This is a testing to warn you about the so called revival that has taken place in Kentucky in Feb 2023 at Asbury University. While we are all about God and His spirit moving, we are told to test all things 1 Thess 5 and to be Bereans Acts 17. See the biblical gospel to eternal life HERE. Here is an audio I made that you can listen to that walks you through this exposing or you can read on for yourself HERE. Update: Feb 23 2023 I warned you about this revival and now we see long before the revival happened The Collegiate Day of Prayer was planning at event for Feb 23 right at Asbury that includes heretics Rick Warren, Francis Chan and NAR / IHOP. This entire revival appears to be a planned event to push their false gospel ecumenical NAR agenda all over college campuses. More to come on this... Read on to see why Asbury and this revival is NOT of God by its heretical sinful fruit! ******************************************* I am here to tell you that when tested this Asbury university itself and this revival fails to be of God at all. In fact; there is evidence it is very corrupt, unbiblical and even the question is raised; was all staged in a perfect media timing event? And is it linked to the New Apostolic Reformation/Roman Catholisism? I offer to you the following evidence that documents it well and why this is NOT a move of God but part of the last days deception. Did you know the but a great falling away from truth? I think these false revivals are actually that fallen away from sound doctrine and this audio explains it clearly for you edification HERE. Many will say God is pouring out His spirit like Acts 2 says speaking about Joel 2. But that biblically will come in the last days right before the day of the Lord. See a article on that HERE. Some points about a true biblical move of God then we will discuss Asbury: *It is marked by sound doctrine and the biblical gospel proclaimed *It is marked by people coming out of all sin and worldliness not staying in it (how they act, talk, dress and live all changes) *It is marked by religious places repenting and stopping all man made false ways like emotional fleshly music and pagan holidays of Christmass and Easter *It is rooted in preaching the Word, not emotional music *It is not youth led but overseen by mature men of God (elders) in sound truth that saves us. Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee. 1 Tim 4:16 In Feb 2023 some students at this Wesleyan university never left a chapel meeting (after a message was given) and it went on for 10 days as of this testing publication. They said it was a move of the youth and it become a social media frenzy with thousands of people flocking to it from all over the world. It was a meeting of mostly singing, crying, some testimony, very little preaching, very little gospel truth and a lot of fleshly emotionalism. That had alter calls and all the usual man made false revival ways but thy lack sound truth, obedience and doctrine. See an article on man made altar calls HERE. These emotional so called revivals always draw unbiblical seeker people to come, line up and try to be part of it all, like a circus show. This is unbiblical as anyone who is born of the gospel has the Spirit of God in them already and we need not run to try and get something that God already gave His saints. We are His temple per 1 Cor 6:19 and sadly most involved here have NOT the fruit of new life in Christ at all but they are seeking signs and wonders. People love to seek signs and wonders as they did it in Jesus day and He warned it will be so in the last days as well. Satan will use false signs to deceive the masses but God's people test all things and we know godly men by their fruit. The Asbury university fruit is ROTTEN! This young man was saying there was a cloud over the entire town hinting it was God's glory cloud..... which is just NOT so! There was already a casting out of demons in a lady which is a sign the NAR types are right in their midst like wolves. (Not that demons do not exist as they do but; Christians cannot be indwelt by demons.) I also have heard all kinds of other false testimony sayings out of this like... "you can feel the holy spirit, its thick", "my hair stood up", "I got chills or hot flashes", "you can sense the presence of God" and the cry to forget doctrine or differences.... "lets all come together". This is a heretical false movement by its fruit as Jesus speaks of here: Christ warned of this in Matthew 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. I have heard many report they went there and did not hear the true gospel. It is reported a woman was on stage saying the gospel was Jesus loves you and has a plan for your life. The concern is this event is very gospel light and weak on bible truth which is no surprise as these false revivals often are. ***Before you go saying I have blasphemed the holy spirit, no I have not. That is saying the work of Jesus was of satan but I am saying the work of heretical Asbury and their NAR partners is suspect and could be of satan. Hear a audio on that topic HERE. There are reports that a lot of Hillsong and Elevation music is being played there which is another warning sign! Also repetitive singing over and over and over is another trend that lulls people into a controlled state. This video shows the fleshly emotionalism going on here. We do not please God in the emotional flesh / Romans 8:8 but by obedience to His Word. 2 John 1:4 / The Holy Spirit comes and brings joy which is inner calm and cheerfulness, NOT fleshly dancing and jumping. This so called revival is NOT new to this university as they have had it many times before as shown below. The real issue is it has NEVER led to deeper holiness and full biblical truth at all as I will prove because this is a worldly, carnal, heretical college so it is NOT of God. This college was once involved in the heretic Jesus movement of the 1970's and that was a unbiblical nightmare as links I have attached will show you including the movie that is about to release