We again peacefully street preached at Pinecraft / an anabapist carnal country club vacation place in Florida on Dec 30th 2023. You can see that preach with their shameful actions video / audio HERE with the true gospel and a link to many anabaptist false ways. They tried to interrupt/stop my preaching, they called the police on us for the 4th year in a row, their youth ran at us with loud motor bikes, flew drones at our faces / our small children (we did knock the drones out of the air twice as they were so close to our faces) they even followed and harassed us on the street with motor bikes as we left there and its in video. Not one older man stopped the mocking nor brought open bibles for truth seeking. They had no bible answers as usual proving that in general anabaptist's are wicked, dead and unbiblical in many ways. Meet Phil the Mann-onite While we were there a mannonite man named Phil tried to interrupt my preaching (he did not want a gospel card) but he was rejected and obviously he did not like that. He then went to do the same with my young brother who also rejected him. He later emailed me (with false words) and we both agreed I would answer it here as long as I correctly quote him. See his entire unedited email below in blue with my response below. (I have **** by my words) Judge rightly according to the Word of God..... will you? ****************************************************
I met you at the Pinecraft park last weekend and tried to talk to you but you weren’t into talking, just running everyone over. **** Let's be clear/truthful Phil. You lie. I ran over no one! You walked up in my face as I was preaching. You interrupted me as carnal fleshly men often do. I kindly offered a gospel card that you rejected. To me that shows the truth and what we proclaim is not important to you. You were told to listen or email me but you chose to go do the same thing with my young brother who was told to ignore you and he did. You need to tell the truth Phil but sadly; you anabaptist men are often in lies and truth smearing. Read 1 John 1:6-7 I do thank you for coming because it did do good in that it got some spiritual conversations going that otherwise would not have. ***** So you mean the fleshly carnal shuffle board, bochi ball, basket ball, bike riding and volley ball all got put on hold for Gods Word? I did not see that at all when there. By the way; unless those talks lead to real repentance and change, its in vain and you all will perish in sin and false ways. You worship God in vain per Jesus. Read Mark 7:6-9 I am sorry that some people responded in the flesh and did not turn the other cheek as Jesus taught. *** Yes but you were one of them Phil. You tried to stop my preaching and DEMANDED I talk to you then did the same with my brother. I never demand any preacher/person talk to me and I have NEVER interrupted a mans preaching. You are all fleshly/carnal and in danger of God's wrath. Go read 1 Cor 3 I can agree that it is sad there are some/many Anabaptists that have fallen asleep and have little to no interest in evangelism but there is still a remnant that do have an interest, but maybe not as “in your face” as you are. ***** Here you twist truth and basically lie Phil. Where are there ANY anabaptists preaching and living the true gospel vs their man made false ways I see all over, like you at Pinecraft? You are there living to good life not preaching the true gospel or calling out sin. Read Matthew 28;20 and the fact is; you Mannonites..... do not obey it. One of my greatest disagreements in listening to your preaching is you condemned anyone who has Mennonite or Amish attached to their name. **** Again you LIE Phil. We do not condemn but we preach the gospel and call out publically those who claim Jesus but live in sin like you Mannonites as scripture calls us to. Read 1 Tim 5:20 Yes, there was division in the Corinth church. This division was caused by individuals claiming to be of Paul, of Apollos, of Cephas, and of Christ. We don’t know what this was exactly like but I imagine in the same church there were clicks who associated themselves closer to one of those 4 men. This was not good. Christ is not divided. **** Your view of scripture proves why you are a mannonite today still as you lack spiritual understanding. Paul clearly says being named of men vs Christ is sinful. You are a MENNO-nite Phil.. named after a man, its sinful. Read 1 Cor 1 in full But if you look at the church today, is there division? Do all churches say the same thing? It’s very obvious Satan has entered in and deceived many. *** Yes division including your Mannonite ways today. You are as sinful and unbiblical as the rest Phil. Wake up to sound doctrine that saves you. Read 1 Tim 4:16 Some of the most vile sins are tolerated and exalted in some churches (IE homosexuality). There is little preaching against sin. ****** Do you realize God hates pride in your looks / dress (anabaptist's are full of that) as much as He hates sodomy Phil? Anabaptists keep much sin as the Pinecraft preach exposed over and over. Read Prov 6:17 as your lying tongue is an abomination. What is the true child of God to do? He needs to be part of some true church. What name are you going to call that church? ****** God's true children are par of of Him and keep His ways; NOT Mannonite ways. What did God tell us to call His body Phil? You send me a verse on that? (is the body/ekklesia of Christ not good enough for you?) Hundreds of years ago some of these believers simply called themselves “the brethren”. The world called them by other names. Some called them “Anabaptists”, but they refused this title because they didn’t consider baptizing someone who was baptized as an infant a second baptism. They were not re-baptizing because they were never baptized to begin with. Other insulting names were given these people. Later some called them Mennists, then Mennonites. These