(Here is Sean with fake jesus from the Chosen who went to Lonnie Frisbee's grave and did grave sucking and he is roman catholic but Sean promotes him. Go to this link HERE as we exposed The Chosen miniseries as a heretical nightmare. ) Sean has a false NAR gospel, is a Christian Nationalist, he is getting rich off his false jesus/fake revivals and he teaches much heresy. I have rebuked him to his face as I preached outside at two of his events. Read on to see it all documented at links below! Sean goes on TV and helps a movie star PROMOTE the pagan Roman Catholic faith that cannot save anyone! UPDATE: In this link HERE, see how Sean is promoting 'so called' hollywood revival via new age mystic Jim Carrey. At the link you can hear audio of Jim Carrey promoting a false Christ. This is the exact audio that Sean promoted on twitter, claiming revival in hollywood. Carrey and Feucht are promoting a false Jesus. The following testing is to warn you about this false heretical man. I have preached outside his events and rebuked him to his face in love. See video links of that below.... Sean Feucht has practiced the occult way of grave sucking. See a picture of him doing it above. Sean is not about biblical Christianity but of a fleshly emotional heretical NAR false jesus/false light gospel that deceive's! Sean is pushing fleshly music, fake jesus, politics, signs/wonders and false spirits that Apostle Paul talked of: For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. 2 Cor 11:4 *Biblical worship is a holy life lived daily obeying the scriptures, coming out of the world, cultural ways of pride, vanity, dress/actions/entertainment and leaving man made churchianity to keep the NT model. Sean only offers fleshly musical shows and calls it worship when it is NOT! A big issue with Sean is his easy believe false gospel and his NAR emotional mysticism, & false music ways! (see his heresy documented at the end of this testing) **************** Update August 2022 Sean Feucht was on facebook asking for money for orphans ($39 month). It is reported he has bought 2 homes at $1million each and has taken in 5 million dollars in his ministry. He's selling God for mammon. ************************ Sean Feucht speaks out against sexual perversion in the culture (we agree) but then he unites to men like Charlie Kirk who is united to a man that is openly gay. (That man is married to another man, adopting children with him and speaks at Kirks conferences.) See the street preaching I did at his latest event in Wisconsin in Sept 2021 here where his people/fans got fleshly and in my face and the police had to show up. See that HERE. ***Read on to see how demonic spirits are at work in his gatherings with a video of slain in the spirit and so called holy laughter at the Marshfield event! Sean posted us on FB again and God will use it for His glory! Note: he posts his events all over the internet so; he is foolish to ask how we found out about it. Also, both of his events I preached at he was right in my preaching path, I do not follow him. (I travel and street preach full time) I preach where I am led, where it makes sense based on timing and location. He is pride filled in so many ways to think I follow him! There are plenty of false teachers to expose and lost to reach with the gospel, that he does not reach. (by the way; I am not your friend Sean as you are a enemy to the gospel truth!) See my street preaching videos and many audios of our time at his false unbiblical Billings event where I rebuked him (1 Tim 5:20) to his face in love HERE. ******************************************** Feucht is into false jesus, false gospel, slain in the spirit, false holy spirit count downs, staged alter calls, emotional hype music, unbiblical tongues, signs and wonder chasing, occult omen, violence and more heresy that will damn him! "His events are "worship of emotional worship" NOT worship of the One True Holy God" which is obeying Him, His way daily in holiness and obedience to the Apostles doctrines. Heb 5:9.... He made the way for those who obey Him. Go to the end of this post to see the true gospel to life and a 10 point test links for your faith and body. You MUST repent and be made new to holiness and obedience NOT this fleshly emotionalism! Note: I went to Sean's Billings, Mt music event in 2021 to street preach in love and call them to repent of this emotional false/fake jesus. Videos here and audios HERE. ***We love them all and pray they repent and that is why we go to preach. If they do repent, we are there to help them. First see updates below, then the many biblical reasons he is in sin and to be avoided per Romans 16:17. *********************************************************** Sean Feucht is a unbiblical