Our website boldly and uncompromisingly proclaims that when tested to God's Holy Word, most all denominational/evangelical religious bodies (Christian by name) are found to be very unbiblical and practicing a faulty system of man. Also we find that most all pastors are not in a biblical role and are not teaching the full truth to those sitting in the pews. Our 10 point test will expose much that is lacking indeed, using the bible alone.
notWe come in biblical truth, concern and we love others enough to reach out, sit and reason over the truth. Modern pastors often accuse us of being in great error but they never show us what error that really is?
HERE IS THE CHALLENGE: If you or your modern pastor feel we have anything wrong send us an email and we will review your information and correct ourselves if needed. Our experience has shown us the many errors that modern pastors are teaching yet they will not reason over God's truth. This is troubling! We would be willing to go over together the 10 point biblical test (we posted it above) of a persons faith and religious body. (We will not get involved in a debate / giving a platform to false teachers.)
God's Word does not lie and your man made religion is not teaching the truth and fullness of the holy bible and so it is deceiving many.
Note: We are also happy to come and assist you in making the needed biblical changes at your religious body to be fully Christ honoring to His Holy Word. We could come and teach about the many errors of man made religion vs God's true New Testament biblical church Jesus established.
Click the button (below) about the true New Testament church Christ ordained and how it differs from man's system today.
Pastors/elders are called in Titus 1 to be holy and able to teach those who contradict sound doctrine. You and your pastor are also called to love other believers in 1 John 4 as well or you don't have love for God at all. It is sad, we don't see much love of claimed true believers today. Yes these are very hard topics but they must be addressed, as truth matters. See God's Word below.
A true elder/pastor must be:
"hospitable, a lover of what is good, sober-minded, just, holy, self-controlled, holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict".Titus 1:8-9
"for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen"? 1 John 4:20
Sadly many modern denominational/evangelical pastors are hiding or not teaching ALL truth in order to be more popular and to grow their numbers in the pews. This would make them more of a hireling and not a true man of God at all. Real men of God want ALL truth, even if it makes most people run from them.
We today lovingly challenge them to test themselves and their religious body then come reason in the Word IF they are willing to repent of their previous errors. The real question is: can they or you really defend what they are teaching, not teaching and practicing every Sunday and Wednesday? If not they must be held accountable and tested per the Word. ( 1 Thessalonians 5:21, Titus 1, 1 Timothy 5:20, Romans 16:17 and 1 Timothy 5:20 )
In our experiences most modern pastors are not interested in reasoning about deeper biblical truth as it tends to not fall on their side. They know that truth will "empty out the pews" they are just aiming to fill up with anyone who will sit there. Sadly most don't grasp or care that God's Word NEVER calls His true men to have growing numbers but only to be FAITHFUL and TRUE to His Word. Jesus said that number will be FEW not many!
Jesus said: Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7
There is a HUGE cost to follow ALL of God's Word vs man made false religion. Are you willing to pay that price for ALL of His truth? Will you and your pastor study God's Word then reason in it if you are willing to repent of your past false ways, for God's glory? Or will he avoid us (as most do) showing he can't defend his ways, he cares not to either have greater truth or to correct us in true godly Christian love? To not teach the fullness of God's Word is sin and we want to help others out of that!
"Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear". 1 Timothy 5:20
We pray for your repentance and desire to walk in spirit and truth, all for God's glory! Who knows, we may just be visiting your religious body one day soon to stand outside with our gospel signs. We love to talk about the Lord's truth.
Click the button below for detailed info on all of these topics is found in our discernment blog.