believers didn’t want that name but after a period of time the name stuck. It wasn’t a name they choose but a name the world gave them. ***** You are so full of deception/excuses Phil. You say the name you take and claim today was given to you all and what, you do not want it? You cannot be serious! You all keep it, defend it and plaster it on your buildings/literature. What if they called you idiot-ites... would you cling to that name too today? You want a cloak or for sin but you have NONE! Repent and read John 15:22 These believers never put Menno on a pedestal like Mormons or JW’s put Joseph Smith and Charles Russell on one. I am sure Menno Simmons never wanted a church named after himself. **** Oh indeed.... Menno would rebuke you as a carnal, weak, sinful, effeminate man for NOT standing against that name today. You types are a mere shell of the men that came before you. Repent Phil.... Read Luke 13:3 I wish the name “the brethren” would have stuck and the world would not have labeled us as Mennists or Mennonites. Through time we accepted their name because that’s the only way they would know who we were. I don’t see this as sin. **** Your bible vision proves you have not God as His people can discern sin, good and evil as they are spirit led. And you prove who you are... a Manno-nite vs a biblical Christian. You are lip and man made tradition led Phil. Read Matt 15 ... lips but hearts far from truth This is quite different than the division in the Corinth church over claiming to be of Paul, Apollos, etc. When you meet someone and ask them if they’re a Christian, one of the next natural questions is to ask what church do you go to? Why do we ask that? Because if we know what church they go to then we can have an idea what else they might believe. Do they pray to Mary? Were they baptized as a child? Do they believe in Calvinism? It’s sad there are so many churches with false teachings but it’s just the way it is. I don’t see anywhere in Scripture that having a name to your church is sin. ******* Paul said DONT name yourself after men and you do! You are in sin Phil. Repent..... This naming is only important when there are 40,000 flavors of false Christianity. If you live, and stand for the truth people can SEE who you are of or not. You and your Mannonite ways make you more like the world / false religion then you think. Your cultural dress, pagan holidays, love of mammon, your feminism, pursuit of carnal past times, lack of gospel living/preaching and lack of love for true saints shows who you are as corrupt trees. Read Matthew 7 about good trees Phil . I would like to give you this advice. **** Stop here...I reject all your advise as you are a man who lives in many wilful sins. I wont lay my hands or counsel near you Phil..... Read 1 Tim 5;22 If you stick to only Gospel truth, the Anabaptist people will not ridicule you as much and will be more open to your message. **** You are a liar again as I have preached there and all over the anabaptist places/to them in public the true gospel and they hate it. It opposes the anabaptist life as you are not IN and living the saving gospel Phil. Your types HATE the true gospel as it destroys your man made Manno ways. He is coming to destroy you Phil lest you repent. Read 2 Thess 1:7-9 When you preach “you’re going to hell because you call yourself a Mennonite” you have just lost your credibility because there is no Biblical support for a statement like that. **** Your lies are building Phil. I told no one they are going to hell just over the name. I preached a boat load of sin you all keep. Go watch the videos and hear the audios. (Jesus warned them about washing of pots and cups???) The name is a smaller issue vs all of your heresy that anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear can discern. People know having the world call you Mennonite is far different than the division in 1 Cor. 1. **** It is exactly that Phil; its sin and you call yourself it, stop lying! You lead with a mans name; NOT Christ's. Shame on you sir! You are old like me and should know better but that takes the spirit of God that you greatly lack. Spend less time on salsa selling and more in the Word. You do have some other good points. Jacob Ammann would not have spent his days at the shuffleboard court. **** Yet ...you go there and unite to it all? You are the drunk telling drunks, it's wrong. What a hypocrite you are sir! Read Matthew 7 on judging rightly Phil. There is quite a bit of worldliness in some Mennonite churches. **** More Phil twisting of truth. All of the thousands of anabaptists I know are unbiblical, false gospel minded, mammon hungry, carnal for fun and full of man made traditions that they defend in great sin. I know not one that is fully biblical or trying to be, not one! Read 2 Tim 3 and 2 Tim 4 about the last days and false converts all over.... If you stick to a true Gospel message like this your preaching could be a lot more effective. A preacher may preach a 90% sound Biblical message but if they are incorrect on 10% of their message they just lost all their credibility. It is absolutely imperative that you stick to a 100% Biblical message ****** Let me get this straight, you are all vacationing in Pinecraft in the flesh and you all admit you have various sins and issues but your valid through it all? But... I am not valid over one small point( a lie) that you claim. You are the massive hypocrites arent you Phil? Read Matt 23 Jesus hates that .... In love, Phil In truth ...repent or you will perish Phil. Tupos www.dontperish.com See the biblical gospel here that saves: https://www.dontperish.com/the-gospel.html See anabaptist's exposed here with many posts for their false ways: https://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/search/label/Anabaptist%27s%20Exposed Comments are closed.
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September 2024