holy saints of His body are to dress biblically dressed and not like the carnal world of today. This is taught in God's Word to be long, unadorned robe like garments as noted in (1 Timothy 2). Also, are you aware that biblical head coverings (1 Corinthians 11) are part of God's design for His daughters? To not do so is unbiblical and disobedient. 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Corinthians 14 teach that women are to be silent and not usurp authority over men in the body. (No women pastors.) Please click on the buttons below to read about headcovering, biblical dress, adornment and lady pastors.
Fact: This was taught by early New Testament Christians all the way to the reformers and it was practiced on for 1900 years until feminism was allowed to recently pervert God’s plan. Today, modern religious places don’t teach ladies to be covered or to be biblically dressed. Sadly they have compromised just to keep people in their pews. God Himself covered Adam and Eve in robes in Genesis 3 and God’s Word teaches it’s a shame to pray without your head covered 1 Corinthians 11:6. Today ladies adorn themselves to show off their forms in tight clothes, jeans, shorts, heels, done up hair and painted on make-up etc. which is worldly, not godly. Or they will dress "more modest" for their ritual church services but very worldly out in the world! Is this of a holy God who is everywhere? Have you ever studied these important topics for yourself or has culture trained you incorrectly?
Women, does your religious body teach you these holy biblical instructions? This is not legalism! We are saved by faith alone but total obedience and holiness are the fruit of a true salvation and not a false conversion. Dressing and covering biblically are part of God's plan and if you ignore it, are you in His spirit and truth?
Dress for men:
Starting in Genesis 3:21, God shed blood and covered mankind in tunic like garments and it's never changed. Click the button below for many articles that biblically teach this.
Women, does your religious body teach you these holy biblical instructions? This is not legalism! We are saved by faith alone but total obedience and holiness are the fruit of a true salvation and not a false conversion. Dressing and covering biblically are part of God's plan and if you ignore it, are you in His spirit and truth?
Dress for men:
Starting in Genesis 3:21, God shed blood and covered mankind in tunic like garments and it's never changed. Click the button below for many articles that biblically teach this.
6. Are you aware that local church membership with man’s "extra steps" was NEVER practiced in the true New Testament body.
It was invented by man to control people. When you are born again in Christ you are in His body and need not join another one. Man has added classes, waiting periods, approval boards and various denominational rules. Anything more is man’s invention not of God! (1 Corinthians 12:20) But now indeed there are many members, yet one body.
It was invented by man to control people. When you are born again in Christ you are in His body and need not join another one. Man has added classes, waiting periods, approval boards and various denominational rules. Anything more is man’s invention not of God! (1 Corinthians 12:20) But now indeed there are many members, yet one body.
Does your religious body teach unbiblical additional membership so they can place more man-made rules upon you, or are they teaching you the biblical 'one body' of Christ?
7. The true New Testament body was "Christ and bible truth centered" not man centered. They proclaimed the "true gospel" to the lost and people heard it, repented and were baptized to only then come into the body, be held accountable, disciplined and discipled biblically. It is a gathering of the true saints, not a come as you are seeker event for just anyone at all!
Also a true biblical gathering is not based on falsehoods, man made programs, compromise truth or a seeker sensitive approaches to draw in and reach more of the lost. Many use instrumental music to draw the masses, God's Word teaches no instruments for the New Testament. Today we see the focus on man. They are attracting people through pagan holidays (like Christmas and Easter) new programs, topic driven conferences, famous speakers, book authors, fun outings, lights, smoke machines etc. These often take you far from solid biblical truth and into man’s made up religious world that is more about mans needs then God's Word. The bible warns about such times in the last days and we may well be there.
2 Timothy 4:3 says they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers.
Go HERE for many teachings articles.
What does your religious place use to draw people? God’s Word (the biblical gospel alone) or age driven programs, recreation, fun events, social clubs, hip music/lights and seeker sensitive activities? Are you being holy saints trained up to go out into the lost world and proclaim His truth? Or are you just bringing the world in (by being relevant) into your body and compromising the Lord's truth to do so?
8. Are you aware that worship leaders, practiced choirs, Sunday school, youth pastors or ritual timed out man led services and expensive religious buildings were never part of the New Testament body?
These are all man’s inventions not God’s plan. A true biblical spirit led body needs none of these things at all. Sadly most are being swept away by a perverted system of religion that God did not ordain.
Colossians 2:8 says Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.
Please click the button below to see if you are in a biblical body.
8. Are you aware that worship leaders, practiced choirs, Sunday school, youth pastors or ritual timed out man led services and expensive religious buildings were never part of the New Testament body?
