Most people don't realize that what they are practicing today in modern denominational/evangelical Christian bodies is not modeled after the true New Testament body that Christ ordained and left for His people. Sadly it is all a combination of what the pagan roman catholic church handed down as well as the reformers like Martin Luther and John Calvin. This quick post will focus on the truth about those reformers.
Click the button below to read 'Why Are You Doing Pagan Ways'.
While there were great strides to the reformation (like getting God's Word out to the masses of people) most church going folks today have no clue that their system and ways they practice is based on much of what Luther brought out of the roman catholic faith and ideas of others like John Calvin. They did not go back to the early biblical New Testament church at all but continued in mans errors. They just created their own man made religious hybrid system that still lives on today. When tested to the truth they were very un-biblical men and were even involved in both error and murder. As we said they were sinful men who did not strive back to the New Testament church Jesus ordained but to their own perverted creation of religion. So we who love the truth must be reject them and their false systems! Why would we say this?
Click the buttons below to read about the murderous men/reformers/popes that today's religious systems are built upon.
Doesn't the bible say murderers will not inherit Gods kingdom? (Revelation 21:8) Didn't Paul say don't even associate with those who leave sound doctrine? (Romans 16:17) Indeed it does!
In the end, what you are practicing today from the denominational evangelical pews like the religious services, the buildings, the modern pastor role, various false doctrines and many of the teachings/traditions are from these very un-biblical men. There is no doubt Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul would have called them heretics, murderers, evil and unbiblical men so why do so many modern pastors lift them up still today?
It is all because denominational/evangelical religion is not truly of God (just the appearance of it) but it is indeed of man and also influenced by the enemy satan so beware.
(Lots more detailed info on all of these topics is found at our discernment site as well under the "blog" tab.)
Please read our entire website that points to the FULL study God's Word and exposes mans religious systems. We want you to find your way back to the Lord's biblical New Testament church and repent of mans ill religious ways perhaps for your salvation and indeed for God's glory!