heretical "omen" chasing carnal NAR musician going around the country having so called worship events and claiming to be bringing people to God. In truth, I believe he is a dangerous occult heretic/false teacher! (Note: Sean was sent this testing and I will post his response/correction if any here unedited. Sean claims revival is here but the bible speaks of NO such thing in the last days but it does talk of many false teachers rising up to deceive and that is Mr Feuchts. See this article on no revival in scripture HERE. To date; he is hiding from giving a answer to this testing. He is heretical and linked to the occult Bill Johnson / NAR groups.... read on to see it all proved.... ***************************** June 2022 See Seans heretical association with NAR Lou Ingle who says "it is finished" means the end of abortion. That is a heretical lie as 'it is finished' is about Christ's death on the stake and his finished work for His people. ******************************** Jan 2022 When false teachers like Sean say their writing books and selling them is NOT about the money or promoting themselves: *****Only $12.29 on Amazon**** What is really true; it's ALL about the money and promoting themselves! read on to see him exposed ****************Jan 2022 More damning evidence against this false man Sean: He puts on a New Years event and has Ron D. Florida Governor there then gives him a freedom award and calls him a man of God! So I guess doctrine and truth matter not but Jesus said it is a... MUST in John 4:24 DeSantis is a pagan heretical roman catholic that unites to Hindus and anti Christ Jewish faith systems and now the occult NAR in Feuchts. Sean then calls for a future healing of his wife's cancer. I thought they could heal so why didn't he heal her on the spot? Sean can be seen giving away guitars that bring so called revival??? Then marching thru Miami with his lost followers chanting jesus....jesus... jesus! No truth, no repentance of all sin, no holiness .... or obedience no doctrine.... just showing fleshly false light ways. Sadly they have a false jesus 2 Cor 11:4 that cannot save them. Feuchts also continues to push his occult numerology to the number 22. (numerology is occult) He is a unbilical train wreck and a master deceiver growing in popularity as he builds his heretical ecumenical false jesus ways in these last days. read on to see him exposed ****************************** Update Dec 2021 Sean is a scripture twister ...see it here: God ONLY has Israel as His nation! Fuecht's is a heretic dominionist Christian Nationalist. Beware of him as he lacks the biblical gospel, he is of the NAR cult and he is a media whore / prideful man. See Christian Nationalism exposed HERE. read on to see Him exposed ********************************** Update Sept 2021 Sean has heresy/demonic false spirits at work in his gatherings. He thinks music/guitars is how we battle satan and sin and that is a fleshly lie: In a video we saw Sean with his lies (roaring like a lion) and a lady slain in the spirit laughing at his event proving its mystic/occult and not of God! HERE's an article proving that slain in the spirit is not of God. read on to see him exposed ******************** Update Sept 2021 Sean shows his heart and calls this lost sinful woman .....crazy. How loving of him! Update Sept 2021 Want to see the swill that comes out of Sean's home church NAR occult Bethel in California? One of the co pastors years ago says woman's hyman's are growing back, hundreds at a time! That is Sean's heretical co-pastor at work! read on to see him exposed ****************** Update: Sept 26 2021 Sean came to Marshfield Wis and so because we were in the area street preaching at Cranfest, we went to preach at his event. He is sponsored by this unbiblical religious body called North Ridge Church. We then went to peacefully hold signs on public property and warn any who will listen of his heresy and false ways. I have videos of the days event preaching here to edify the saints. See carnal men get in my face and the police show up. See Sean's demonic security guards laugh about killing people. See pastor Preston get rebuked and sent away on video at this link HERE. I am thankful they did not shoot us as; Sean has threatened to kill people at his events who cause any issues! (yes, see it documented below!) He is a violent, vile, patriot idolator and God hates those who love violence. See Psalm 11:5 Sean is spiritually drunk on his false music (so called worship) fake revival and his political lust for freedom! See my article below on why David dancing once, does NOT apply today in the New Covenant! We fear God not man so, we trust in the Father for His will! Stay tuned here for a update of the days events. read