We come in godly love and concern, not to cause harm. If you will read on we will use your own roman catholic catechism teachings vs God's Word to show you how far from biblical truth this system of man really is. It cannot save you!!
Go HERE to see more articles and street preaching that exposes the Roman Catholic church.
(Note: we also reach out to and preach against the protestant groups as they too have left God's Word long ago.)
In our witnessing efforts, we often come across those who claim the faith of the roman catholic religion. The area we live (central Wisconsin) is very heavily roman catholic. Again we will use your own "roman catechism" to show how unbiblical this faith is vs God's Word. (Not our opinion- read on...)
The main issue with the roman faith is that it has an unbiblical gospel salvation doctrine of how to be saved and gain eternal life. Please read or hear the gospel message to find eternal life:
The RC system teaches many hoops and steps that man has added to over the years (penitence, confession to a priest, baby baptism, indulgences etc) while the biblical gospel clearly teaches it is by grace and faith a man is saved with holy works/fruit as evidence of it. Sadly millions are thus in a bondage of religious works and false man made actions that cannot save them at all. One faithful roman catholic man told me all that matters is that you live a "righteous life" of doing good when the bible says all our righteousness is like filthy rags. (See Isaiah 64:6)
The RC system does not even teach that you must be born again (John 3:3 Jesus said so) biblically to gain heaven. (And it is NOT baby baptism as babies can't repent and choose the Lord.)
When we witness to roman catholic people most often they don't even know God's Holy Word for themselves. This is because they are relying on religious men ( priests ) and their system and not the Word of God for their eternal truth. When asked why are they clinging to the RC faith most tell us the following reasons:
it has a long history, my whole family is roman catholic, I was born into it, our priest is so wise/holy, it has a wonderful community, they love the ornate buildings /atmosphere, the music and traditions, the adore Mary, the line of popes etc etc. Sadly none of this is in God's Word as truth for eternal life and it will not save them on judgment day. We want better for them because of godly love and truth.
Some will have you believe that the roman faith is indeed a true Christian faith but this is not so. In the 1st book of Galatians Paul says if anyone preaches another gospel they are accursed. The RC faith teaches another gospel. Many RC people will even tell you they were the original faith but this is a lie. It really has its roots around the 4th century under a unbiblical pagan roman emperor Constantine who perverted true Christianity with many pagan ways. If you look at their doctrines / beliefs and test them against God's Word you will indeed see they are a very unbiblical and perverted faith made up by man. If you were to do a history study of the roman faith you would see much perversion of God's Word right from their start, later terrible crimes as they murdered millions of saints who would not join their ranks, ever changing rules added to control people and a denial of what God's Word has said over their man-made system of magisterial (pope/bishop) rule. Even today these men and the system that millions look to as their sole source of truth and spiritual leadership have harbored and hidden many terrible sins of the priests they lift up. How can that ever be of a Holy God if they claim to be THE truth church? This shows they are sinful fallen men NOT to be followed and ONLY Christ and His Word are to be followed for truth. (We will post roman catholic historical info in the future as well.)
The roman catholic faith is built on the following:
* A false gospel message that is not biblical
*Lifting up regular/sinful men (the pope) as supreme and errorless
*Re-sacrificing the Lord in the mass services
*Praying to dead saints
*They cling to huge religious buildings and a vast fortune
*They claim a unbroken line of popes to Peter that is a lie
*Lifting up and praying to Mary who was just a fallen person
*Unbiblical practices like baby baptism, purgatory, the idolatry of the eucharist and confession to a priest as the only way of forgiving sin
*A works based / man made religious system (Christ and His Word is not enough) that holds you in bondage and not freedom.
To show the undiscerning and very unbiblical doctrines/mindset of its leader, recently the new pope Francis did a mass (very unbiblical by the way the re-sacrificing of Christ) with a man who is an RC priest and a pro sodomite. The pope embraced this man and united with him spiritually. The Apostle Paul makes it very clear God's true people are NOT to associate with those who leave sound doctrine. (See Romans 16:17 ) More evidence of the fact they have left God's Word and are a system of man made rule that Jesus warned about in Mark 7.
The RC errors can be illustrated not by our opinion but by reviewing their own rc catechism vs what God's Word teaches us. The bible is our final authority as Jesus said:
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4
Please see the info here where we posted a portion of the RC catechism and then scripture from God's Word to show the truth and the way out of a false religious system of man's doing. (Over time we will continue to add to this)
Our goal is to not do harm or just talk down someone's faith but to shed biblical light on what they really teach so others can see the truth, repent, come out of this false system and be set free in Christ; for His glory. If they don't repent and gain the truth, they will perish in lies and error (See Revelation 22:14-15)
More info to come over time that compares and exposes the RC faith vs God's Holy Word. Please click on the button below to compare God's Word to the roman catholic catechism and their unbiblical teachings.