Witnessing audios
All new witnessing audios will be found by clicking the button below.
All new witnessing audios will be found by clicking the button below.
These audios are for teaching and training purposes for encouragement of the saints in proclaiming God's Truth. All the glory goes to God.
To search this page click the following (2) buttons on your keyboard: Ctrl F at the same time and it should bring up a little search box in you computer screen. Type in the key words and it will search the audios for you. Arrow up or down to move through the corresponding titles. If you are on a tablet look in the upper right corner for 3 dots, click on that and look for words similar to 'Find in Page'.

Witnessing to a Buggy Mennonite.mp3 |

Witnessing To Salvation Army Workers |

My conversation with Rudy Wiegand, Church of Wells |

Texas Beggar Gets the Gospel |

Dealing With Police in Wells Texas |

Witnessing to an Ex Voodoo Man |

Classic Witnessing Session |

Witnessing In Dalton Georgia |

Christ-Mass Candle Light Service Preaching #1 |

Christ-Mass Candle Light Service Preaching #2 |

Witnessing To A Seeker Who Was Blessed |

Witnessing To Church On A Hill Man |

Preaching the Gospel In the Streets |

Witnessing To Bakery Selling Hebrew Root Man |

Witnessing To Baptist Van Driver |

Witnessing to Drifter Woman From The East Coast.mp3 |

Witnessing to a Young Woman in Florida |

Talking Theology with Jason pt #! |

Talking Theology with Jason Pt #2 |

Witnessing to East Coast Drifter in Florida |

Witnessing To Man Playing Basketball |

Witnessing to Anabaptist Man in Sin |

Witnessing To Young Ex Amish Man |

Witnessing To New Apostolic Tongue Talking Heretic |

Witnessing to A Seeker & Exposing Joel Osteen |

Witnessing to a Trucker with Free Bread |

Wicked Street Preacher Rebuked |

Witnessing about Marriage |

Witnessing to an Unbiblical Music Man |

Refuting an Antichrist Noahide Man |

Witnessing To Sign Spinner |

Witbessing to Religious Man Who Wanted Prayer Not Truth |

Sports Fan Outreach Preacher Exposed Pt #1 |

Sports Fan Outreach Preacher Exposed Pt #2 |

Witnessing to a Baptist Man and His Sons |

Witnessing to Young Super Bowl Fans |

Witnessing To Man With Questions pt #1 |

Witnessing To Man With Questions Pt#2 |

Witnessing To Homeless Shelter Workers |

Seeker Seeking Out The Preacher |

Witnessing to a Worldly Evangelical |

Witnessing to a New Age Claimed Believer |

Witnessing to Homeless Palm Tree Camper |

Widowed William |

Old Biker Man Gets the Gospel |

Cross Carrying Man |

Witnessing to Mormons 5/2021 |

Witnessing to Ex Muslim Abdul |

Witnessing about fisher of men |

Witnessing to a Young Seminarian |

Witnessing to a Lutheran Heretic |

Witnessing to a Man Named Thunder |

Witnessing to a Man from Hope House |

Witnessing to a Who Man Doesn't Like My Preaching |

Witnessing to an atheist couple at a muskie festival pt #1 |

Witnessing to an atheist couple at a muskie festival pt #2 |

Witnessing to an Older Man at a Muskie Festival |

Witnessing to a Man at a Muskie Festival |

Witnessing to a man at a blues musical festival |

Pt#1 Witnessing to Young Man from Old Apostolic Lutheran Church |

Pt#2 Witnessing to Young Man from Old Apostolic Lutheran Church |

Rebuking Home Fellowship Pastor |

Witnessing to Anabaptists in a Park |

Witnessing to a Wicked Minnesota Man |

Witnessing to an Old Apostolic Lutheran Man |

Witnessing to Pastor from Intersect Church pt #1 |

Witnessing to Pastor from Intersect Church pt #2 |

Witnessing to a Van Load of Indiana Amish |

Witnessing to a Cross Carrier in Wyoming |

Witnessing to Eastern Orthodox Man in Cody Wyoming Pt #1 |

