This challenge is to all those out there in modern man made false denominational religion! We care and this is for you: Because we get emails from what we lovingly call "drive by theologians" we wanted to post this challenge to make sure we are always redeeming the time as the Lord's Word says in Ephesians 5:16 and not wasting it by casting God's truth pearls to those we should not be.
These "claimed" Christians will send us an email (there is no 1 John 4 love for us therefore showing us they may not even have God at all) and they will make a claim like 'you are wrong on this or that'. It usually includes them not directly discussing what we teach in detail and sadly they cut and paste some other persons teaching on a subject that is full of biblical error. We call it tossing "rotten tomatoes" which when decoded just means, they have bad theology, they can't reason in the Holy Word in person or on the phone and they just want to snipe at us via email, then run off to hide in cyber land.
In the past, because we care about others, we would always lovingly reply to them in great detail and using God's Word to encourage them to see the truth and to go deeper than man made religion is taking them. We, as a rule, document and give scripture for ALL our claims and we do not accuse, then run and hide. We reach out in concern but these people do not operate that way. (Most often these are people sitting in a pew of denominationalism, they are worldly, carnal minded people as their fruit has shown us over and over.) Then they would either ignore the email that we took so much time to send them or they just throw some man made saying at us like.... "when you point a finger, three point back at you". (We could never find that in God's Word.) They will then just call us Pharisees or legalists and when asked to reason with us and show us where we teach ANY works based salvation, they run and disappear in the darkness of John 3:19-21.
This is not God honoring and it makes us suspect they do NOT have the truth. We are amazed at how people who "claim" Christ are unwilling to (we think they just can't) step up to a phone or an email for that matter and actually reason in the Holy Word. Sadly modern pastors do it all the time and that shows the ill nature of man made religion and it rotten fruit!
To avoid all of this in the future we have decided to offer to those types of drive by people; this loving challenge. When they boldly claim we are wrong but they bring little in the Word to show us their claim and they won't reason in love and concern, they will be offered this challenge from us to better redeem the time.
Here is how the Pharisee / Legalist Claim Truth Challenge will work for these type of spiritual snipers out there:
If you think we are in scriptural error, we are works based Pharisee's or whatever you think we have wrong biblically, please email us our errors using scirpture. We will read your email and respond biblically. If we are in error we will repent but if you are in error will you repent? It is that simple. So step up accusers and bring your sword! (Holy bible/Hebrews 4:12) or please stop wasting precious time with sinful lies, accusations and foolish nonsense you can't back up in the Word.
We may love you in the Lord but we won't ignore the Word, we will redeem the time and we will not email with those who claim Christ but show they have no love for others nor desire for the FULL truth of God's Word.
The claim that we are legalist Pharisees is just a lie these people cannot support. Click the button below for an article we did on legalism and what it really is and what it is not per God's Word.
In the light of 1 John 4: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
We do wonder about anyone who "claims God" but won't step up into the light to reason and correct a brother or sister if we are in such great biblical error? God's Word says they have NOT the fruit of God!