We were asked to look into American Heritage Girls and see if it's truly a biblical organization and what we found is that they teach character development for girls and claim that they use Christian values to do so. While they do 'some' good, they have many unbiblical ways that are not in line with scripture and thus should be avoided per God's Word. * They do not teach a biblical gospel which is to be the foundation of all true believers. This is dangerous and sinful, see the biblical gospel HERE. This should be enough to disqualify any parent from enrolling their daughter in this program but we will give you more evidence that they should be avoided. * They do not teach biblical dress or head coverings (long, loose, unadorned dresses skirts/shirts and head covers). See how women should dress and teach their daughters as well HERE. * They teach ecumenicalism as they are involved with many different denominations. She denominations exposed HERE. * They encourage girls to go against 1 Peter 3 in learning how to have a meek and quiet, submissive spirit and instead teach them leadership roles. Learn about the attribute of a meek and quiet spirit HERE. * They teach and promote patriotism, this is idolatry. Read an article that exposes that HERE. * They give badges and awards which promotes pride and vanity. See a teaching on how God hates pride HERE. * They promote unbiblical websites and ministries. See how to test them HERE. * They promote pagan holidays such as Christ-mass. See Christ-mass exposed HERE. This organization does not hold to the truth of God's word and in fact contradicts it in many areas so they are to be avoided. One thing to keep in mind is that parents are to be the teachers and leaders of their children so we encourage you to be doing that. Avoid all unbibilcal organizations and lead your daughters from the Word of God. God be praised! *************************************** Here is the biblical gospel: http://www.dontperish.com/the-gospel.html Comments are closed.