I've been asked by several women to test Elizabeth George (who is an author of so called Christian books for women) and what we've found is that she is not a biblical, godly, holy woman but one that teaches a false gospel and writes books that tickles itchy ears. She was married to her late husband Jim who was a writer and elder at their church. * She doesn't preach a biblical gospel nor live it, in fact we can't find the gospel on their website but had to search through various articles to find anything close to it. This was written by her husband on their website. They only go through the Roman's road of salvation, neglecting repentance, being born again, obeying and enduring. See the biblical gospel HERE. She has an accursed gospel per Galatians 1 and should be avoided. This should be enough to warn you to not take her teachings / read her books but we will list more to ensure you don't. The screen captures below show some writings from Elizabeth on how to become a woman of God, lacking the biblical gospel path to eternal life. * She uses the Lord's name to sell her books, see John 2:15, Jesus made a whip for such people. * Elizabeth does not follow the commands for women on how to dress and cover her head. * She practices pagan holidays like Christ-mass and Easter. * She doesn't call women out of sports or tv entertainment and in fact uses them as positive examples when the scriptures call us to avoid them. * She encourages women to wear makeup and get dressed up when the Bible says in 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Peter 3 to NOT do such things. * She was (and maybe still is) united to an unbiblical body called Makakilo Bible Church in Hawaii (where her husband was an elder and a testing of that religious body to come soon.) Go to our discernment blog HERE for teachings on all the topics above and many more to help you discern the truth. Romans 16:17 tells us to avoid such false teachers. This testing has been emailed to her and if she repents we will post that here as an update and will help her in the truth. Sister Aman with Brother Tupos