Dean Taylor has many unbiblical issues as this testing shows. Update March 2022 Sattler college's founder (Finny) his money fund executive linked to adult movie company via his board membership. Go to this link and see it all detailed. ********************** NOTE: All future updates to this Dean Taylor post will be found at this link for Followers of the Way (as he's united to them.) ************************* Hypocritical Sattler College requires mask wearing but not biblical headcoverings. Dean Taylor says PSA and Christus Victor are compatible? See that proven here: *********** No this is not a poster for a skinny pants modern pastor convention It is a group of men (leaders) from Sattler College a "SO CALLED" biblical anabaptist college. They are in fact into feminization and MUCH MUCH heresy including a false gospel. (they cant even get biblical dress right) Sattler College spent $1 million on furniture! Read on to see them exposed ************ We at are biblical New Testament followers of Christ who have left the denominational evangelical man made religious world, we preach Christ crucified, we reject the ways of the culture like TV, sports, entertainment, our ladies head cover / dress (in loose, plain dresses/ men in loose form covering tunic garb) according to the Word of God, men in tunics, we reject all pagan ways like Christmas and Easter and we cling to ONLY the biblical church ways that Jesus ordained through Paul and the other apostles. We believe and will practice only holy, orderly controlled OPEN gatherings (mostly in homes or out doors) where all born again obedient men can bring what God gives them to share. No ONE man is in control but multiple men shall over see (elders) not lord over others. We strive in and for God's Kingdom, not man made religion. ********************************************************************* Read on to see Dean Taylor exposed as unbiblical and heretical President of Sattler college but first some updates: **************** Update Feb 2022 If you pay them enough money you get to join in to their video conference calls and even ask them questions. What compromised false hirelings they are! Here is a article on why its sinful to sell the things of God: By the way; the man behind it all Finny Kuravilla; sits on $6 billion dollars of a hedge fund; that he runs. They teach a false gospel and much heresy and they charge you for it all. See them all exposed at these links. *********** Update Dec 2021 Dean Taylor very wrong on sectarianism! ************* Update Oct 2021The rugged godly holy men of old risked their lives, boldly preached the gospel truth to the lost and lived hard lives of persecution and surrender to the Kingdom unto death! Today's feminized "so called" men of God to go cushy Sattler college and paint pretty pictures with women in a park in their free time and they do not preach the gospel truth! Oct 2021 So this man gives his testimony at FOTW. In 20 minutes he NEVER mentions repenting or being born again but he does mention: a roman catholic heretics book by CS Lewis and that two of his close brothers (Finny is one) make a lot of money $$$$$ in investing and he wants to as well. Then he tries to say they live radical for Jesus. Not sure why, they are just typical worldly lukewarm heretical anabaptist's. read on to see them exposed *************** Update Feb 2021 Dean is united to FOTW Boston I warned you about this wicked group! FOTW/Finny promotes the false gospel, sodomite/lesbian approving emergent church leader Allan Hirsch Here is Allan dressed up at pagan burning man festival. He says the world mostly thinks.... Jesus is cool! Allen's wife Debra is into sex counseling and they both of approve sodomy / lesbianism in believers. See the testing with VILE details about these wicked people that Finny promotes! See them exposed here: read on to see them exposed for much sin ..... ****************** Update Nov 2020 Under Dean, Bercot and Finny.... Sattler continues its heresy: Calling a roman catholic (heretics) Christians..... this is ecumenical and wicked. Roman Catholics killed anabaptist's 500 years ago. read on to see them exposed as in much sin **************** Deans FOTW body is very messed up! His Apostle Matthew Milioni and him, love divorce and remarriage as a pet doctrine Here is my article that exposes their false theology on remarriage in a pre conversion situation: ******************* Finny... Deans brother...does a teaching and says the gospel is Jesus death, burial and resurrection: Here is Matthew Milioni saying to me that the gospel is NOT Jesus cross....... Finny ( FOTW/Sattler's founder ) has hypocritical views on money as he claims we should all live on little but; he manages $6 billion for rich people to get richer???? Here he is teaching about "giving away your extra tunic", then you can see his company Even tide (that he started) hires men to help ULTRA HIGH NET worth people make