Witnessing to Eastern Orthodox Man in Cody Wyoming Pt #2 |

Witnessing to a Stoned Indian at a Truck Stop |

Witnessing to man in Dubois Wy |

Dealing with police in LaCrosse Wi |

Man claims he sees angels |

Witnessing to American Indian in Minnesota |

Preaching against American Christianity |

Witnessing to a man in Wisconsin |

Witnessing to Old Apostolic Lutherans #1 |

Witnessing to Old Apostolic Lutherans #2 |

Witnessing to Church of Christ man in Cody Wy |

Witnessing to man who asked when Jesus is coming |

Man says he is Jesus Christ |

Refuting KJV only Josh in South Dakota |

Man Denies the Word and Jesus Blood |

Messianic Jew in the Park |

Witnessing to angry pentecostal man in park |

Witnessing to Hebrew Root truck driver |

Witnessing In A Wilderness Camp Spot To A Young Hindu-seeking Christ |

Witnessing to an RV Traveler |

Witnessing to 2 mormon elders at a gas station |

Witnessing to a man sharing tracts |

Witnessing to an Amish Man |

Witnessing to a United Pentecostal woman in the park |

Witnessing to a Mennonite man at the dent and bent store |

Witnessing / rebuking a Mennonite elder in Missouri |

Hebrew Root keeper gets a loving rebuke |

Witnessing to a Car Camper Man |

Rebuking Baptist preacher |

Witnessing to a man about Church of Wells |

Witnessing to ex Hebrew Root man |

Homeless man at gas station |

Witnessing to a Homesteader |

Witnessing to an Oregon Drifter |

Witnessing to a Senior Man |

Witnessing to Mennonite Elder Ivan |

Preaching at Packers Game |

Witnessing to Leaders at Olive Hill Amish Mennonite Church Sedalia |

Preaching Outside Olive Hill Amish Mennonite Church Sedalia |

Witnessing to a Man with a Metal Finder in a Park |

Witnessing as we Sell Our Homestead #1 |

Witnessing as we Sell Our Homestead #2 |

Witnessing to a Man that Walked up to our Van |

Witnessing Several of Anabaptist Men |

Witnessing over Blood Moons |

Man in the Park Gets the Truth |

Witnessing to a Hot Rod Teen |

Witnessing to Pentecostal Minister |

Witnessing to a Sikh Man in a Parking Lot |

Pt #1 Witnessing to a Lutheran Seeker with a Brother |

Pt #2 Witnessing to a Lutheran Seeker with a Brother |

Pt #3 Witnessing to a Lutheran Seeker with a Brother |

Pt #4 Witnessing to a Lutheran Seeker with a Brother |

Pt #5 Witnessing to a Lutheran Seeker with a Brother |

Witnessing to a van camper by a River |

Witnessing to Pastors Son at Thrift Store |

Witnessing to a 92 yr old man pt 1 |

Witnessing to a 92 yr old man pt 2 |

Witnessing to a Man Preacher Stole His Wife |

Rebuking a Roman Catholic Priest |

Witnessing to a Compromised Home Fellowship Man |

3 Lifest Witnessing |

4 Lifest Witnessing |

5 Lifest Witnessing |

6 Lifest Witnessing |

7 Lifest Witnessing |

8 Lifest Witnessing |

9 Lifest Witnessing |

10 Lifest Witnessing |

11 Lifest Witnessing |

12 Lifest Witnessing |

13 Lifest Witnessing |

14 Lifest Witnessing |

15 Lifest Witnessing |

16 Lifest Witnessing |

17 Lifest Witnessing |

18 Lifest Witnessing |

Amish Man in Walmart |

Witnessing to an Atheist Fisherman |

Witnessing to Truck Camper |

Holy Water and Demons |

Rude Mennonites in Menards |

Dealing with Police at City on a Hill |

Witnessing to a Street Beggar and City Worker |

Calvary Bible Church Youth Pastor |

Witnessing to 4 young men seeking truth |

Witnessing to a Muslim Defending Mocker |

Witnessing to a Truck Camping Couple |

Refuting Once Saved Always Saved Heretic |

Witnessing to German Baptist Man |

#1 Homeless Baptist Man at Gas Station |

#2 Homeless Baptist Man at Gas Station |

Witnessing to a Back Slidden Man in a Park |

