Finny Kuruvilla runs Followers of the Way / Sattler College (along with Matthew Milioni). They have a corrupt gospel (lacking a focus on Christ crucified) they teach baptismal regeneration, mysticism in the bread and wine, ecumenicalism, worldliness and massive money hypocrisy and many other sins this testing exposes. ******************* See Finny's and Matthew's confused gospel HERE. ********************************************** Update March 2023 In this following link, I show you how Sattler college has united to IWU, who practices worldly harlotry, via women's volleyball. Sattler College seems fine uniting to it. How shameful. ********************************************* March 2023 Go to this link HERE to see Matthew Milioni's new son in law and the carnality they promote (including biblical nakedness). ********************************************** Dec 2022 Go to this link and see a video of Finny's wife saying how much you store up in wealth shows your heart. Since Finny is a multi millionaire (sits on 8 billion investment dollars) I guess we know his heart, as proof right from his own wife. ****************************************** Oct 2022 At this link see Matthew Milioni (on video) admit they are using seeker friendship false evangelism ways: ****************************************** Dec 2022 Go to this link to see their headcovering hypocrisy as they don't teach what they say they teach. ****************************************** Oct 2022 Go to this link to see more evidence of their worldly material hypocrisy. (Eijah Milioni polishing expensive doors for pay.) ( Click HERE) ************************************ Sept 2022 See FOTW / Anabaptists exposed for the issue of gluttony here: ****************************************** August 2022 Reports online say that Sattler college leadership may be in disarray? We're waiting for Sattler to give an answer on this. See the details at this link: ************************************* July 2022 Sattler college hires a violent man (Dave Eicher) to work with their students. This carnal man makes songs about sexual predators and talks about paying to have people blow up monuments in the confederate south. See his facebook as evidence. I've witnessed it firsthand. ****************************************** They are very heretical and..... confused at FOTW ************************************* They are very heretical and..... confused at FOTW Finny Kuruvilla runs Followers of the Way / Sattler College. (Along with Matthew Milioni.) They have a corrupt gospel (lacking a focus on Christ crucified / teaching baptismal regeneration / mysticism in the bread and the wine) and many other sinful ways this testing exposes. ********************************************** They are very heretical and..... confused at FOTW One of their core tenents is humility but in great hypocrisy, Finny dresses up in fancy robes! This testing shows the unbiblical ways of Followers of the Way Boston. This testing will show you that they have a confusing gospel with much sin and be warned of. *************************** Update August 2022 See this link that proves Sattler college sent students to Asia to work for a Christian company that promotes anti-christ Islam. *************************** Update August 2022 Sattler college promotes murderous Luther, Calvin and posts graven images of the Lord. ******************************* Update March 2022 Sattler college / FOTW founder (Finny) his money fund executive linked to adult movie / porn company via his board membership. Go to this link and see it all detailed. ********************** May 2022 Go to this link to see the massive hypocrisy of FOTW / Sattler College involving not storing treasures on earth, praying in public and their vain foot washing ritual. ********************** April 2022 Here you will find a review on Finny's book: King Jesus Claims His Church. This review confirms the heresy and false teaching we have exposed over the years. ********************** Followers of the Way use a spiritual assessment in their body. Go to this audio where I tell you the heresy and hypocrisy of it as they look to control who enters the kingdom of God, or not. ********************** This link shows how FOTW / Anabaptists teach that Paul taught men to sin by marrying unbelievers. ************************* This link shows how Dean Taylor does a terrible teaching on divorce and remarriage 1 Corinthians 7. It also shows FOTW / Sattler College's hypcrisy on 'hands off' dating. Here's a testing of a FOTW friend and his hypocrisy regarding his association to them. See the following link for details: While millionaire Finny spends $30 million on a college no one needs. What wasteful hypocrites! Matthew Milioni asks CAM for $250,000 for refugees, while Finny spends millions on a college no one needs. See the link for details. Hypocritical Sattler College requires face masks but not biblical headcoverings. Here's another link that shows the great waste (millions) and money mismanagement of FOTW but they continue to ask the public for cash donations. Dean Taylor of FOTW says PSA and Christus Victor are compatible? Followers