which could be why they made this revival up. Note: This college is a product of John Wesley of the Methodist false denomination. He was a man into mysticism and had various unbiblical false doctrines they keep to date. While they do have some truth, they all have much sin, corrupt gospel message and false man made traditions as this 10 point test shows HERE. Jesus said keeping man made ways VOIDS your worship of God. Mark 7:6-9 Lets get to the deeper reasons why this revival is not of God. Below is a picture of the man who spoke right before the so called revival started. He is a suspect unbiblical man who works at the college. In his roughly 20 minute sermon; he focused on the word LOVE 140 times .... but he lacks what is required to be of God. That is a faith to follow, repentance of all sin, born from above with fruits of holiness/obedience and endurance. This revival has a false love centered easy believe gospel and lacks the evidence of Gods Word and truth. See the usage of his words below that someone counted from that speech. Did you know the bible rarely uses love to evangelize thee call is to repent. See a article on that HERE. Zach and Asbury can be known by their ill heretical associations as I will show you that also teach false gospels. Zach promotes a book by Bryan D Sims and it is a emergent type false leadership book with a suspect forward written by Allan Hirsch who promotes false gospel ways. Allan Hirsch once pastored a church in Australia that was 40 percent homosexual and his wife once said at a conference; imagine heaven will be like a non stop orgasm. These are corrupt unbiblical false people, all part of the falling away from holy biblical truth and into church growth ways via man made leadership blather but Asbury feeds on it all. See Hirsch exposed HERE. Need more evidence against this so called revival and Asbury University? They PROMOTE all of these heretical denominations to their students including roman catholic ways which is a demonic false gospel system that damns your soul. Roman Catholics are appearing at this revival and claiming Jesus is there Here I heard Clint Baldwin / Asbury Professor quoting Eugene Petersen who wrote the heretical Message Bible and Petersen is a mystic, emergent heretic false man. Asbury makes no mistake about their mystic ways as they have a spiritual formation team which is really all about extra biblical ways to reach spirituality. Asbury in all the years of so called revival has not read Apostle Paul and the NT word enough to NOT have woman teachers Per 1 Tim 2 and 1 Cor 14. Out of their bible study teachers, 4 are women as shown here: As I said; they have claimed to have had God show up many times before in revivals but it is sad me to have to show you what they think is holy ways for their youth. (biblical nakedness for all the world to see as that is on their website) This false college is into the pride, covetousness, vanity, fleshly, carnal, idle and worldliness of sports when James 4:4 says that makes you Gods enemy. If you go to their website you see worldliness, lasciviousness, pride and vanity all over it not personal holy conduct, proving it is not of God but of a denomination of man! Note: if these move was really of God and we know the Lord is about truth and holiness here is a thought. All sin would be dealt with but not one person there has recognized woman should NOT be teaching and speaking, nor should they be praying without their heads covered. 1 Cor 11 Their youth are all very worldly and showing off their bodies in tight form showing clothing with make up and such. How we dress, act and live NOT being of the world is the fruit we know Him. Romans 12:1-2 All that said; on to why this so called revival is to be marked and avoided Per Romans 16:17 and may have been staged. Did you know Asbury is united to a heretical Collegiate day of prayer and they are planning a broadcast from their Asbury college on Feb 23? What a coincidence! And this corrupt college day of prayer is directly linked to the NAR false wolves like Lou Ingle and Mike Bickle... more coincidence! These are men who believe in God's glory cloud showing up and the dead being raised and craziness like manifestations of slain in the spirit. See the NAR exposed HERE. Also we have mystic, roman catholic leaning heretic Francis Chan is involved as well with the college day of prayer. See him exposed HERE. This so called revival is timed out perfectly around this corrupt college day of prayer that Asbury is sponsoring on campus. Again what a coincidence, I think not! But there is one more interesting note as well. Asbury was well immersed in the 1970's corrupt Jesus people movement and it was their most famous revival. Well, guess what movie is coming out on Feb 24? A major movie all about .... The Jesus Movement of the 1970's highlighting a homosexual preacher Lonnie Frisbee featured in it played by a roman catholic heretic man who plays fake jesus in the Chosen mini series! (all movies are sinful as its idle entertainment and actors are hypocrites / liars) See that movie exposed HERE. Another amazing coincidence? Or just a clever planned out scheme by satan to rope more people into going to see it and deceive people into false revival and heretical false religious ways that cannot save you? My last statement is to say this is NOT revival of God. It is a step to moving people into a mystic spiritual, emotional, ecumenical, sinful unity of many faiths and into the one world faith / anti-christ system in the last days. More to come on this in the future and till then; go test all things and do not be deceived by this fake revival and false universities of man! I encourage you to repent of your man made churchianity and come out of the world to serve Christ in holy spirit and truth / John 4:24 Forget these man made satan inspired so called revivals as they lead to Gods wrath not life. See our many resources to help you below..... God be praised Comments are closed.
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February 2025