Have you have bought into the man made religion, (evangelicalism / roman catholocism / non-denominational) as well as man made philosophies like evolutionism, secular humanism, socialism, communism, one world order-ism, relativism etc? Did you know that any man made religion/philosophy that is not rooted in the eternal truth of God's Word is really of the enemy Satan? All these false religions and 'ism's aim to destroy by lying to you just as Satan did to Eve in the garden. Do not be deceived, there is hope. Listen to the gospel (good news) for the eternal hope to come.
Do you have a faith in God? Are you a Sunday church goer? Are you aware that those in denominational/evangelical / roman catholic religion have been lying to you and teaching you much error each week?We love you enough to tell you here about the truth vs the lies and un-biblical nature of man made false religion that most are practicing today.
By not teaching you the FULL truth, today's modern pastors have been lying to you as you sit in the pews. How can that be you ask?
Do you practice these lies (that man has made) that are NOT found anywhere in God's Holy Word?
*Their un-biblical easy believe gospel is a lie! *The "CEO" modern pastor role is a lie! *Pagan holidays (Christmas/Easter) are a lie! *Being "of the world" (movies, NFL, entertainment etc) and in Christ is an evil lie! *Man's denominational names are a lie! *Even Anabaptist bodies (Mennonite, Amish, German Baptist, Brethren etc) are keeping many man made traditions/lies. *Seminary grads doing all the teaching is a lie! *Men sitting idle (weekly) watching a paid hireling do all the teaching is a lie! *Wasting $$$ on buildings and things and not the gospel or needy saints a lie! *Fast food communion is a roman catholic lie! *The tithe for today is a greedy lie! *Instrumental music in the New Testament body is a lie! *Going to ritual church not "being" His holy church (daily) is a lie! *A building centered faith is a lie! *Sunday holiness but weekly carnality is a big lie! *Sitting and watching a ritual entertainment service is a lie! *Worship leaders, youth pastors and separated sunday school are all lies! *Not using church discipline is a lie! *Extra church membership steps is a lie! *Calling a building "the church" is a lie! *Running a religious body as a business is a lie! *Altar calls, saying a prayer, going to church for salvation is a lie! *Emotional music, mood lights, candles and ritual services more lies! *Adorning yourself on the outside is a vanity lie! *Ladies not covering their heads is a lie! *Not being biblically dressed is a lie! *Loving God & the world (NFL, movies) is a lie! *"Come to this place, it is God's house" is a lie! *Controlled clock / bulletin run gatherings are a lie!
There are many more lies in man's religious system's.
How can this be when Jesus is the truth? (John 14:6) and He said you must worship in spirit and truth? (John 4:24)
The fact is, much of what you're practicing on Sunday is NOT rooted in the Lord's truth. The traditions of men (handed down by the pagan roman catholic faith and the un-biblical reformers to control you) have replaced God's New Testament body with their lies and ritual systems. More recently, the seeker sensitive movement has been used to fill up the 'so called' body of Christ with the people of the world. Their goal is to entertain them so they keep coming back. Holding to God's truth and traditions is not their goal, they are lying to you!
Revelation 22:14-15 says lies get you hell: Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. 15 But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.
QUESTION: Have you ever tested all of your beliefs and practices to His Holy Eternal Word or do you just follow men (modern pastors)? God's Word says to test everything, see 1 Thessalonians 5:21 and examine ourselves to see if we are truly in the faith at all. See 2 Corinthians 13:5.
Is your man made religion lying to you telling you that you are fine before God when actually you're actually in great error? You may not even be born again?
MORE FACTS: Most all people think they are just fine by practicing religious services and will "go to heaven" at death. Easy believism rules this land and it is a lie per God's Word! Most people are indeed headed to hell! We care so we speak out as Jesus said He will turn MANY religious people away into hell. See Matthew 7:21.
QUESTION: Do you know the only narrow road to eternal life and are you really on it in obedience or just doing man made religion? See Hebrews 5:9.
QUESTION: Are you in ALL truth today or just clinging to your own beliefs or practicing man-made traditions and rituals handed down over time? His true people must be separate and come out of error! See 2 Corinthians 6:17.
MAJOR FACT: People's beliefs and main stream religion is deceiving most with its practicing of various lies or lack of full biblical truth. See Colossians 2:8 to not be deceived by man made traditions and fables and philosophies.
God has indeed "called out" His true people from spiritual error and false religion so we ask in love, are you one of His? Or are you still lost, having been lied to and so you are indeed of vain religion and the world, needing to repent, be born again and practice truth (not error) for His glory?
Our entire website is all about calling out to others with the biblical narrow road gospel and exposing man made religious error that so many are sitting in today.
Jesus Christ said you worship Him in VAIN if you are in man made traditions. (See Mark 7:6-9) Please don't perish in them! We are here to help you, see our home page for our contact info. GOOD NEWS! ( Gospel means good news) read or listen to it.