of the Way Matthew Milioni promotes New Age Emergent Sodomite condoning Author (see updates) Finny and his huge money hypocrisy! The following is a biblical testing of FOTW Boston/ Finny, Matt Milioni, Sattler College and others. But first some updates, then the facts of their false gospel and many sins further on into this post: Before you read this see this disclaimer We at are biblical New Testament followers of Christ who have left the denominational man made religious world, we preach Christ crucified, we reject the ways of the culture like TV, sports, entertainment, our ladies head cover / dress (in loose, plain dresses) men in tunics, according to the Word of God, we reject all pagan ways like Christmas and Easter and we cling to ONLY the biblical church ways that Jesus ordained through Paul and the other apostles. We believe and will practice only holy, orderly controlled OPEN gatherings (mostly in homes or out doors) where all born again obedient men can bring what God gives them to share. No ONE man is in control but multiple men shall over see (elders) not lord over others. My wife and I travel to preach the Word and we are spreading the Lord's truth and Kingdom. We support ourselves and ministry and we will NOT sell any of God's truth! (We have sold off most of our things to be more mobile as full time van dwellers witnessing all over America.) Call or email me anytime to discuss this testing. Jim / Debbie 608-547-8162 / [email protected] Update Feb 2022 Finny Kuravilla provides $30 million dollars for heretical Sattler college, in great hypocrisy. Update Feb 2022 See John D Martin exposed HERE for hypocrisy. *****************************Feb 3 2022 Finny Promotes Lutheran Assassination of Hitler Man In a video called How to Achieve Acts 2 life Finny has the usual heretical ways: *He promotes D. Bonhoffer who was a heretic Lutheran and involved in the group trying to kill Hitler.... many times. *He comments how God required the death of first born sons once but FOTW totally deny the Father required Jesus die for mankind PSA. (they keep to heretical Jesus paid off satan/Christus Victor false ways) *He says people were drawn to the Acts 2 body because of joy and a almost PARTY like life. No sir! Acts 2:36;37 says they were convicted about killing Jesus and we know repentance/the gospel was being preached. Note: There was signs and wonders there in Acts with the Apostles. Where are Finny, Matthew and Charlton's miracles as so called aposltes? read on to see them exposed ************************************************** Update Jan 2022 Charlton Sweazy "so called" Apostle exposed. Testing to come. ****** Update Jan 2022 Matthew Milioni rejected me out right over pre conversion divorce as I tried to correct his various false ways. Now in a video called the Gift of Jesus; he is now openly promoting (along with Finny) a new age emergent heretic sodomite condoning author. Matthew and FOTW are taking many into the depths of apostasy and I must speak out! They unite to Allan Hirsch, a heretical false teacher who goes to burning man (a pagan event) and teaches many emergent doctrines of devils. read on to see FOTW exposed ***** Update Dec 27 2021 No this is not a poster for a skinny pants modern pastor convention It is a group of men (leaders) from Sattler College a "SO CALLED" biblical anabaptist college. They are in fact into feminization and MUCH MUCH heresy including a false gospel. (they cant even get biblical dress right) Read on to see FOTW exposed ******* Update Dec 2021 Selling God's Truth / Jesus made a WHIP (John 2) for these men's backs! Here is wicked anabaptist men who claim to be living like Jesus as they teach all kinds of false doctrine and THEY SELL BIBLE STUDIES for Mammon! (money) David Bercot (on the board at Sattler College) If you pay them enough money you get to join in to their video conference calls and even ask them questions. What compromised false hirelings they are! Here is a article on why its sinful to sell the things of God: By the way; the man behind it all Finny Kuravilla; sits on $6 billion dollars of a hedge fund; that he runs. They teach a false gospel and much heresy and they charge you for it all. ******************************************************************* Update Jan 2022 Sattler hires a worldly evangelical to be dean of anabaptist students. ******* Update Dec 26 2021 Matthew Milioni does a 1 hour 26 minute testimony video void of the entire biblical gospel to eternal life. Here is that gospel: But it is full of his past sinful life in great detail. I guess Matthews past gang life adventures are more important then Christ's shed blood or repentance or holiness or endurance. At about 1:02 he says Erica his wife heard Gods voice say He loved her. Do they believe in hearing God's audible voice today as that sounds NAR like? Then he goes on to say about 1:16 he had amazing experiences/encounters with the Lord and the presence of the Lord? This sounds very mystic like? Where in the NT word do we see anyone seeking being in God's presence? Here is a article that exposes that false idea: At the end; he prays (publically