on to see Sean exposed for many false ways / sin...... ****************************** Update Sept 2021 Go to this link HERE and see Sean's Spanish friend calling down so called FIRE of God! This is all a sham as God does not operate this way in the NEW. This is link with a silly video of Sean and him then articles exposing the is fake fire of God. Do not be deceived, this is emotional hype and snake NAR snake oil salesman ways! read on to see Sean exposed as a heretical false teacher **************************************** Sept 2021 Sean associates with pure mystic heretics of the NAR as proven below as Bill Johnson of the occult Bethel church who is his pastor: And here is more of his heretical false associations: He links to pagan roman catholics who have false jesus He links to this heretic singer Kim Walker Smith who says she had visions of God dancing for her. Sean is feminized as he promotes lady teachers and he shows his wife off in harlotry not biblically covering herself up: They lack holiness and proper covering of their temples per God's Word. Do not be deceived by such men! Read on ..... ************************************** Aug 2021 Sean goes to unite to Greg Locke. See him exposed HERE for many NAR false ways. Note: both of these men have inferred if you come to take their 1st amendment free speech rights; they will answer with 2 amendment rights (that is guns) Is that of Jesus Christ????? read on to see Sean tested to the Word **************************** read on to see him tested to God's Word **************************** Aug 2021 Sean is linked to this unbiblical NAR, drunk in the spirit false man (Charles Karuku) who was on his stage. *Again, he is into IMPARTING things like "drunk in the spirit" and that is a occult false NAR occult way. It is NOT found in the NT body Christ ordained. See this article on that topic HERE. I spoke to Faruku myself and he is not a biblical man of God. ******************************************** Aug 2021 Is Sean a wicked man who will use VIOLENCE/killing in God's name? Jesus said dust off your feet if people reject you but; Sean goes in there, gets body guards and threatens violence in return! Is it all for the media hype as he is making money off of these gatherings. I was there in Billings and I saw how they milk the crowd for cash and merchandise sales! This is NOT the spirit of God so who is it of I ask you? ******************************** Aug 2021 Sean has heretical associations that.... God hates. NAR Cindy Jacobs is on his Burn 24-7 team and he is united to her tHere she is knocked out in kundulini occult ways at his Burn 24-7 event. She claims gold dust keeps falling on her face but she keeps asking for money? Cant she sell the gold dust as it is at $1800.00 a ounce now? (see her quote from a 2021 conference) When will gold dust fall on Sean's face so he can STOP bilking/taking money from teenagers and selling God on t-shirts as a musical hireling? (would Jesus would bring a John 2 whip to Sean's back?) Also, Sean is linked to a so called Doctor Charles Karuku at his false music events. (Karuku is a NAR Benny Hinn like snake oil salesman/ claimed healer / I spoke to him myself face to face) This man was involved in a claimed college UGCSI that was caught selling doctor degrees "for money" to African politican's. (see this article picture from a news source) Did Charles buy his degree from UGCSI too? Sean has so much sin and false ways, it is hard to believe he is so popular. Oh yes, the strong delusion is here and people following him are mostly deceived goats. See 2 Thess 2 read on to see him exposed and we pray he repents to save his soul. ********************************************* Aug 1 2021 See why this carnal man was upset at me at the Billings false event and how biblically wrong him / Sean are about their fleshly dancing, so called Joy in the Holy Ghost and the carnal music show. These audios teach the biblical truth vs their false fleshly deceiving ways: David Danced explained HERE. Biblical New Testament Joy explained HERE. read on to see Sean exposed as unbiblical...... **************************** Aug 1 2021 I went to his Billings event and rebuked him to his face and preach truth. See my street preaching videos and many audios of our time at his false unbiblical event HERE. ***************************** Update April 25 2021 Sean was in Missouri and his demonic craziness just goes on. Here are the people he draws, whipped into a fleshly frenzy via his emotional music and they felt so holy, so obedient to God ..... they decided to do: I used to do these carnal things when I was lost and of the world at pagan rock shows. They also had the usual slain in the spirit, shaking, so called healing's and strange manifestations