even more money!!!! Oh, the height of hypocrisy in this man and FOTW! Also... Finnys company links every year to the worldly carnal false heretical ways of the evangelical world via money conferences with various false teachers/singers like Chris Tomlin who sang there: ********** Update Oct 2020 Dean was once a Hutterite. A Hutterite man in Canada named Patrick told me he called Taylor to ask why their website says they do not discriminate against sodomites? (I show you that proof below in this testing) He said Taylor gave him all but 3 minutes and no good answer! See Hutterite heresy exposed here: ***************************** Update Aug 2020 More ill fruit of Matthew / FOTW Elijah Milioni (Matthew's teen son) is a deceptive liar / go to this link to see it proven and even admitted by him: read on to see more unbiblical things exposed ****************************************** Update: Aug 2020 Sattler College is CLUELESS once again! Sattler college puts on a porn addiction seminar with Pure Desire Ministries. This group teaches you can divorce/remarry as a believer after sexual failure, they teach a false evangelical gospel and they use NEW AGE IFS psychology therapy ways on people. Yet Sattler promotes them????? See Pure Desire exposed with all the facts here: read on ..... Dean writes in great praise of the Moravin's and was on a podcast recently. Folks, the Moravian's of the 1700's! were a mystic, heretical weird sex cult into the worship of Jesus side wound and have been accused of even straying into homosexuality...and Dean praised them!!!!! See them exposed here: Dean is clueless or a deceiver??? Dean is linked to the dark meme page with Matthew Milioni read on to see it exposed here: Dean/Sattler/FOTW are social justice heretics and see that evil way exposed here: ************************* The dark kcm meme leader Matthew (Deans close brother) just keeps getting more heretical. Here he is posting a black mans speech so you can gain understanding and knowledge from him? James Baldwin was an atheist & sodomite! Here is what is very hypocritical of this all. When I reached out to Matthew in 2018 and I wanted to just cling to God's Word for truth, he told me I was wrong / bringing all my false preconceived ideas. He rejected my views as a Christ follower and mocked me yet; he promotes anti-christ sodomites openly. Is this the fruit of a wicked man? ************************ Massive hypocrisy of dark kcm page that Dean Taylor is a member of: Here is a man being told.... NO VIOLENCE. Yet one of the admins David Eicher is saying on video he will pay to blow up southern monuments and burn down buildings! Hear it for yourself right below at the link on David Eicher Exposed...... Read Matthew 23 ...God HATES hypocrites dark kcm ones! ******************************* David Eicher / Violent Hypocrite Anabaptist Dark Memer Exposed Matthews feminized house rises up! I was just telling my godly wife (who would NEVER take to rebuking a preacher/bible teacher) that is was only a matter of time before Matthew Milioni's house shows more ill fruit and here it is in feminism. His wife Erica had to chime in on me and remarriage yet; she knows NOTHING of the facts or my divorce / pre-convertion life. (I was the chief of sinners for sure) Notice: how she paints a planted lie in this picture of a man who abandoned his wife and small children for another woman: Fact: I was a unregenerated man yet; I still labored and took care of my children for 16 years....all the way to age 18. (they actually came to live with me some years later) The facts of my pre Christ divorce are meaningless if you know the biblical gospel and have good theology. Here is the rest of her lie planting meme: (Erica learned to lie from Matthew or him from her?) Like Matthew and his lies, like their son Elijah with his email deceptions and like David Eicher and his lies (read on to see all those) Erica is painting a "picture that is a lie"! 3 things: 1) My past before Christ is done away with and I am NEW / 2 Cor 5:17 (what part of ALL things are made new do they not grasp folks?) 2) here is my article that exposes their false theology on remarriage in a pre conversion situation: 3) Here is my drawing for Erica since she felt the need to come interject herself in theology which is not her place: We love you Erica and in truth; you are married to and united to a bunch of heretics. Repent! Dean is member of FOTW / see them exposed here: Ps since Erica has interjecting yourself, maybe she will now post on Dark KCM and explain for all of us why you live in a house worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and how your leader Finny can sit on $3.9 billion in money and be preaching give it all away to live like Jesus? We shall wait since all the men at FOTW are Rev 21:8 cowards to fess up an answer (including your heretic husband) The following is a biblical testing warning of the unbiblical ways