Thank you for stopping to visit our website. We are so glad you did and we are here for you.
We at seek to proclaim the biblical gospel, call people out of the carnal culture, expose man made denominational religion as false, and lift up the Lord in His true New Testament church model.
To do this we are biblical Berean believers (Acts 17) who have repented of man made denominational religion and today we cling to the FULL word of God. This is done through deep study, obedience, holy living and house to house fellowship (or technology tools like phone) in the making of true disciples (Matthew 28:19)
In order to best "redeem the time" (Ephesians 5:16) we have a simple 'start here' page for anyone who comes to us through our website. (
Please read or listen to the gospel good news on how to find eternal life click the button below.
*Please feel free to test us to God's Word by reading our website.
Please remember: Jesus made the way of eternal life for those who.... OBEY Him. (Hebrews 5:9)
Our mission is that we have labored for years to get this website up and going to proclaim the gospel, expose man made religion and to call people out of those lies and into the New Testament Church that Jesus ordained. By thoroughly reading our website you will know everything about us and we would appreciate it if you took time to know that we stand on all biblical truth. The truth is, many people come to us for various reasons but sadly in the end, FEW desire to become true disciples of Christ at all. (See Matthew 7)
By having a worldwide website ministry, you can understand that we must make sure we are using the time and resources God gives us being wise as a serpent as well as gentle as doves. (Matthew 10:16) We are happy to talk to you about the things of God, any time.