Witnessing to a Lutheran Man at Home Depot |

Witnessing to an older claimed believer who had no time for saints |

Witnessing to a man handing out church flyers |

Man Approached us in a Parking Lot |

Witnessing to a Homeless Man |

Young Baptist Man Asks About Truth |

Helping a Young Roman Catholic in the Truth |

Witnessing to a Seeker Man at a Wayside |

Encouraging a Young Engaged Couple |

Witnessing to a Seeking Man |

Witnessing to an Older Jewish Professed Believer |

Witnessing to a Missionary Man |

Witnessing to a Car Camper from Florida |

Witnessing to a Man with an Angry Dog |

Witnessing to 2 Pentecostals |

Witnessing to cultural jesus look alike named Ronald |

Witnessing Hope to Van Dweller Couple |

Lost Soul in Mennonite Church |

Seeker in a Park |

Tent Camping Drifter |

Witnessing to a Muslim |

Beggar On the Streets |

Salvation Army Bell Ringer |

A Man Seeking to get Back to God |

Modern Pastor Hoyle Moore Rebuked and Exposed |

Young Couple Walks Up |

Beggar With an Angry Dog |

Full Time RVr gets the Gospel |

Ministry Workers Get the Truth |

Two street men get gospel cards |

Hotel Man at Christmas Time Gets Gospel |

Mennonite Family in the market place |

Young Man About Buddhism |
In the audio below...
I was on the phone with brothers talking about non resistance making my case for it's ok to have a tool to use to help others or make a way of escape for yourself when two pitbulls charged me. What perfect timing to illustrate my point ...
I was on the phone with brothers talking about non resistance making my case for it's ok to have a tool to use to help others or make a way of escape for yourself when two pitbulls charged me. What perfect timing to illustrate my point ...

Pit Bulls Charge the Preacher |

Drinking Man at the Gas Pump |

Man in the Bushes |

Baptist Eating Lunch |

Warden Hutterite Colony Exposed |

Call to Thompson Hutterite Leader David Tschetter |

Call to Thompson Hutterite leader George Tschetter |

Thompson Hutterite Leader George Tschetter Swears at Me |

A Man at a Gas Station |

George Tschetter (Thompson Hutterite) Called but Wasn't Interested in Truth |

Joe Wurtz Hutterite Leader Hangs up on Me |

Wolf Pretends to be a Sheep |

Evangelical Listens to Truth |

Amish Ohio man named John |

Begger walks off Angry |

Motorcycle Crash Man |

Talking about Ministry to Homeless |

Talking with a drifter over lunch |

Meeting Drifter John pt #1 |

Meeting Drift John Pt#2 |

Fisherman Joe |

Enthusiastic Man About Jesus |

Street Vendor gets the Gospel |

Street Vendor says Technology Replaced God |

Helping a Stranded Car Dweller |

Gospel at a Produce Stand |

Wisconsin Man Gets the Gospel |

Witnessing to a Homeless Man |

Car Load of Men |

Young Motorcycle Man |

Church of God at Marketplace |

Pentecostal man |

Polygamist Man |

Young Man Reads Bible Verses |

Flea Market Man |

Man at Thrift Store |

A Couple Gets the Truth |

Roman Catholic Priest Gets Truth |

Pentecostal Couple in the Marketplace |

Indian Beggar Family |

Witnessing at the Hardware Store |

Witnessing to Man in the Northwoods |
In the audio below I meant to quote 1 Timothy 4:16 not 1 Timothy 1:16

OSAS Dispensationalist Refuted |

Van man in a park pt 1 |

Van man in a park pt 2 |

Motorcycle Man |

Youth at a car meet |

Witnessing to a beggar |

Angry woman at a park |

7th day Adventist man |

Van Dweller Ron |

Hutterite Man Gets Truth |

Jesus Revival Witnessing |

House Church Man |

Man in a Park |

Annihilation Man |

Roofers Get the Truth |

2 Drifters Get Truth |

Witnessing in a park |

Doug the Lutheran Encounter Church Man Green Bay Farmers Market |