of Dean Taylor currently President at Sattler College. Their Sattler website says they do not discriminate against sexual orientation. As a so called Christian college; does this mean they will let in practicing sodomites and lesbians to take classes? Or is it all so they can be tax exempt? I have asked Dean Taylor, Finny and Bercot.... no replies! See the link at the end that exposes Sattler! I think this topic needs this drawing ..... They teach wrong theology on divorce and remarriage See that exposed here: **************************************** Note: I have messaged Mr Taylor this testing and offered he correct anything I have said. If he replies it will be placed here for a teaching moment with my reply. ******************************************************************** Go here to listen to a audio to come on why this must be exposed: Dean is united to FOTW Boston.... Matthew Milioni ( Deans close brother ) is so dark, he was quick to post about the killing of a black man by police But after days of people rioting in Minneapolis, NOTHING from Matthew denouncing that violence! He is a Matt 23 hypocrite! It is true .... and Matthew Milioni and Finny believe they are drinking Jesus mystical magic BLOOD! Update May 2020 I have asked Dean / Matthews brother Finny K. some direct questions about Matthew's anti christ talks, DKCM's carnality, his $4 billion dollar Eventide fund and their big homes but; he has yet to answer at all. I know he got my email as his worker at Eventide emailed me and said she passed it on to him. See exactly what I asked him and what he wont answer, on the testing of Finny K. here: read on to see much exposed ************************************* So I looked back in to DKCM I am now calling them the Dark Kingdom Corrupt Meme page! Matthew ( Dean's Brother) is all excited about a WAR video that was posted w/ scriptures... Yet this group stands totally against all "violence and war" but the video is all violence and war and Milioni.... LOVES IT!!! And his young son is on the Christian gamer page posting his adoration of..... war video games? I do not make this stuff up, so sad! Mathews house really needs to be put in order. See Titus 1 God sees and knows what sinful hypocrites they are, please be warned! ********************************* Update April 2020 Dean is a member of this heretical carnal group that uses war videos games, harlot dressed women and immodest hollywood pictures to meme/laugh about the things of God: Shame on you Dean Taylor, so called man of God! read on to see Dean exposed.... ****************************************************** Matthew (Deans close brother) is part of this vile DKCM page / go there and see his mail to me and my public reply: ****************************************************************** Dec 2019 Busing in Mennonites.... Dean and Sattler have resorted to renting buses and bringing in Mennonite youth for free to deceive them with Sattler College theology. read on to see them exposed in the Word..... *************************************************************** Update Dec 2019 In love, I must call out Finny ( Deans dear brother ) as a liar! In this video... Finny says he really likes a man who is bold and can call things deceptive and sinful. But ... in love you lie Mr Kuravilla! I have emailed Finny this testing many times calling him to repentance over his sinful hypocritical ways and ..... he has NEVER replied back once. No love, no correction nothing! ( his so called Apostle brother Matthew Milioni did reply and ended up being mean, nasty and a liar as well. read on to see that ) More hypocrisy at FOTW.... read on to see them exposed for many sins..... ************************************************************ Update Nov 2019 See Deans so called Apostle here..... Matthew Milioni is now doing talk video's with his BEST Friend a ANTI- Christ atheist man.... and having FUN doing it! This further proves Matthew is a vile profane man void of the spirit of God by all of his ill fruit. Jesus nor Paul would EVER entertain such mockers of God in this way! read on to see Dean / Sattler / FOTW exposed ***************************************************************** Update Oct 2019 Here is a link that shows on video Dean admitting that doctrines (about salvation) would be laughed at in his long time Hutterite community as they are not that important but we just follow Jesus! Mr Taylor.... How do you follow Jesus without doctrine and instruction from the entire Word of God? Jesus said we need it all in Matthew 4:4 **************************************************************************************************** If we desire to see if Mr Taylor is biblical or not, we need only look at his current and past associations to see who he unites to in doctrine. For those following reasons you should avoid Dean per Romans 16:17 as he has left sound doctrine: 1) Dean has a false anabaptist gospel that is more focused on the sermon on the mount teaching ( no divorce remarriage, non resistance, communal life ) then the Risen Savior. ( Paul preached Christ crucified / 1 Cor 1;23 ) Taylor is united to Followers of the Way in Boston a heretical group. They teach the roman catholic heresy of the literal eating of Jesus BLOOD and BODY and they share this false gospel focus. Go to this link as I have communicated with Matthew Milioni, their "so called Apostle" about this all and I document his shame/lies and their false teachings here with MANY biblical links: *** Dean and FOTW have a accursed gospel per Gal 1 down playing the blood of Christ. 