Are you aware you are doing various unbiblical pagan ways each week if you sit in man made denominational/evangelical religion? You may not consider yourself a pagan but you are doing pagan ways in man made religion just the same.
Because we care about our fellow man, we are called to tell the gospel truth and we do not compromise but instead will state it clearly to you on
If you are part of man made denominational/mainstream evangelical religion today, do you realize you're practicing and following many things NEVER instructed by God or His Word? In fact the early pagans / roman catholic faith handed down and invented many of the things you are still doing today. Our website details them fully and uses God's Word to expose them. Here are just a few that you most likely are doing that are totally unbiblical and have pagan origins:
*False-easy believe gospel that cannot save (seeker sensitive / Calvanism)
*Worldly and carnal religious body's (via sports, movies, entertainment etc) not holy set apart for God. (Seeker sensitive)
*Ritual, Sunday / Wednesday, man led (not Spirit led) gatherings (Invention of pagan man made religion)
*Denominational names.... unbiblical (came about after Luther / an ex roman catholic monk)
*Practicing Christ-mass .... pagan and unbiblical (a roman catholic invention)
*Practicing easter... pagan and unbiblical (a pagan/roman catholic invention)
*Putting up Christ-mass trees.... (pagan origins)
*Practiced choirs.... unbiblical (an invention of the roman catholic faith)
*Youth pastors and Sunday school ...unbiblical (an invention of secular and error filled men)
*Sunrise services..... pagan and unbiblical (this comes from early worship of a sun god)
* A steeple ...pagan and unbiblical (from the pagan obelisk ways of Egypt and the roman faith)
*The modern CEO pastor as one lone man in control.... unbiblical and pagan (a pagan invention)
*Religious buildings ...unbiblical and pagan (comes from early pagans and the roman catholic faith then the reformers )
*Lines of pews with men sitting idle ....unbiblical and pagan (from pagan ways and the roman catholic faith)
*Sunday as "the" set gathering day... unbiblical (this was the decision/invention of false men in the 2nd - 4th centuries. *Instrumental music ...unbiblical and pagan (comes from the roman catholic faith)
*Baby baptism.... unbiblical (comes from the false roman catholic faith)
*Lent..... unbiblical and pagan (is a hand me down from the pagans of Babylon)
*The tithe.... unbiblical (the tithe was old testament and the roman catholic faith restarted it up again to pay for the buildings and the modern pastor/priest role they wrongly have put in place)
*Ladies with their heads not covered and not biblically dressed .... (this is feminism changing Gods Ways)
There are many more topics but this gives you an idea of how you're being influenced weekly by error and lies when Jesus said we are to worship in spirit and TRUTH! ( John 4:24 )
*** If you are sitting in a pew of mans religion today, you have a problem don't you?
Not to worry.... study the scriptures that we have placed on our blog, soak up the info in detail that exposes the lies and learn about the true New testament church Jesus ordained and follow it, not man's ways!
Click the buttons below to learn the gospel and about what life in the true New Testament church was like:
Then repent of man made religion, seek after His true New Testament model, get into the Word (gospel) and obey it with all that you are! (Reject man's traditions - see Colossians 2:8 ) Only then you will be in line with His Word and Ways for your life lived in obedience to him which is true worship.
If you don't think biblical worship matters then click the button below for a post from our discernment blog on biblical worship.