when Jesus said pray privately by the way) and mentions Jesus dying for mankind. Several years ago he said Jesus dying was not the gospel but repenting to the kingdom was the gospel on fb addressing my concerns I raised. Today he seems to be leaning towards Jesus death more as is Finny??? Has Matthew adjusted his gospel or; is he a deceiver trying to woo people in with the appearance of a more biblical gospel? This is a deceiver group for sure so I wonder. Matthew calls his life; radical for Jesus. He lives in a big $600,000 house in Boston, he acts rude/snobby when challenged in truth, he has ecumenical ties to false religion and atheists, his son Elijah is a worldly liar, he supports a wicked compromised Sattler College, his pal Finny sits on $6 billion investment hypocrite dollars, they preach heresy of eating Jesus flesh literally and all the men dress / act like the world. How is that radical? It sure is not biblical.... read on to see them exposed for many unbiblical ways ******************* Update Dec 2021 Dean Taylor so VERY wrong on sectarianism! ************* Update June 2021 Finny (who runs a $6 Billion dollar money fund) says on video be PROUD of investing/storing up treasures on earth: read on to see them all exposed ************ Oct 2021 So this man gives his testimony at FOTW. In 20 minutes he NEVER mentions repenting or being born again but he does mention: a roman catholic heretics book by CS Lewis and that two of his close brothers (Finny is one) make a lot of money $$$$$ in vesting and he wants to as well. Then he tries to say they live radical for Jesus. Not sure why, they are just typical worldly lukewarm heretical anabaptist's. read on to see them exposed ************** Update Oct 2021 FOTW support Sattler CollegeThe rugged godly holy men of old risked their lives, boldly preached the gospel truth to the lost and lived hard lives of persecution and surrender to the Kingdom unto death! Today's feminized "so called" men of God to go cushy Sattler college and paint pretty pictures with women in a park in their free time and they do not preach the gospel truth! *********** Update May 2021 Finny gets a scripture twister award over Phil 4:8 (he says it is about seeing good in others and allowing division in the body) ********************* Update May 2021 Sattler now gives a platform to a...... anti-christ muslim! Paul says warn and avoid heretics in Titus 3 but Sattler welcomes them in to discuss/debate! They are a wicked group of warned! **************** Update Feb 2021 I warned you about this wicked/sinful group! FOTW/Finny promotes the false gospel, sodomite/lesbian approving emergent church leader Allan Hirsch in on eof his talks Here is Allan dressed up at pagan burning man festival. He says the world mostly thinks.... Jesus is cool! Allen's wife Debra is into sex counseling and they both of approve sodomy / lesbianism in believers. See the testing with VILE details about these wicked people that Finny promotes! read on to see them exposed for much sin ..... ****************** FOTW LOVE their pet/false divorce and remarriage doctrine: I recently had email communication with Mr. Miloni where he lies/twisted God's Word.. See Matthew refuted on his unbiblical pet doctrine HERE. ************ Update Nov 2020 Under Dean, Bercot and Finny.... Sattler continues its heresy: Calling a roman catholic (heretics) Christians..... this is ecumenical and wicked. Roman Catholics killed anabaptists 500 years ago and are a heretical false group with a false gospel. read on to see them exposed as in much sin **************** Finny ( FOTW/Sattler's founder ) has hypocritical views on money as he claims we should all live on little but; he manages $6 billion dollars for rich people to get richer???? Here he is teaching about "giving away your extra tunic", then you can see his company Even tide (that he started) hires men to help ULTRA HIGH NET worth people make even more money!!!! Oh, the height of hypocrisy in this man and FOTW! Also... Finnys company links every year to the worldly carnal false heretical ways of the evangelical world via money conferences with various false teachers/singers like Chris Tomlin who sang there: They sell out the truth of God for money!!!! *********** Nov 2020 Finny does a teaching and says the gospel is Jesus death, burial and resurrection: Here is Matthew Milioni saying to me that the gospel is NOT Jesus cross....... read on to see FOTW exposed ********** Update Aug 2020 More ill fruit of Matthew / FOTW... Elijah Milioni (Matthew's teen son) is a deceptive liar and even admitted by him as he was emailing me through fake names. ******************************* Update: Aug 2020 FOTW and Sattler College are CLUELESS once again! Sattler college puts on a porn addiction seminar with Pure Desire Ministries. This group teaches you can divorce/remarry as a believer after sexual failure, they teach a false evangelical gospel and they use NEW AGE IFS psychology therapy ways on people. Yet Sattler promotes them????? Matthew/Sattler/FOTW are social justice heretics and see that evil way exposed here: Matthew is their so called Apostle... The FOTW / dark kcm meme leader Matthew just keeps getting more heretical. Here he is posting a black mans speech so you can gain understanding and knowledge from him? James Baldwin was an atheist & sodomite! Here is what is very hypocritical of this all. When I reached out to Matthew in 2018 and I wanted to just cling to God's Word for truth, he told me I was wrong / bringing all my false preconceived ideas. He rejected my views as a Christ follower and mocked me yet; he promotes anti-christ sodomites openly. Is this the fruit of a wicked man? ************************ Massive hypocrisy of dark kcm page. Here is a man being told.... NO VIOLENCE. Yet one of the admins David Eicher is saying on video he will pay to blow up southern monuments and burn down buildings! Hear it for yourself right below at the link on David Eicher Exposed...... Read Matthew 23 ...God HATES hypocrites dark kcm ones! David Eicher / Violent Hypocrite Anabaptist Dark Memer Exposed Matthew (a so called Apostle of FOTW) Milioni and feminized house rises up on Dark KCM page! I was just telling my godly wife (who would NEVER take to rebuking a preacher/bible teacher) that is was only a matter of time before Matthew Milioni's house shows more ill fruit and here it is in feminism. His wife Erica had to chime in on me and remarriage yet; she knows NOTHING of the facts or my divorce / pre-convertion life. (I was the chief of sinners for sure) Notice: how she paints a planted lie in this picture of a man who abandoned his wife and small children for another woman: Fact: I was a unregenerated man yet; I still labored and took care of my children for 16 years....all the way to age 18. (they actually came to live with me some years later) The facts of my pre Christ divorce are meaningless if you know the biblical gospel and have good theology. Here is the rest of her lie planting meme: (Erica learned to lie from Matthew or him from her?) Like Matthew and his lies, like their son Elijah with his email deceptions and like David Eicher and his lies (read on to see all those) Erica is painting a "picture that is a lie"! 3 things: 1) My past before Christ is done away with and I am NEW / 2 Cor 5:17 (what part of ALL things are made new do they not grasp folks?) 2) here is my article that exposes their false theology on remarriage in a pre conversion situation: 3) Here is my drawing for Erica since she felt the need to come interject herself in theology which is not her place: We love you Erica and in truth; you are married to and united to a bunch of heretics. Repent! Ps since Erica has interjecting yourself, maybe she will now post on Dark KCM and explain for all of us why you live in a house worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and how your leader Finny can sit on $3.9 billion in money and be preaching give it all away to live like Jesus? We shall wait since all the men at FOTW are Rev 21:8 cowards to fess up an answer (including your heretic husband) ********************************************************** FOTW is united to Sattler College Their Sattler website says they do not discriminate against sexual orientation. As a so called Christian college; does this mean they will let in practicing sodomites and lesbians to take classes? Or is it all so they can be tax exempt? I have asked Dean Taylor, Finny and Bercot.... no replies! See the link at the end that exposes Sattler! I think this topic needs this drawing ..... They teach wrong theology on divorce and remarriage See that exposed here: FOTW so called apostle Matthew Milioni is part of a dark meme page... read on to see it exposed Matthew Milioni is so dark, he was quick to post about the killing of a black man by police including posting links to the radical black lives matter group But after days of people rioting in Minneapolis, NOTHING from Matthew denouncing that violence! He is a Matt 23 hypocrite! ********************************* Go here to listen to a audio on why this must be exposed: ****************************************** FOTW are non resistance false hypocritical teachers...... Matthew and Finny: Update May 2020 I have asked Matthews brother Finny K. some direct questions about Matthew's anti christ talks, DKCM's carnality, his $6 billion dollar Eventide fund and their big homes but; he has yet to answer at all. I know he got my email as his worker at Eventide emailed me and said she passed it on to him. read on to see much exposed ******************************************* So I looked back in to DKCM I am now calling them the Dark Kingdom Corrupt Meme page! Matthew ( Finny's fellow Apostle ) is all excited about a WAR video that was posted w/ scriptures... Yet this group stands totally against all "violence and war" but the video is all violence and war and Milioni.... LOVES IT!!! And his young son is on the Christian gamer page posting his adoration of..... war video games? I do not make this stuff up, so sad! Mathews house really needs to be put in order. See Titus 1 God sees and knows what sinful hypocrites they are, please be warned! **************************************************************************** It is with a