as well. This is not of God. Repent Sean or God's wrath is coming for you all! read on to see him exposed Shameful Sean with his pride, vanity and feminine hair.... *************************************************************** Here is more on why Sean is false and in much sin: *He is a graduate of the Word of Faith heretic/occult Oral Roberts Universit Sean with the heretic Bethel crowd *He is part of the New Apostolic Reformation Bethel Church in California. They are a false gospel "demonic brand" of Christianity that uses false gospels, deceptive signs/wonders, mysticism, even grave sucking (getting power from dead people) and many other occult ways not keeping the full Word of God for truth. (Sean claims healings at his events but he is just another NAR snake oil salesman and Jesus warned of false signs in Matt 24) See NAR exposed HERE. *Sean sells MANY things of God for gain making him a wicked money changer that Jesus made a whip for in John 2. I saw it A LOT at his event as he passed buckets and begged for money to be texted to him. *The internet says Sean is a millionaire ($1-5 million dollar net worth) and where did he get his money; selling the things of God? *Sean does not preach a biblical gospel, he does not keep the NT ways and he uses unbiblical emotional repetitive music to hype up crowds in their flesh. This is NOT worship as God asks we OBEY Him in holiness to keep His ways not jump around in fleshly craziness! It is NOT of God for the NT body at all. See articles on the gospel, 10 point test on the true NT function and biblical music at our teaching blog HERE. *Sean is a deceiver as at times he does say "repent" but what is clear is he does not practice that (leaving all sin) nor does he teach people to repent obey all Jesus taught so how is that repentance at all? (he and his followers are worldly, carnal, heretical as they keep much false doctrine which is sin) * Sean teaches the fire of God ....(I saw it when I was there at his event but it is a twisted false way. This article HERE explains it in the Word. *Sean uses antic alter calls where they count 1,2,3 and the people all run like cattle to the alter. The Holy Spirit does NOT work this way! See it on our video's HERE while we were there, it is shameful. *Sean has these MAJOR NAR heretics "over seeing" him: Cindy Jacobs, Lou Engle and Heidi Baker per his Burn 24-7 website. *Sean seeks and claims a great revival is coming when the bible says a FALLING AWAY is in the last days. See a article about that HERE. *Sean practices/allows the occult way of slain in the spirit at his events. People fainting under so called God's power. This is NOT found in scripture but it is used by Hindu gurus. See these videos of Seans occult ways in Let Us Worship events and an article that has video's of Hindu gurus doing what he does. It is of satan NOT God. See an article below with video on slain in the spirit proving it is hindu like and demonic HERE. *Sean is seeking the presence of God but that is NOT biblical for today! See this article on that HERE. *Sean started a Burn 24-7 movement that is exactly like NAR heretic Mike Bickles group IHOP in Kansas City of non stop prayer. It is done to seek the presence of God but the bible says true born again saints have that inside of us already! (it is deceptive and demonic what they are seeking, a false jesus) See an article on that HERE. *Sean is into satanic numerology and omens that God forbids. The word of God warns against this in Deut 18: There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Here is more omen witchcraft chasing by Sean HERE is an article that exposes numerology as demonic. *Sean hangs around with a whole group of occult NAR heretics like Bill Johnson, Shawn Boltz, Lou Ingle, Kris Vallotton, Mike Bickle and Brian Houston of wicked Hillsong fame. *Sean is very political and he admits his friends/so called Prophets all missed it when saying Trump would be elected again . But he wrongly says if Trump wins in 2024, they can be redeemed. No Sean, they cannot be made correct! They said he would win / STAY in office the next 4 years and they were all FALSE prophets / false teachers; just like you sad to say! Repent Sean we love you.... Do not be deceived by such false heretic men!
If you fear God and know His word even just a little, you will see we are to mark and reject false heretics like Sean Feucht. Romans 16:17 says to mark then avoid him as he is part of the last days false teacher/signs and wonders Jesus warned of in Matt 24! See our resources below to help you out of this mass deception and into God's true NT body. Let us know how we can help you.... God be praised Comments are closed.
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September 2024