2) Mr Taylor was most recently and for a long time part of the Hutterite's. This is a man made false system not the true body Christ ordained. I have seen Dean say on video that in his Hutterite Community you would be laughed at if you came to talk doctrine. See they keep mans ways mostly ( Paul taught we cling to doctrine and his traditions 2 thess 2;15 ) They say they just follow Jesus but the problem is... HOW do you follow Jesus really? Christ said in TRUTH ( John 4;24 ) and how do you have that truth without keeping all of God's Word? John 17:17 Dean agrees with the heretic anabaptist men ( keeping man made traditions ) that say Jesus Words are more important then the rest of the bible and that is a total lie! Christ said we live by ALL of God's Word Matt 4:4 see the Hutterites exposed here as a false man made way: 3) Dean has taken over as the President of Sattler college. This school is making a mockery of God's truth in many ways. One HUGE example is they named it Sattler college after Michael Sattler. He was a man who stood against the pagan way of eating Jesus REAL blood and body of Jesus ( that Dean teaches/unites to ) In fact, Michael Sattler was brutally tortured and killed over that doctrine he opposed, yet they name a school after him that teaches the very same heresy he died for! See Taylors fb post here about visiting a place with Michael Sattler letters ... and Taylor calls it a real treat! Folks, do you think Mr Sattler / his relatives would think it a real treat they named a college after him that teaches the very bloody paganism he stood against and was BUTCHERED/MURDERED for? ( this is like naming a abortion clinic after a man who stood against abortion and was killed over it. In truth, it is a mockery! ) Note: Never mind we should NOT be lifting up men at all but CHRIST alone! 4) Dean is in a group of men ( Finny Kuravilla, Matthew Milioni, David Bercot ) who lift up the unbiblical early church fathers on a equal par with God's inspired Word. This is more heresy! See this article on that topic in the process: 5) Both Sattler ( Taylor by association ) and FOTW have loose hypocritical standards for biblical dress, head covering and money. Note: See the FOTW testing link where I prove Finny ( Sattler's founder ) tells you to give away your extra stuff, while he manages $3.9 billion dollars for ultra rich people, all for his mutual fund gain! ****************************************************************************** Want to see how ecumenical/undiscerning and unbiblical Dean really is? He is attending a conference at a Baptist Church that teaches the demonic doctrine of Calvinism... once saved always saved! This is a worldly, unbiblical, feminized body but anabaptist / hutterite Dean still goes there to unite to them totally against God's Word that teaches we warn and avoid them, not unite to them. **************************************************************************** Dean calls Greg Gordon his good brother. Gordon united to that once saved always saved Baptist church for speaking / a conference. Gordon promotes heretics all over his sermon index page like Francis Chan, Charles Finny, Augustine, murderer John Calvin, false prophetess Ellen White and sinless perfection heretic Jesse Morrell on FB ( see the pics ) A biblical testing of Greg Gordon is here to warn the saints: How can these men ( Dean ) be trusted for truth with such compromised unbiblical ways? It is shameful, sinful spiritual harlotry and heresy .... nothing less! ***************************************************************************** I do not know what else you need to see to prove that Dean Taylor jumped out of the heretical unbiblical evangelical system and right into another ditch of corrupt ecumenical anabaptism of man. My testings prove that Mr. Taylor along with his body FOTW & Sattler college are unbiblical, paganized, feminized, ecumenical and heretical in various ways. Please use what I have documented here ( including the many links ) test it and keep yourself pure from their heresy and false ways lest you bring God's wrath upon you. ***************************************************** See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith. |
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January 2025