These are all man’s inventions not God’s plan. A true biblical spirit led body needs none of these things at all. Sadly most are being swept away by a perverted system of religion that God did not ordain.
Colossians 2:8 says Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.
Please click the button below to see if you are in a biblical body.
Does your religious body use these "man-made spiritual practices "or do they follow God’s pure and true ways? Do you look like His New testament body or do you look like one that man has invented?
9. Did you know that the tithe was never taught or practiced in the early New Testament body?
Many modern pastors teach it today but it was Old Testament law, for the Israelites and it was food not money. No such practice or teaching was used or given in the New Testament writings. It is being used to extract money from you to pay for things the Lord's true body doesn't need. Paul said So let each give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
Are you being taught to give 10% of your pay to go for buildings, blacktop, carpeting and unbiblical paid positions that the true New Testament body never needed? Their offerings went to needy saints and to proclaiming the gospel. Where is your money going to and why, if God never taught us to do such things?
10. Lastly, the modern denominational/evangalical systems of today are built on spiritual lies and falsehoods, not truth. Many of these are from pagan Rome and even the 16th century reformation and they are very unbiblical. Examples: the Lord’s Supper is for true holy, obedient saints and not just an assembly line tidbit (it was a full fellowship meal) denominational names (Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist) are totally false and unbiblical, seminary taught/modern pastor roles in lifted up pulpits in special religious buildings (often with gyms, coffee bars, bookstores etc) with lines of pews for idle saints are all just man’s invention, not God’s plan for His true people. Why does this all matter you ask?
The bible warns not to practice lies…
(Revelation 22:14-15) Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.
Is your body (you) practicing these lies, and does that concern you? Many say "well we are not perfect” but if you’re truly His, you are called to strive for it (Colossians 1:28/ Matthew 5:48) or you may be in great danger!
Revelation 2:5 says for the bodies to repent! Will you?
Now realize this; most modern religious leaders are "counting on you never learning these truths" as their unbiblical lording over positions and expensive building expansion plans really all depend on you being idle in that pew and handing them your money! But God has a much better plan for His holy people; it’s the true New Testament body biblically functioning in truth. In the early body this was done best in small groups and they met in homes. We meet with modern pastors and people in the pews about these truths so others can be set free as we were. We encourage modern pastors or you to test our words here and meet with us to correct us. We will repent and correct it if shown in God's Word. Will you reason with us over God’s Word? Most just ignore, hide or deny these truths, what will you do? The fruit if these modern places is not what God requires for His true holy obedient people.Jesus said seek perfection (Matthew 5:48)
If you’re really His, you will seek all His ways. (1 John 2:5 / 2 John1:9 )
PLEASE WAKE UP ....study God's Word for yourself and don't rely on man-made religion any longer!
We are calling out to those who will hear, repent, seek His true body life and be His spotless Bride that He will return for one day.Come out from among them and be separate (2 Corinthians 6:17)
Click the button below to see 10 traits of a Christ follower.
(Revelation 22:14-15) Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.
Is your body (you) practicing these lies, and does that concern you? Many say "well we are not perfect” but if you’re truly His, you are called to strive for it (Colossians 1:28/ Matthew 5:48) or you may be in great danger!
Revelation 2:5 says for the bodies to repent! Will you?
Now realize this; most modern religious leaders are "counting on you never learning these truths" as their unbiblical lording over positions and expensive building expansion plans really all depend on you being idle in that pew and handing them your money! But God has a much better plan for His holy people; it’s the true New Testament body biblically functioning in truth. In the early body this was done best in small groups and they met in homes. We meet with modern pastors and people in the pews about these truths so others can be set free as we were. We encourage modern pastors or you to test our words here and meet with us to correct us. We will repent and correct it if shown in God's Word. Will you reason with us over God’s Word? Most just ignore, hide or deny these truths, what will you do? The fruit if these modern places is not what God requires for His true holy obedient people.Jesus said seek perfection (Matthew 5:48)
If you’re really His, you will seek all His ways. (1 John 2:5 / 2 John1:9 )
PLEASE WAKE UP ....study God's Word for yourself and don't rely on man-made religion any longer!
We are calling out to those who will hear, repent, seek His true body life and be His spotless Bride that He will return for one day.Come out from among them and be separate (2 Corinthians 6:17)
Click the button below to see 10 traits of a Christ follower.
We come to you in love and truth. If you’re interested in these facts please click on the button below for our discernment blog that goes into great detail on these subjects. Click the button below
For His glory.....