Repent Ben, we love you. The following testing is placed online to warn people about Ben Walter who was once a leader in a Hutterite colony. I want the truth to be known in case Ben goes to join other believers and seeks leadership lest he deceive people. I also want the truth to be known about his son Patrick who we were united to and had to part ways several times due to many issues / sins that are detailed below. . Update June 2024 We received a long email from Michaela that went on to drudge up old issues and continued rebuking while bringing up the past that we have forgiven and moved on from. We did notice her further slide, now stating she may remove being born again off of her gospel card? This update confirms for you and us that we made the right choice in biblical separation from them all. We did not reply back to her. I did send Patrick an email stating they are united so why isn't he involved or is she leading him with feminism? We want no further contact and hope they repent and seek the kingdom in truth to save their souls. He did not respond as I told him no email reply is needed. We hope this report shows the signs we saw were warranted and we hope it teaches anyone watching to test and be wise as a serpent in all relationships. Be led of the spirit not the flesh as many false brethren and those who bring confusion abound in these last days. Strive on for His glory .... 1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. UPDATE May 2024 It was brought to my attention that patrick is selling his shuttlebus / van. I guess him saying he was called to be a full time traveling evangelist wasn't true? We hope they all repent to the saving of their souls. UPDATE April 2024 HERE is an answer to Patrick, Marion and Michaela from all the lies on Patrick's latest email. UPDATE: HERE are my answers to Patrick Accuser in Alberta. In great feminism, he supported Michaela's questions and added more of his own. Let the truth be told. UPDATE March 2024: We separated from Patrick and Marion as the audio from Feb 2024 explains. His house has reunited with a confused woman in Australia, birds of a feather flock together. See this link HERE about her troubling ways and our refuting of them. UPDATE Feb 2024 The following audio details the truth about Patrick Walter and why we are not united to him today. Click HERE to listen to it. Ben's son Patrick (and his wife Marion) had repented but in the end they returned to their vomit of rebellion, pride and sin, they have been put out of fellowship once again and they will NOT be allowed back. Sadly a dog returns to his vomit just as Proverbs said. As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly. Proverbs 26:11 Here is a link that exposes my early communication with Patrick and it was full of lies from him. Ben Walter has decided to hold a false testimony against me and NOT seek unity / forgiveness in the body together when it was offered. He has now been put out of fellowship from the brothers according to Romans 16:17. In love Ben's fruit shows he is either rebellious and in sin or a false convert. We pray he repents to save his soul. This is stated here per 1 Tim 5:20 as a public rebuke. The following is my biblical email response to Ben to clarify matters and send him a biblical public rebuke to the saving of his soul. May God be glorified in us ... There was a very short period of time I was united to Ben Walter / ex Hutterite but it ended in an act of sinful ways. The truth must be told & exposed lest I be partial, which my God hates. 1 Timothy 5:21 To be clear, I place these facts here for clarification, edification, learning and the saving of their souls not a 'get you' moment. It is my hope that Ben repents and comes to himself as I want no ill or God's wrath for anyone. To be clear, the bible calls out men's sins by name for teaching, rebuking and exhortation. (a biblical rebuke means to show fault) Here are bullet point facts as many are wondering what happened between us: (I waited 2 many months but no repentance has been shown towards us and this situation.) *I knew of them over several years and he was reaching out to me but each time his stubborn, prideful, novice, stiff necked ways, even defending the Hutterites heresy and that always kept us apart. (He later agreed he was that way for years....) *Eventually he did leave the Hutterites and in 2022 we started fellowshiping long distance. I learned that his house was not in full biblical order (after a long time in Christ) nor was he even united to his brother, dad/mom, who lived right next door. *I reached out to his brother who decided to go into the world on his own so we all separated from him. *I reached out to Ben (his dad), who did not even claim to be born again and I tried to work with him in truth. It did not go well at first but eventually he decided to repent and seek God's kingdom with us as well. (There were some trust issues here all along.) *By applying God's truth, both their houses quickly got biblical though there was flesh, pride, stubborn ways and other issues at play in them. I had some trust issues with them both though I forgave them and was trying hard to move on. We were on the phone daily and often for hours in study. I wanted to work at it and help them grow up in Christ. *We were united in doctrinal truth and standing against the wicked Hutterites and they both told me stories of Hutterite sins like drunken-ness and a man's death at a colony that could have been, a murder? Police investigated and all with polygraph tests. But sadly our unity did not last long. Paul says a little bit of leaven (sin) affects much. Gal 5:9 * We had this situation where a wicked men was at a brother's house trying to get at a possible saint. The situation needed to be dealt with. Keep in mind, one of the men at his house was the Hutterite man Ben said the police polygraphed for a possible drunken murder. * Ben then calls me and confirms they polygraphed him for the murder. These wicked Hutterites are at a private home trying to get at a sheep and with them was a suspect in a drunken murder! (By the way; I trusted Ben's info as he was the brother in law and close to a Thompson colony leader George Tschetter. ) *Here is where the whole thing goes very bad..... I make the statement that we need to call these wicked men out and let the world know about that drunken murder issue and expose evil... per Eph 5. Not use any man's name but expose the issue in general was my desire to protect that woman who fled. Then Ben (the very same day he told me about the polygraph test for the murder) calls me angry that I want to expose the Hutterites. I tell him we need to do it and he says I am hateful, Hutterite bashing and lording over them if I do it. (I have this on audio as we agreed to record all calls that day) He slams the phone down on me and never talks to me again. This is the same man that I have phone calls on my voice message, crying to me about the Lord and asking I help him. This whole mess goes to FB messenger and I ask them about it all. (Keep in mind I am 2500 miles away traveling to preach the gospel just trying to help them) Ben also starts to defend the wicked Hutterites and says we can't call out that sin as we don't know all the facts, if it even happened. Note: Ben spoke it to me like it DID happen and he wanted to hide it. Was he gossiping? Ben hid in the dark saying nothing as I went to expose the Hutterites. I ask/plead to them do not do are pushing it too far and I can't walk with you if you defend these wicked men as traitors. Partiality and cowardice was Ben's way in these actions. *I then made the decision to leave / shut down the FB forum and ask them to go ponder it all and let's talk in a day or so but that didn't happen. That sealed it for us as the trust was shattered and we were all dis-fellowshiped from each other. * I did try after that day to get them to see their sin to fix it all for God's glory. Ben stayed hidden never talked to me again. I only stopped the destructive FB forum and asked for time to think it out then talk. All along I wanted them both to see how partial and hypocritical they were being over the Hutterites but they rejected it out right and thus rejected us. * Ben was seemingly happy destroying the fellowship that we had but not a finger was raised to try and make things right for God's glory. I need to note a young brother was involved in this all with us and he saw it as I did and he parted from them as well. That is the tragic story of broken fellowship with an ex hutterite who still have Hutterite ways in him. Again, I would beg of you all to take heed of this sad tale and learn from it lest you fall into it yourself. I am a better man because of this all and I hold no ill will toward Ben. Ben needs to heed Jesus words about leaving a gift at the altar and fixing issues with a brother, as he is in sin and great danger! Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. Matt 5:23-24 Ben, by his fruit is acting like a rank HYPOCRITE. I pray they truly come to themselves and repent! 1 Tim 5:21 I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality. See the Hutterite colonies they were once involved in exposed here: I wanted the facts to be made known so my neighbors are not deceived by such men like Ben. See the gospel to eternal life here: |
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September 2024