The following is a list of most common denominations in America. It will help you to see that not only are they unbiblical and following the ways of man, not God's true New Testament church model, but they are very recent in history as well compared to the first century church of the bible. Note: Over time we will write more on each of them to detail why they are in biblical error and should be avoided.
*Martin Luther, an ex-monk of the roman catholic church started Lutheranism in the early 16th century.
*If you're a Seventh Day Adventist, your religion was created in the late 19th century aided by a woman Ellen White.
*If you are a Baptist your religious group started around the 1600's
*If you are a Mennonite, your group was named after Menno Simons who lived in the early 16th century.
*If you are a Methodist, your religion was created by men John and Charles Wesley in the late 18th century.
*The cults of Mormanism and Jehovah Witness sprang up in the late 1800's.
*If you are one of these “Church of the Nazarene,”“Pentecostal Gospel,” “Holiness Church,” “Pilgrim Holiness Church,” “Assemblies of God,” “United Church of Christ,” your religion is one of the thousands of man made new groups rooted in just the last 100 years by
*If you are roman catholic: your faith was given a start by pagan Constantine in the 4th century and then a false pope system started up later in the 6th century. It is indeed older then others but not biblical by any means. It held back the spread of more man made denominations by killing and controlling in the dark ages till the reformation happened in the 1500's.
*Even those who would say, "we are NOT a denomination" like the many evangelical bodies that have sprang up of late, we find when tested they are just following the perverted systems of un-biblical men like Luther and Calvin, without a denominational name on their building.
In love we must tell you that unless your striving on in the true New Testament church ways as ordained by Christ Himself in the first century, you are sadly following error and vain traditions today. Your ways cannot be the spirit and truth worship that Jesus said the Father requires in John 4:24.
We encourage you to seek God's Word and Ways only, repent of man made religion and seek what honors Him fully. That is the biblical New Testament church and we pray that our website can help you do that. Click the link below to our 'discernment blog' where you will see many articles on man made denominations.
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? (2 Corinthians 13:5)