heavy heart but a love for God and my neighbor that I do this testing. We do have things in common with this group but far too many unbiblical ways divide us as well. see John 4:24 Note: if any man from FOTW ( besides Matthew M. as I must reject contact with him till he repents pubically ) want to correct any of the facts I have stated, email me and I will adjust what you show me... biblically.... I have in error. Truth matters to me. Jim / [email protected] ( sadly; various men of the FOTW ( besides Matthew M. sent me FB jabs but not one would call or email me directly to talk bible truth, not one! ) ************************************************ I ran across this body of believers in Boston online and reached out to one of its teachers Matthew Milioni. ( Finny Kuravilla another leader there never emailed me back ) Note: I have never met or been a part of them nor do I know anyone that was a part of them. I reached out to see if we could unite with them but learned quickly, that was impossible to do if we want to cling to scripture. Communicating with Matthew was very interesting and quite disturbing to say the least. At first he was VERY kind/loving until I simply stood against his false ways then it got quite ugly/he lied. In love I say this; If he is the fruit of this body, I fear for them all. See a link on Matthew at the end of this post. Finny ( FOTW/Sattler's founder ) has hypocritical views on money as he claims we should all live on little but he manages $3.9 billion for rich people in his mutual fund. It is true ....Matthew Milioni and Finny believe they are drinking Jesus mystical REAL BLOOD! (per Matthew) read on to see them exposed as unbiblical in may ways.... ********************************************** Matthew is part of this vile DKCM page. ********************************************* Update April 2020 Folks, that is a terrible thing to say about another man. I have NEVER Shown any hatred at all and I deem no one to hell, never have. This is about false theology and truth not hate. Matthew cannot answer in the Word (2 years since I emailed him and asked him to give a answer, nothing?) as he again turns to adhom attacks. (he told FB people I was deranged and dangerous in 2018, then days later he invited me to Boston for coffee?) He has such a dark evil heart; when you expose him! (see the link on Matthew below for all the proof including his fb posts) Repent Matthew... repent. (I fear they need to be born again bu their ill fruit) *********************************************************************** Update April 2020 In more MASSIVE hypocrisy, DKCM's Matthew posts a video on FB of David Bercot exposing another teachers false doctrines. (keep in mind Matthew has told me it is prideful and wrong to test and expose others, when I tested/exposed him and FOTW) In fact, he mocked and made fun of it all, then he lied on FB. So... let me get this straight; is ok for David Bercot, Matthew and saints of old to test and warn others of a false teachers; but when dontperish does it (like to them) it is prideful and wrong? Matthew 23 "hypocrites" they are....... read on..... ************************************************ Update April 2020 Matthew Milioni really needs to get his house in order and spend less time on memes/with atheists and more with his son. This is the fruit of these people, so sad! His minor son admits to emailing me under different accounts ( acting deceptive ) *I told you this group was full of false ungodly people. He is lying as well, just like his dad. Apples do not roll far from the tree do they! ********************************************* Feb 2020 Jesus said go preach the gospel and make disciples teaching them to obey all the commands. Mark 16 / Matt 28 Matthew seems to like to waste his time on the internet with atheist talks and such VITAL kingdom topics like this ... Walmart self check out lanes!!! With men like Matthew out there fighting for such things, the enemy satan must be shaking in his fire boots. ( NOT really! ) Matthew seems to dislike companies making profit. When will his close brother Finny stop making profit off of $3.9 billion dollars in his Eventide fund that he over sees for rich people? Why don't you blog about that Finny... you hypocrite! Milioni seems spiritually more dead all the time... repent Matthew repent! red on to see him tested .... ******************************************** Jan 2020 Here Matthew Milioni shows what heretics they are as they cling to unbiblical doctrines on baptism / Lords supper: This shows why they are heretical / a roman catholic like group to be voided. ********************************************** Update Dec 2019 In love, I must call out Finny! In this video... Talking in the Chasm Exposed Matthew Milioni is now doing talk video's with his BEST Friend a ANTI- Christ atheist man.... and having FUN doing it! Matthew is a vile profane man void of the spirit of God by all of his ill fruit. Jesus nor Paul would EVER entertain such anti christ men in this way! read on to see him / FOTW exposed ********************************************* Update Sept 2019 If you want to see how very unbiblical, heretical and undiscerning FOTW are; see this promotion they placed on FB Fact: E Stanley Jones ( heretical Methodist missionary ) is the man who worked in India, adored the anti Christ man Gandi and he brought the practice of Ashrams ( spiritual retreats that allowed total ecumenicalism to protestantism. Jones called Jesus ..the GURU of his ashram. It is shameful!!! Jones wanted to make Jesus pallitable to Indians so he adopted many Indian ways and in so doing he smeared God's truth to the point of calling Hindus and Muslims his brothers.
I have a article coming here that refutes this all using Gods Word As you can see Matthew, Finny and FOTW promote this type of heresy! Read on to see them exposed..... ************************************************* What I learned right from their own teachings and Matthew was while they appear to be biblical in various areas ( outside appearance in some of them / not Finny ) they have various UNBIBLICAL/heretical ways and in this they are dangerous in their theology. For the following reasons I would NOT recommend anyone to take part in them or allow them to teach you God's truth. 1) They have a perverted gospel message that down plays the cross/blood of Christ and lifts up the sermon on the mount ways ( works ) as their gospel. Matthew told me himself the gospel is not Jesus death and resurrection for sins while Apostle Paul said this: Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel. 2 Tim 2:8 Paul also preached Christ crucified!!!! ( and not once used the term gospel of the kingdom ) See this article that exposes their incomplete gospel: The FOTW preach a false/incomplete gospel and have been infected with the lie of the heretical social gospel message it seems! See the biblical gospel below.... 2) They study, quote and view the so called "early church fathers" as equal to scripture for truth ( that is a lie as many of them were heretics and led to the Romans catholic false faith ) See a link on them at the end of this post 3) They teach the Roman Catholic heresy of Jesus in the bread and wine ( real presence ) This is pagan idolatry.... Jesus Creator a mere piece of Bread. See a link below on that 4) Finny Furuvilla one of the leaders started a college called Sattler College and it has various unbiblical ways including linking itself to Word of faith types. See a link exposing it below 5) they strive for a kingdom of God on earth via communal living and a focus on non resistance, no preconversion divorce/ remarriage while they ignore other key bible truths. See a link where we refute them on preconversion divorce / remarriage 6) While Mathew rejects the anabaptist name as they differ with them on various issues, they gladly take Mennonnite / CAM money$$$$$ to do work over seas, they say we should give away to the poor as they tell youth to spend up to $100,000 for a diploma and they receive anabaptists into their college. This is just a few of their glaring hypocrisies I did see in testing them. 7) They link to and speak with a group called Kingdom Fellowship Weekend that spews heresy. ( Matthew was there on stage and was silent to the heresy spoken ( a man said : Jesus being "created" or not is totally irrelevant????) They really teach that biblical doctrine is not that important as I show on their own video. See a link on them below 8) They seem quite feminized with ladies on their college leadership board and woman from this group (or FB friends) with them actively and rudely trying to teach and reason with me as a man. See the link on feminism below Matthew Milioni ( a teacher/fellow founder of FOTW/) I love and care about but in truth; was found to be a mean spirited, he lied about me, he gossiped on FB, he used name calling and he is a double minded man who ignores sin in his own brothers, but will strive hard for his unbiblical pet issues he has come to embrace. Note: and his FB friends honestly resemble a pack of wolves on a kill but they too ignore sin and truth / they wont reason in it one on one. Matthew was nothing like the holy Titus 1 elder Paul describes in scripture. I saw the face of hypocrisy really in him! Romans 16.17 tells me to mark and avoid such men so I do. ( I have all of his emails to prove my claims ) I want better for him, but he refused my pleas and turned it all very ugly so I had to avoid communication directly with him. How sad.... I could say much more on them but this is a sample of why they are NOT in line with God's Word, they are a danger to Holy truth and are following a man made system of faith. Please avoid them and cling to Gods Word not these man made systems they have built. These links will help you see with evidence of what I have proclaimed: ( some are still in progress so be patient.... ) Do not be deceived by such groups. Jesus said many will come in His name. see Matt 24 Cling to God's Word for your truth and test all things to it including us. see 1 thess 5.21 See the gospel good news and our resources below and let us know how we can help you in the faith? God be praised Comments are closed.
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December 2024